Monday, July 31, 2023

Blueberry Buckle Coffee Cake

There once was a girl who couldn't get her fill of blueberries. She made Blueberry Jam, Blueberry Muffins, Dutch Babies with Blueberry Sauce, (the best) Mini-Blueberry Crisps, Blueberry Crumb Bars, Blueberry Pie Baked French Toast Casserole, Blueberry and Rye Slab Pie, Blueberry Lemon Bundt Cake, Blueberry Mascarpone Ice Cream, Lemon Blueberry Breakfast Pastry, Blueberry Pancakes, frozen chocolate covered yogurt and blueberry bites, and mixed blueberries into her favorite lemon yogurt. In spite of all of the ways she found to satisfy her obsession, she one day realized she needed a Blueberry Buckle Coffee Cake in her life. So she went off to create one laden with blueberries floating in the moistest, densest, perfectly crumbed cake and one having the crunchiest, cinnamon-ist streusel topping. Did she or did she not make the dreamiest, most delicious Blueberry Buckle Coffee Cake? She did.

A buckle is an old-fashioned single layer, moist, fruit filled cake topped with streusel giving it a 'buckled' appearance. With it's higher cake to fruit ratio, it can be enjoyed for breakfast, as an afternoon snack, or as a lovely dessert. When made with blueberries, the buckle is a hefty confection that more than satisfies a blueberry craving lover's heart.

The Blueberry Buckle Coffee Cake couldn't be simpler to make. Next to the blueberries, the other secret to it's swoonworthyness is in it's simplicity. 

The Blueberry Buckle Coffee Cake has two components: a generous streusel topping and the fruit filled cake batter. To create the best streusel topping you will need to use your hands. After mixing the ingredients with a fork, you will need to use your fingers and hands to squeeze it all together. As a result, your streusel will be transformed into a very dense, yet crumbly dough. Once made, the streusel goes into the refrigerator to chill while the cake batter is assembled.

The batter for the cake is made in a small standing mixer fitted with a paddle attachment (but you could also use a hand mixer). After creaming the butter and sugar, adding in the egg and vanilla, the dry ingredients and milk are added in alternately before the lightly flour dusted blueberries are folded in with a spatula. The batter will be lusciously thick. Spooned into a well buttered-floured 9" round metal cake pan, the batter gets generously topped with the streusel mixture. Adding a small handful of blueberries to the top is optional but will give everyone a clue as to what blueberry deliciousness lies within. Note: You might think you made too much streusel topping. Trust me when I tell you didn't. Use it all.

You might be wondering why the recipe calls only for a 9" round cake metal pan and why a 9" inch square cake pan can't (or shouldn't) be used instead. Well, because sometimes size really does matter. The volume of the round pan is significantly less than the square pan. The cake's height and ratio of cake to streusel topping in a 9" round cake pan turns out to be ideal for creating the dreamiest, most sumptuous buckle. 

Baking time ranges from 45-50 minutes in a preheated 350 degree (F) oven. My baking time was closer to the 50 minute mark. Once the baked cake has cooled to room temperature, you might or might not want to give it a dusting of confectionary sugar to give it that bakery finished look.

The Blueberry Buckle Coffee Cake is yet another great way to enjoy plump, sweet blueberries. If you are looking for an impressive, satisfying, gorgeous, versatile, scrumptious, not too sweet, blueberry filled confection to make for family and/or friends, this is the ONE!  I am not exaggerating when I say this might be the best buckle you will have ever tasted. It's perfect for satisfying a blueberry craving, bringing as a hostess gift or to a gathering, for serving at breakfast or brunch, and even serving as a dessert (with or without a scoop of vanilla ice cream). 

