Monday, April 30, 2018

Strawberry Jam Sponge Cake

As I sat down to write up the recipe for this absolutely amazZzing Strawberry Jam Sponge Cake, I suddenly realized all of this month's posts have been more on the sweet than savory side. Yes, I am guilty of sharing mostly desserts (aka foods to satisfy your sweet tooth and soothe your soul). In full disclosure I am also guilty of attempting to convince you some of them are perfectly suitable for enjoying at breakfast! And I will probably try to cause you to rethink how you look at your morning meal again, particularly given THIS cake is made with both strawberry preserves and fresh strawberries. Because in my world both of those things qualify as acceptable breakfast food choices! Does anyone else subscribe to that way of thinking? Or what how about it's after dinner somewhere?

The inspiration for this recipe came from 'Donegal Table: Delicious Everyday Cooking', a new cookbook written by the cousin of the husband of my friend Rose.  Beyond generously sharing this book with me, she will periodically share with us photos of some of the most beautiful, breathtaking places in her home country of Ireland. Giving us proof the grass is really greener on the other side of the pond. Within seconds of receiving these borderline surreal photos, someone will almost instantly respond with 'my bags are packed, when are we leaving?'. While I genuinely believe we will all travel together to County Mayo and Donegal someday, making a recipe coming from Donegal let me and my imagination vicariously travel there.

While we are months away from having access to an overabundance of ripe, fresh strawberries here in the midwest, the quality of strawberries at the grocery stores has increased significantly in the past couple of weeks. And the ones I used in making this Strawberry Jam Sponge Cake were absolutely perfect.

In spite of not ever having made this recipe before I tinkered with it ever so slightly. Although I was a tad reluctant to use baking powder in a cake using self-rising flour, I decided to trust the recipe. I quantified a few drops of vanilla essence to half-teaspoon of vanilla extract and added a quarter-teaspoon of kosher salt to the sponge cake's ingredient list. For the whipped cream, I used the basic ingredient proportions found in Stella Parks's Make Ahead Whipped Cream to ensure my finished decorated cake wouldn't weep before it was served.

I don't know about you, but I find almost any cake made with fresh berries irresistible. 

In keeping with the original recipe, I used aster sugar instead of granulated sugar. However, if caster sugar isn't available or accessible, go ahead and use granulated sugar. You may just need to beat it slightly longer for it to reach a light, fluffy, creamy consistency.

Instead of sifting the self-rising flour, baking powder and salt prior to starting the batter, I waited until it was time to add it in. As far as cake batters go, this is one of those thick, lush ones.  However, if your batter looks a little curdled when you are adding the eggs, don't panic. It will all smooth out when the dry ingredients are blended in.

I debated as whether to use one 8" inch (20 cm) pan or divide the cake batter into two pans. Mostly because I am not very skilled at cutting a cake crosswise. In the end I decided I would use only one pan and stop avoiding things I don't think I am good at. When you start spreading the strawberry preserves on the bottom cut layer of the cake, you realize this cake absolutely must be made in a single pan. It wouldn't taste as delicious if the strawberry preserves weren't allowed to seep into cake's lovely crumb. 

Almost three quarters of a cup of the strawberry preservers were spread to the edges of the bottom layer. I saved a quarter cup to spread thinly on the top of the cake, leaving a no-preserve two inch border.

How you finish this Strawberry Jam Sponge Cake is completely up to you. I decided to pipe the homemade whipping cream on the top and along the edges of the cake before piling up the strawberries in the center.

The recipe for the homemade whipping cream below will give you more than you need, but enough to serve a bowl of it on the side to serve with the cake. Some of us really like freshly whipped cream.

The dusting of confectionary sugar over the top of the cake is another finishing option. The cake is beautiful with or without it.

If you are looking to for a cake to serve for May Day, Mother's Day, with a cup of tea, for dessert, for a celebratory event, or just because, make this Strawberry Jam Sponge Cake. It whips up very quickly, however, it is one of those swoonworthy cakes everyone will think you spent hours making. Don't spoil anyone's perceptions by telling them how easy it is to make.

A couple of weeks ago, I received a mini-Artisan KitchenAide as a gift. I had been wanting one for awhile but for some reason couldn't bring myself to purchasing it as I already owned a larger one and a hand mixer. Had I known what a convenience this mini-version would be, let alone what having two stand mixers at the same time to work with was, I wouldn't have deprived myself. It was the absolutely perfect size for making both the Strawberry Jam Sponge Cake and the homemade whipping cream. 

