Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sugar Meringue Walnuts aka Candied Walnuts

Many, many, many years ago I came across a recipe in an Early American Life magazine for something called 'Sweetmeats', supposedly a recipe from Colonial times. These 'sweetmeats' were described as walnuts covered in a sugared meringue mixture and baked in the oven until lightly browned.  When I read this recipe, I thought to myself nothing against walnuts, but they don't seem to have the same richness as pecans, macadamia nuts or pistachios.  I learned after making them for the first time that this recipe elevates walnuts into a class of their own.

It is hard to believe that salt, sugar, butter and eggs can turn these ordinary nuts into something delectably extraordinary.  I am willing to bet your guests will not believe that these little bites of goodness are really just walnutsI would imagine that in Colonial times there was ready access to eggs, butter, sugar and salt.  And if walnut trees were indigenous to the region, there was one creative cook way back when who had the imagination to create this recipe and good sense to have it passed on.

I like to melt the butter in the oven on the pan the nuts will bake on.  While I don't mind washing everything after baking, its always a good thing when there is one less bowl or pan to clean up. I always double this recipe so I use a large 13 by 17 inch pan.  Otherwise a 9 by 12 pan is all you need.
Fortunately in the 21st century we have tools like a KitchenAid to whip up the meringue into stiff peaks. I honestly don't think I would have the endurance to whip up this egg white and sugar mixture by hand.  I suppose I would not have faired well in domestic duties in the 18th century. Seriously though, I could not live without my KitchenAid.  The one I have now was a gift from my sister and brother-in-law, two very thoughtful, generous family members.

The meringue covers the walnuts perfectly.  Once mixed you drop them by spoonfuls into the pan containing the melted butter. In less than 40 minutes in the oven these nuts are transformed! When finished these walnuts are covered in the gold and white sugar meringue covering.  They almost look to beautiful to eat, but eat them you must.

Sugar Meringue Walnuts aka Candied Walnuts
A single recipe makes 2 cups of nuts.  I strongly encourage you to double the recipe below as it is easier to whip up the egg whites when making the meringue.

4 Tablespoons (57g) or 1/2 stick of unsalted butter
1 egg white from a large egg 
1/2 cup (100g) granulated or caster sugar
1/4 teaspoon Kosher salt
1/2 pound (227g) or 2 cups of walnut halves

1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees (F). 
2. Melt butter and pour into a 9" by 13" pan.  Set aside.
3. Mix egg white at high speed adding Kosher salt and sugar gradually.  Beat on high until stiff peaks form.
4. Carefully fold in walnuts making certain they are all covered with the meringue mixture.
5. Drop by spoonfuls on the pan containing the melted butter.
6. Bake in upper third of the oven for 30 to 40 minutes, turning the mixture at least once, until lightly browned and the butter is absorbed. Note: I generally turn them after 15 minutes.
7. Remove from oven and transfer to a rack or sheet of parchment paper to cool.  Once cooled they can be served and/or stored in a container. Sugar Meringue Walnuts will be good for at least two weeks.

I am having a couple of friends over tonight so I thought these nuts would add the right amount of sweetness and crunch to compliment the alcohol, wine and cheese.  I really don't need a reason or much of an excuse to make these sugar meringue walnuts as they make for great snacking food. I have convinced myself they are healthier to eat than candy because they are made up mostly of protein.  As I have said before, I like to rationalize everything.