Blueberry Buckle Coffee Cake
Makes one 9"round cake

Streusel Topping
3/4 cup (150g) granulated sugar
3/4 cup (98g) all-purpose unbleached flour
1/4 teaspoon Kosher salt
1 1/2 teaspoons Saigon cinnamon
6 Tablespoons (85g) unsalted butter, room temperature

Coffee Cake
2 cups (260g) all-purpose unbleached flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt
1/8 teaspoon Saigon cinnamon
3/4 cup (150g) granulated sugar
4 Tablespoons (67g) unsalted butter, room temperature
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup whole milk
2 to 2 1/2 cups (284-355g) fresh blueberries (Note: I used 2 1/4 cups or 320g)
1 Tablespoon all-purpose flour

Optional: Confectionary sugar, for dusting

Streusel Topping
1. In a medium sized bowl, add in all of the streusel ingredients. Use a fork to begin to combine. Then use your hands and fingers to create a dense, yet still crumbly streusel mixture. 
2. Put in the refrigerator and chill while assembling the coffee cake.

Coffee Cake
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees (F). Butter and flour a 9" metal cake pan. Note: Lining the cake pan with parchment paper is optional, but a good idea. Make certain to butter the parchment paper as well as the pan.
2. In a medium sized bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, Kosher salt, and cinnamon. Set aside.
3. In the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy (about 1-2 minutes).
3. Add in egg, beating until fully incorporated.
4. Mix in the vanilla.
5. Beginning with the flour mixture and ending with the milk, add in each in 1/3 amount increments beating on medium-low. Note: This will be a very thick batter.
6. In a medium sized bowl, toss the blueberries with the tablespoon of flour until the blueberries are lightly coated. Note: Tossing the blueberries in flour helps to keep them from sinking to the bottom during baking.
7. Add in the blueberries to the batter. Mix gently with a spatula.
8. Spoon the dough into the prepared pan. Smooth the top with an offset spatula.
9. Remove the streusel from the refrigerator. Use your fingers to evenly drop clumps over the top of the dough. Use all of the streusel. Optional: Top with a small handful of blueberries.
10. Place pan on a baking sheet and place in the preheated oven. Bake for 45-50 minutes until the cake is done. You can use a toothpick to test for doneness or use your finger to test for springiness.
11. Remove from the oven and transfer the cake pan to a cooling rack. Let the Blueberry Buckle Coffee cool for at least 20 minutes, before inverting onto a cake plate.
12. Let the cake cool completely before dusting with confectionary sugar (if using).
13. Cut into wedges or in 12 pieces.
14. Serve and enjoy. 
15. Keep the coffee covered lightly with aluminum foil at room temperature.

Notes: (1) A 9" round pan is about 64 square inches in diameter. A 9" square pan is about 81 square inches in diameter. The difference in volume is huge! Which is why I highly recommend using only a 9" round pan to get the perfect cake to streusel ratio. However, if you use a square pan, your baking time will need to be slightly adjusted and you will have a thinner layer of coffee cake. (2) I used fresh blueberries for this coffee cake. If you use frozen berries, make certain they are dry before carefully mixing them into the batter. (3) You will also find a recipe for a Blueberry Buckle with Whipped Coconut Cream on the blog. It's different than this one, but it's nice to have choices!

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Creamy Roasted Red Pepper Ricotta Pasta

If there is anything I love eating more than chocolate, it's pasta. Clearly my food preferences don't lie in the 'lower in calories' end of the food spectrum. But I don't let that spoil any of the pleasure I derive from eating either of them. Because I do my best to keep in mind the adage 'everything in moderation'. With continued weeks of heat and humidity around here, dishes that don't require turning on the oven are a godsend. Consider this platter of Creamy Roasted Red Pepper Ricotta Pasta to be one of them. 

Some pasta dishes are meant to be served as the entree, while others can either be a side dish or a separate course. The Creamy Roasted Red Pepper Ricotta Pasta can be any of these. The versatility of this pasta dish makes it even more appealing. And that's even before telling you how delicious and easy it is to make.

I am going to tell you now that you want, not you need, to serve the Creamy Roasted Red Pepper Ricotta Pasta with some thick slices of a great loaf of Italian bread. Because you will want something to mop up any of the rich, luscious, creamy sauce left in your bowl. 