The ratio of sweetness of the whipping cream and strawberry preserves to the texture of the cake will create the most magical bites of deliciousness in your mouth. This Strawberry Jam Sponge Cake is one definitely on the list to make multiple appearances on my table in the months ahead. And maybe when I take a bite and close my eyes, I can pretend I have been transported to a beautiful countryside somewhere in Ireland. A girl has to dream, has to wish, doesn't she?
Strawberry Jam Sponge Cake (a slight variation to the After School Jam Sponge recipe in Brian McDermott's cookbook 'Donegal Table: Delicious Everyday Cooking')

15 Tablespoons (200 g) unsalted butter, room temperature (recommend Kerrygold)
1 cup (200 g) caster or granulated sugar
4 large eggs, room temperature
200 g self-rising flour (slightly more than 1 1/2 cups)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
12-16 ounces fresh strawberries
13 ounce jar (approximately 1 generous cup) strawberry preserves or jam
Confectionary sugar for dusting, optional

Homemade Whipped Cream
2 1/4 cups heavy whipping cream
3/4 cup caster sugar (could also use granulated sugar)
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1 Tablespoon vanilla

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees (F) or 190 degrees (C). Prepare one 8" (20cm) cake pan with butter and/or baking spray and line bottom parchment paper. Set aside.
2. In the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with a paddle attachment or in a medium-sized bowl if using a hand mixer, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy (approximately 5-6 minutes).
3. Add in the eggs one at a time, beating until each is incorporated.
4. Mix in the vanilla extract.
5. Sift the flour, baking powder and salt over the batter. Mix only until the dry ingredients have been fully incorporated.
6. Scrape the cake batter into the cake pan. Smooth the top of the cake with an offset spatula. 
7. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Note: Start checking your cake for doneness at the 30 minute mark.
8. Turn the cake out onto a cooling rack and allow it to come to room temperature.
9. Cut the cake in half crosswise. Try your best to get two evenly cut halves. Note: The cake is much easier to cut if the cake has completely cooled and if you use a serrated knife.
10. Place the bottom cake half on a cake platter (cut side up) and spread approximately 3/4 cup of the strawberry preserves over it. Spread it all the way to the edges.
11. Place the top half on, spread 1/4 cup of the preserves on, leaving at least a two inch preserve free border.
12. Pipe the whipped cream around the top and edges of the cake. Fill the center of the cake with cut strawberries. Note: For visual texture, cut the strawberries in halves and quarters.
13. Dust the top of the finished cake with sifted confectionary sugar (optional).
14. Serve and enjoy. Store, lightly covered any leftover pieces in the refrigerator. Note: Don't forget to serve the extra whipping cream on the side.

Homemade Whipped Cream
1. In the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, combine the whipping cream, sugar, vanilla, and salt. Mix on medium-low speed to dissolve the sugar (approximately one minute). Then increase speed to medium-high and whip until the cream is thick enough to hold firm peaks (approximately 3-4 minutes).
2. Use immediately or cover and store in the refrigerator for 8 hours. Note: Refrigerate any leftovers in an airtight container for up to a week. Before serving, briefly rewhip to restore it back to its light and silky texture.

Notes: (1) Use 130 g per cup when measuring flour. (2) Choose whipping cream having at least 17% saturated fat). (3) Homemade strawberry preserves would be awesome on this cake, however, in lieu of homemade use the highest quality strawberry preserves you can find. My go-to jarred jam is Bonne Maman.

The magnolia tree on the side of the house in bloom, finally.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Cinnamon Cardamom Bundt Cake

Never have I ever gone to the grocery store to buy a week's worth of groceries. That is up until a few weeks ago. Honestly I wasn't even sure I knew how to buy food for at least a week's worth of meals. For someone who makes a trip to the grocery store every couple of days, or sometimes everyday, the sheer thought of limiting myself to a weekly visit was discombobulating. The idea of having to plan menus for a week not only seemed like way too much work (even for me), but borderline impractical. Between the frequent fluctuations in my food cravings along with being highly influenced by the daily bombardment of recipes appearing in social media, in magazines, and in the hundreds of cookbooks lining my sagging bookshelves, being unable to shift gears midweek validated why I saw this as some sort of insurmountable challenge. For those of you who have successfully and efficiently shopped weekly, you are probably thinking my approach to grocery shopping is some form of lunacy. Because who really wants to spend their limited discretionary time walking down food store aisles, waiting in line at the deli and/or meat counters, standing in checkout lines that never seem to move very quickly, or lugging bags of groceries in more than once a week? I guess I do. It's been my normal ever since college.