With many pasta dishes, it sometimes doesn't always matter what kind or type of pasta you use. However, there are times when pairing the 'right' type of pasta with a sauce really does matter. And with this dish it definitely matters. Using a paccheri or large rigatoni-type tube pasta not only helps the sauce adhere to its' surface, it seeps into the long wide tubes creating the most swoonworthy bite. Paccheri pasta could not be a more perfect partner with the creamy roasted red pepper ricotta sauce. However, if for some reason you can't find it, then look for the biggest rigatoni pasta you can find. 

You only need to use your stovetop to make the pasta.The sauce comes together in a food processor or blender. Yes, it's a no-cook sauce. The creaminess of the sauce depends on how long you process it. If you want small chunks of the roasted red peppers and sun dried tomatoes, then you won't process it as long (like I did). But if you want it to have that smooth, luscious, velvety look, then by all means process it longer. The consistency of the sauce is dependent on how much pasta water you add to the sauce. For a thicker sauce, you are going to use less and for a thinner sauce, you will use more. In retrospect, I would have added much more than a half-cup of pasta water because it would have slightly lightened the sauce up. And there would have been a little more sauce to mop up with the bread. In the recipe below I give you a range of 1/2 cup to 1 cup of reserved pasta water. Landing in the middle (3/4 cup) might actually be your best starting point. Note: This sauce is intended to be slightly on the thicker side, so be certain not to add to much pasta water to give it a soupy consistency.

This Creamy Roasted Red Pepper Ricotta Pasta is more of a mildly warm, room temperature dish. Which makes it perfect for serving on a blazing hot day. It is meant to be served immediately after it has been assembled. Although, if you leave the platter out at room temperature before wrapping up any leftovers to put in the refrigerator, don't be surprised if you find yourself or others grabbing a piece of two of the sauce ladened pasta. Note: When heating any leftovers, heat just until they are warm to the touch.

If served as an entree, choose a favorite platter, garnish with some fresh basil and pair the Creamy Roasted Red Pepper Ricotta Pasta with a gorgeous salad, one dressed in an oil and vinegar type of dressing. If serving it as a side dish, serve it with some roasted chicken, salmon, or maybe even a perfectly grilled and sliced ribeye. Whatever you do, don't forget to serve it with some bread. It would be borderline sacrilegious not to.

Creamy Roasted Red Pepper Ricotta Pasta
Serves 6 to 8

1 pound bag of paccheri pasta, cooked to a point past al dente but not to a fall apart one. 
2 cloves of garlic, smashed
1 Tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for finishing
16 ounces (451g) whole-milk ricotta
12 ounce (340g) jar of drained roasted red peppers (in water, not oil)
1/4 to 1/3 cup of sun-dried tomatoes (about 5-6 whole pieces of sun-dried tomatoes or 66g)
1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt
1/2 cup to 1 cup of the reserved pasta water (recommend beginning with 3/4 cup)
Fresh stems of basil or parsley for garnish

Loaf of an Italian bread, thickly sliced

1. While you are cooking the pasta, start making the creamy roasted red pepper ricotta sauce.
2. In the bowl of a large food processor (or blender) add in the garlic, olive oil, ricotta, red peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, and Kosher salt. Process until smooth. Note: Process longer for the smoothest sauce.
3. Drain the cooked pasta, reserving at least 1 cup of the pasta water.
4. Add 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup of the reserved pasta water to the sauce in the food processor. Blend well. Check for consistency. If you want it slightly thinner (although this is a sauce on the slightly thick side) sauce, add in a little more of the pasta water.
5. Transfer the sauce to a large bowl. Toss in the pasta. Mix until well blend.
6. Transfer the mixed pasta to a large serving platter or bowl. Drizzle with some extra-virgin olive oil. Garnish with fresh sprigs of basil and/or parsley. Serve immediately.