Growing up, my father (the one who did all the grocery shopping and apparently most of the meal planning) went on his usual three or four store stop Friday night food shopping excursion. Rarely did he ever venture out for a midweek stop at the grocery store after a long day at work. Unless, of course, we ran out of bread or milk. But those where back in the days when life followed more of a predictable schedule. Dinner at our house was always served at 4:30 p.m. Monday night dinner was generally the leftovers from the big Sunday afternoon meal. The idea of inviting people or friends over for dinner mid-week wasn't something I knew was even possible. Over the course of a couple of weeks, there wasn't a great deal of variability in what we had for dinner. Meaning I could probably still name the ten or so meals I consumed on a regular basis throughout my childhood. Baking only happened on the weekends and/or around the holidays. If you wanted some homemade chocolate chip cookies on a Wednesday, you had to hope there were some leftover over from the weekend (but usually not), wait until Saturday, or hide some in your room. Some of this may explain why I couldn't wrap my head around weekly grocery shopping way back when I first became responsible for preparing my own meals. The inconvenience of multiple weekly trips to the grocery store seemed to be a small price to pay for having flexibility. Thank goodness I only had to endure the throwback way of weekly grocery shopping for only a week.

There are so many incredibly great things about this Cinnamon Cardamom Bundt Cake I don't even know where to begin. And whatever your preferred approach to food shopping might be, you are more than likely to have everything you need in your refrigerator and pantry to make it on a whim. So anytime you get a craving for this bundt cake or want to surprise your friends or family, you don't have to wait until the weekend or make a special mid-week trip to the grocery store. Trust me when I say that once you taste this bundt cake, you will find multiple reasons to make it any day of the week.

If you are looking for a cake to serve as a luncheon or brunch dessert, a book club treat, or yes, even for breakfast, this bundt cake is for you. Or if you want to bring a cake to a meeting or to the home of a friend, this is the bundt cake you want to make. 

There are several things about this Cinnamon Cardamom Bundt Cake which make it different from all of the other Cinnamon Bundt Cake recipes out there. First, it is flavored with a combination of cinnamon and cardomom. Together these two spices work in harmony with one another. The cardomom slightly tempers the spiciness of the cinnamon, and the cinnamon leaves enough room for the flavor of the cardomom to shine through. Second, all of the ingredients are blended together. Which means you don't need to create any swirls in the batter. And lastly, the finishing touch is a butter and cinnamon sugar topping. One somewhat reminiscent of a sugared doughnut. No need to make a confectionary icing or sift confectionary sugar over the top. No, this Cinnamon Cardamom Bundt Cake begs to be finished like a doughnut.

Like most cakes, this one begins with creaming the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. It generally takes about 7-8 minutes for the butter and sugar to achieve this consistency. Eggs are added in one at a time and the vanilla is blended in before you alternately add the dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and cardamom) and milk. The dry and wet ingredients are added in a total of five additions, beginning and ending with the dry ingredients. 

The batter for this bundt cake has a smooth, thick consistency. Remember to carefully prepare your bundt pan before spooning this luscious filling into it. 

The Cinnamon Cardamom Bundt Cake bakes for approximately 55-65 minutes in a preheated 350 degree (F) oven or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. My baking time was closer to the 65 minute mark.

Allow the bundt cake to rest in the pan for 20 minutes before unmolding.

Brushing melted butter over the slightly warm cake and sprinkling with a sugar-cinnamon mixture, gives the finished cake a perfect sugary crisp edge.

Allow the cake to cool completely before slicing and serving. 

This Cinnamon Cardamom Bundt Cake is light, tender, moist, melt-in-your mouth delicious. In spite of its' sugared finish, it isn't overly sweet. It is nothing short of being one of the most heavenly cakes you will ever taste. And one easily satisfying your sweet tooth. 

The finished look of your Cinnamon Cardamom Bundt Cake will depend on the design of your bundt pan. This bundt pan from NordicWare is my absolute favorite as it turns the simple, humble bundt cake into one having an understated elegance to it.

If your summer plans include formal or informal gatherings, entertaining guests, trips to a VRBO, or weekend stays at the beach houses of friends, this simple to make Cinnamon Cardamom Bundt Cake might end up being your favorite go-to 'desserts' to make, take, and/or serve. Bring this cake as a hostess gift and expect to be invited over again. And while we tend to think of cake as a dessert, this one would work incredibly well served with some fresh fruit for a casual breakfast. What a feast for the eyes this bundt cake would be to wake up to.