Notes:  (1) I used jarred red pepper to make the sauce, but you could easily roast your own red peppers. Look for roasted red peppers in water, not oil. (2) Most Italian grocery stores will sell imported bags of paccheri pasta. But sometimes you can find it a specialty store or a Whole Foods. If you can't find it, use the largest size rigatoni you can find.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Triple Chocolate Bundt Cake w/ Chocolate Ganache Icing

All is good now, but there have been a few life distractions going on around here lately. Yet, even during times of stress I manage to find at least one silver lining. The first on was having friends either spend time with me or check in on me during and after my husband's recent surgery was one of them. Their expressions of love, care, and concern not only made me feel less alone, but helped me keep some of my anxiety in check. The second silver lining came in the forms of a waiting snack bucket and piece of a homemade triple chocolate bundt cake. Knowing I would have a very long day of waiting at the hospital, my friend Carol filled a bucket with some of my favorite snacks while my friend Karen had brought me lunch. For most of the day I lived on some of the Lorna Doones that were in the bucket. However, it wasn't until almost ten hours in the hospital waiting room that I started to get really hungry. I managed to eat a half of the turkey sandwich, but after having a bite of the cake, I inhaled the entire piece. It was one of the best chocolate bundt cakes I had ever tasted. Moist, densely crumbed, decadently rich, studded with chocolate chips, and oh so chocolatey, I couldn't wait to get my hands on the recipe. So after everything had settled down and with the recipe in hand, baking never felt so therapeutic. 

If chocolate is your love language, you are definitely going to want to make this Triple Chocolate Bundt Cake. Either with or without the Chocolate Ganache Icing. Instead of going to one of those stores famous for their bundt cakes (you know the one), bake and serve this one. Because in all honesty, I think this Triple Chocolate Bundt Cake w/ Chocolate Ganache Icing is a million times better than the chocolate chocolate chip bundt cake store bought one. 

The cake is absolutely divine when simply dusted with some confectionary sugar. But when drizzled or slathered in chocolate ganache icing, it will put chocolate lovers into a euphoric state.

No one will never suspect this Triple Chocolate Bundt Cake w/ Chocolate Ganache Icing is actually a semi-homemade one. And don't tell them! I would have never in a million years guessed that two of the cake's ingredients included a small box of instant chocolate pudding and a box of Devil's Food Cake Mix (one without pudding in the mix)! The Devil's Food Cake Mix is one of the ingredients responsible for the cake's deeper, more chocolatey flavor. So in other words, you only want to use a Devil's Food Cake Mix.

In full disclosure, I made three very minor tweaks to my friend Karen's recipe. Instead of using water in the batter, I used coffee. A trick I learned from Ina Garten decades ago. Coffee deepens the chocolate flavor without imparting a coffee flavor. If you don't make or like coffee, just use water as this is a pretty chocolatey cake. In keeping with the spirit of ramping up the flavor, I also added in a generous pinch of Kosher salt. To ensure the chocolate chips didn't sink to the bottom of the cake while it baked, I tossed them in a scant tablespoon of flour. Another trick I learned years ago.

I used this Nordicware Heritage Bundt Pan, but any 10 cup capacity bundt pan will work. Always grease and flour your bundt pans. Even the non-stick ones. Preferably use a vegetable oil (like Crisco) or a non-stick vegetable spray rather than using butter. The milk solids in butter may cause the cake to bind to the bundt pan as it acts more like a glue. And there is nothing worse than not having your bundt cake unmold intact.

In a preheated 350 degree (F) oven, the bundt cake bakes for 50-55 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean. Allow the cake to rest for 10 minutes before inverting it onto a platter or cake stand.

Made with only chopped semi-sweet chocolate, heavy cream and flaky sea salt, this chocolate ganache is rich, creamy, and sweet. The trifecta of icing perfection. The thickness of the ganache will depend on how much heavy cream you use. I used 1/2 cup and had to work quickly to get it spread on the bundt cake. Next time I might use 2/3 of a cup so it will have a slightly more pourable consistency. But how much cream you use will be a matter of personal preference. Or don't make the icing all and generously dust the completely cooled bundt cake with confectionary sugar. And yes, if the cake is made with the ganache icing, it's technically a Quadruple Chocolate Bundt Cake!

If you cover or drizzle the cake with the ganache icing, allow time for it to set up before serving. To speed up the setting up process, you can chill the cake in the refrigerator.