Cinnamon Cardamom Bundt Cake

3 cups (390g) all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 Tablespoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon cardamom
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt or fine sea salt
1 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
2 cups (400g) granulated sugar
3 large eggs, room temperature
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 cup whole milk

Sugar Coating
4 Tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
1/4 cup (50g) granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

Cake and Sugar Coating
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees (F). Prepare a 10 cup bundt pan using either a baking spray or butter and flour. Set aside.
2. Place the flour, cinnamon, cardamom, baking powder and salt in a medium bowl. Whisk to combine. Set aside.
3. In a standing mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy (approximately 7-8 minutes).
4. Add eggs one at a time, until each is incorporated.
5. Blend in vanilla.
6. Add flour mixture in 3 additions, alternating with milk in two additions. Begin and end with the flour mixture.
7. Pour batter into prepared pan. Smooth out top of the cake with an offset spatula or spoon.
8. Place bundt pan on a baking sheet before placing in the oven. Bake for 55-65 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the cake comes out clean. Note: Midway through the baking process, rotate the baking pan.
9. Let the cake cool in the pan for 20 minutes. Place a cake plate or cake stand on top of the bundt pan and then turn upside down. 
10. Allow the warm cake to rest before before brushing on the melted butter evenly over the cake. Mix together the sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle liberally over the cake. 
11. Let the cake cool completely before slicing and serving.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Cocoa Banana Bread

Let me start out with a disclaimer. I don't write reviews of cookbooks (at least not yet anyway), I don't receive free cookbooks from publishers (but wouldn't that be nice), and my circle of friends doesn't include the food bloggers I admire (maybe someday). So when I make and write about a recipe I find in a cookbook, magazine, or on one form or another of social media, it's first because there was something about the recipe that spoke to me. However, even more important, is it has to be one I have a strong, unexplainable feeling about. Particularly the integrity of the recipe itself and the recipe creator (or adapter, whichever the case may be). Call it a recipe sixth sense. And yes, every now and then, I have been known to make something everyone is raving about. Who doesn't want to join a virtual gushing over, no formal invitation needed food party? Although I am a bit picky as to which party I want to go to. 

When I bought Alison Roman's cookbook "Dining In: Highly Cookable Recipes" a short while back, I didn't tab every other page the first time I went through it. On the first go round, I found more than a handful of recipes I thought were worth the price of the book. But after going back to the book a second and third time, I wondered how it was I initially skipped over so many others. For whatever the reason, the book started to talk to me. I ultimately realized this would become one of those cookbooks getting a significant amount of use, or rather overuse, in the weeks and months ahead. I wondered, could this be one of those cookbooks that could put my cookbook purchases on pause for awhile or curb them for an indefinite period of time? With the exception of a new Ottolenghi cookbook coming out later this year, I really think it could be.

If one has already shared not one, but two banana recipes on the blog, why would there be a third? Third time the charm? Well maybe. But when I read the recipe for the Cocoa Banana Bread, described as being more cake like than bread like, I was more than intrigued. Finding a recipe having the combination of chocolate and banana flavors was more than enough to motivate me to make it. What I did not know before making this Cocoa Banana Bread was how rich without being to rich, dense, luscious, moist, and beyond delicious it would be. If there were ever a decadent Banana Bread, this would be it. Definitely dessert worthy, but for those of us chocolate and banana lovers, a case could be made for having it for breakfast. And, even if there wasn't, there is always the 'life is short' rationalization.

No matter how many banana bread recipes you have in your life, you definitely, absolutely must make room for this one.

I had to wait more than week for the bananas to ripen to that banana bread making ready point. More than once I have wished the grocery stores I frequent would sell overly ripe bananas, so I could make banana bread whenever the urge came over me. While all of the other ingredients in this Cocoa Banana Bread are readily accessible and probably already in your refrigerator or cupboard, this would be one of those plan at least a week ahead recipes. Unless, of course, you have a handy source banana bread ripe bananas.

If, like me, you generally buy demerara sugar and mascarpone cheese, nothing about this Cocoa Banana Bread ingredient list is unusual. If you don't regularly buy either of those things, this recipe might convince you they need to be your new staples. Other than recommending your mascarpone cheese should be room temperature, cutting the banana for the top of the bread while it is still in the skin, specifying a weight for the bananas to be used in the bread batter, and lining the pan with parchment paper, I didn't make any real substantive changes to the recipe. 

Mashing the bananas with a fork (or even a potato masher) will give you the coarse mashed banana consistency you are looking for. You want to see some of the banana chunks when you slice the baked cake. 

Honestly, when I saw the pan size recommended I didn't think it was right. But it was. So trust me when I tell you the pan size listed below isn't an error. Your pan will be almost full when all of the batter goes in, but there isn't a significant rise to this bread so it works. 