If you happen to be someone who doesn't love rich, decadent, intensely flavorful, sinfully delicious chocolate cakes, you may need to take a pass on this cake. However, if you are a true chocolate aficionado looking for a way to show your family or friends some love or have a serious chocolate cake craving, bake this almost effortless to make, heavenly Triple Chocolate Bundt Cake w/ Chocolate Ganache Icing. Because this is the cake chocolate lovers will swoon over, will not let a crumb on their plate go to waste, and will dream about it about for days

Wrap up some slices of this cake and give them to a friend who needs some comfort. Bring it to a picnic or potluck gathering and watch it disappear. If there was ever a cake to make birthdays feel even more special, this would be the one. In other words, you need this Triple Chocolate Bundt Cake w/ Chocolate Ganache Icing in your life! You never know what silver linings could come from it. 

Triple Chocolate Bundt Cake w/ Chocolate Ganache Icing
Serves 10-14

Bundt Cake
1 box (15.25 oz) Devil's Food Cake Mix (not one with pudding in the mix)
1 small box (3.9 oz) Instant Chocolate Pudding
1/2 cup canola or vegetable oil
1/2 cup room temperature coffee (or 1/2 cup water)
4 large eggs, room temperature
1 cup (240g) sour cream
Pinch of Kosher Salt
1 package (11.5 oz/326g) semi sweet or dark chocolate chips (see notes)
Scant tablespoon of flour
Ganache Icing
6 ounces (170g) semi-sweet chocolate bar, chopped
1/2 to 2/3 cup heavy whipping cream (see notes)
Pinch of flaky sea salt

Confectionary Sugar, sifted
Optional: Vanilla Ice Cream

Bundt Cake
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees (F). Prepare a 10 cup capacity bundt pan using shortening and/or vegetable spray and flour. Tamp flour out of the pan.
2. In the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, add in the coffee (or water), eggs, sour cream, and vegetable oil. Mix just until all of the ingredients have been combined.
3. Add in the Devil's Food Cake Mix, the Instant Chocolate Pudding, and pinch of Kosher salt. Beat until smooth and creamy. Note: This is a very thick batter.
4. In a medium sized bowl mix the chocolate chips with the flour until the chips are coated in the flour. Add to the cake batter. Mix with a spatula.
5. Spoon the batter into the prepared bundt pan. Smooth the top of the batter. Place the bundt pan on a baking sheet. Insert into the oven and bake for 50-55 minutes or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean.
6. Remove the cake from the oven. Allow to rest for 10 minutes. Place a cake plate on top of the pan and invert the cake. Tap on the sides of the bundt pan before lifting it off the cake. Allow the cake to cool completely. 

Ganache Icing
1. In a small sized bowl, add in the chopped chocolate and flaky sea salt.
2. Heat the heavy cream in a small pan over medium heat. When small bubbles begin to form along the edges of the pan, pour over the chocolate. Let sit for a minute.
3. Stir with a spatula (or whisk) until the chocolate has completely melted and the mixture is completely smooth.
4. Spoon or pour over the cooled bundt cake. Allow the ganache icing to set. Note: I placed the iced cake in the refrigerator to speed up the setting up process.
5. Cut into pieces and serve. For a completely over the top cake eating experience, serve with some vanilla ice cream. Note: I loved eating this cake at both room temperature and chilled. To keep any leftovers fresh, store covered in the refrigerator.

Notes: (1) Instead of finishing the cake with the chocolate ganache icing, finish by generously topping with sifted confectionary sugar. (2) I used Guittard's Extra Dark Chocolate Baking Chips - 63% Cocoa in the batter. (3) I used 4 ounce bars of Ghiradelli Semi-Sweet Chocolate for the Chocolate Ganache Icing. You will need 1 1/2 bars. (4) For a more pourable ganache icing use 2/3 cup of heavy whipping cream. For a thicker icing, use 1/2 cup of heavy whipping cream. (5) There is another recipe for a Triple Chocolate Bundt Cake on the blog, but that one is made from scratch. But it gives you another chocolate ganache icing option.