Of course I wanted my finished Cocoa Banana Bread to be as perfect and as beautiful as possible. Instead I had to settle for uniquely beautiful.

What I discovered too late was how to cut the banana lengthwise. Instead of cutting the banana while it was still in the skin, I had peeled it and then cut it. It took me two bananas to figure out it. Or one banana too late. So instead of two perfect intact halves gracing the top of the bread, I ended up with one perfect and one slightly imperfect one. It could have driven my perfection seeking Virgo self over the edge a few years ago, but nowadays if something can't be perfect, it needs to have character. And this Cocoa Banana Bread has character!

When I shared a photo of this Cocoa Banana Bread with some of my friends, a few thought it was topped with bacon! Slow roasted, bruleed banana halves might have some resemble to slices of bacon and I am certain someone, somewhere has combined the flavors of chocolate, banana, and bacon in a confection. But that would not be a flavor combination getting my attention. At least not at the moment.

This Cocoa Banana Bread has a kind of pound cake texture to it, although the crumb is a bit finer and the chocolate flavor is a bit more intense. But unlike a pound cake, there is an incredible crunchy, sugary, deeply flavored roasted banana top to this banana bread.

As I shared earlier, I really didn't make any substantive changes to this recipe. It was already pretty amazing. However, had I thought about it giving it a slight twist, I should have poured some Pecan Flavored Whiskey over the top of the bread as soon as it came out of the oven. But I didn't. And I can't even take credit for this idea. Because this absolutely brilliant idea came from one of the friends I had recently gone to a wine and spirits tasting with. A friend who also happens to someone who is a self-admitted non-cook and non-baker. But no one ever said one had to cook and/or bake to appreciate great desserts or great food. One just needs to possess good taste. With or without any Pecan Flavored Whiskey, and definitely without any bacon, make this Cocoa Banana Bread for all your friends having really good taste as it will send them to a place of euphoria they will not ever forget. 

Cocoa Banana Bread (Barely a change to Alison Roman's recipe for Cocoa Banana Bread as shared in her cookbook "Dining In: Highly Cookable Recipes")

1/2 cup Demerara sugar, divided
1 1/2 cups (195g) all-purpose flour
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon kosher salt
6 Tablespoons unsalted butter, room temperature
1/3 cup (67g) granulated sugar 
1/4 cup light brown sugar, firmly packed
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 large egg, room temperature
1/2 cup (4 ounces) mascarpone, room temperature (Note: Could also use full-fat sour cream or full-fat yogurt)
5 extremely ripe bananas, divided (4 coarsely mashed and 1 sliced lengthwise) - See Notes

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees (F). Line a 9"x4" (or 8.5"x4.5") baking pan with parchment paper. Spray with non-stick spray and sprinkle 1/4 cup of the demerara sugar on the bottom and sides of the pan. Shake out any excess sugar. Set prepared pan aside.
2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, cocoa, baking soda, and salt. Set aside.
3. In the bowl of standing mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat the butter, granulated sugar, brown sugar, and vanilla on high speed until light and fluffy (approximately 4-5 minutes).
4. Add the egg and beat until it returns to the previous light and fluffy texture (approximately 3-4 minutes). Note: Initially the mixture will look slightly curdled, but it's texture will change after beating.
5. With mixer on low, add in the dry ingredients. Beat just to blend.
6. Add in mascarpone cheese and beat just until blended. Batter will be very thick.
7. Add in mashed bananas, beat until blended in (approximately 1-2 minutes).
8. Scrape batter into the prepared pan. Smooth the top.
9. Place the two banana halves, cut side facing up, on top of batter. Sprinkle with remaining 1/4 cup demerara sugar.
10. Bake until the bread is baked through in the center (approximately 90-100 minutes). Note: My baking time was closer to 100 minutes.
11. Transfer baking pan to cooling rack. Allow bread to cool completely before removing from pan and slicing.

Notes: (1) The four bananas used in the bread weighed approximately 1 pound 6 ounces (with their skins on). Recommend for medium sized ripe bananas for the bread batter and one smaller ripe banana for slicing on the top. (2) When cutting the one banana lengthwise, you will have more success keeping the slices whole if you cut it with the skin on. Carefully peel away the skin, trying not to break the halves (like I did). (3) For a subtle boozy flavor to the Cocoa Banana Bread, poke some holes in the top of the bread as soon as it comes out of the oven. Pour 1-2 Tablespoons of Pecan Flavored Whiskey over the top and allow it soak in.