Monday, March 3, 2014

Milk Chocolate Chip Cookies

What better reward for having to do the grueling work of shoveling five inches of snow from the driveways and sidewalk than a plate of freshly baked cookies and a glass of milk? Well maybe a piece of jewelry.

I have shared before that I have made various iterations of chocolate chip cookie recipes over the years. But I was in a milk chocolate and toasted walnut cookie mood so I decided not to make the sea salted chocolate chip cookies but to make a recipe I had not made in a very, very long time. Not only because it contained milk chocolate chips but because it was 'a one bowl no need to pull out the mixer' cookie recipe (shoveling snow is exhausting work). Other than needing access to a bowl, measuring cups and spoons, a baking sheet, a spatula and an oven, you can make these milk chocolate chip cookies pretty much anywhere. Don't we all pack measuring cups and spoons (and a corkscrew) for an extended vacation stay in a rental just in case we need a non-jewelry reward or have a craving for a really good chocolate chip cookie?

No matter how talented of a baker one might be, I am one who believes the ingredients one uses can make a significant difference. This difference is usually discernible in both the taste and look of the baked good. As much as I love the rustic look of a homemade cookie, I love even more the bakery-like rustic look (and taste) of a homemade cookie.

Sometimes I need to over measure the walnuts for a recipe because when they are roasted their aroma is so enticing I am compelled to eat a few before chopping them up. In a preheated 350 degree oven walnuts are transformed after they are roasted for 8 to 12 minutes. Some cookies are good with or without nuts, this a cookie where the nuts make it taste absolutely delicious.

Most chocolate chip cookie recipes call for some combination of granulated and brown (light or dark) sugars. This recipe calls for superfine sugar (sometimes referred to as Baker's sugar). These cookies have a larger brown to white sugar ratio which only adds to their depth of flavor.

You forget to take the butter out of the refrigerator the night before. Not a problem for these cookies as it is melted, not room temperature butter that is mixed into the sugars. Using either a spatula or wooden spoon the butter and sugars are mixed until blended.

Two large eggs and three tablespoons (yes tablespoons there is no typo here) of vanilla are stirred into the butter/sugar mixture just until well blended.

The sifted flour, baking soda and salt mixture is added next. The key to these cookies is to mix until blended as over mixing will lead to a less tender, tougher textured cookie. The recipe called for two cups of milk chocolate chips and one cup of roasted walnuts. I think I had forgotten that the last time I made them (years ago) I increased the amount of chocolate chips (personally I like a very chocolatey chocolate cookie). At a minimum these cookies need two cups but if you too lean toward a chocolate in almost every bite, increase the mount of chocolate chips to two and one half cups.

I am all about the perfectly sized shaped cookies, not only for how they look but for how they bake in the oven. So using a 1 to 1/14/ inch ice cream scoop place the cookie balls on a parchment paper lined baking sheet allowing for at least 2 to 3 inches between each cookie. Lightly press down on each cookie ball before placing In a preheated 350 degree oven. The cookies are baked for 12 to 14 minutes or until lightly browned on the top and edges. Begin checking the cookies at 10 minutes (sometimes ovens bake differently). I cooled these cookies on the baking sheet as I wanted a slightly crispier cookie. If you want the cookie to have a softer texture, remove baked cookies from the baking sheet and place on a cooking rack.

I put a dozen of these milk chocolate chip cookies in a ziploc bag in the freezer. Unfortunately I am anticipating there will be more snow to shovel in the weeks ahead. These cookies will either be the motivation I need to get out there to shovel or a source of instant gratification or both. If there is no snow shoveling in your immediate future, these frozen cookies are perfect for ice cream sandwiches (it is always good to have a dessert ready for an impromptu gathering).

Milk Chocolate Chip Cookies (slight adaptation to Radical Rob's Chocolate Chip Cookies)

1/2 cup superfine or Baker's sugar
1 1/4 cups light brown sugar
1 cup unsalted butter, melted
3 Tablespoons vanilla
2 large eggs, room temperature
3 cups all-purpose flour (recommend King Arthur flour)
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon Kosher salt
2 to 2 1/2 cups milk chocolate chips (recommend Ghiradelli milk chocolate chips)
1 generous cup walnuts, roasted and coarsely chopped

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside.
2. In a large mixing bowl, combine sugars and mix well.
3. Mix in melted butter to sugar mixture until blended.
4. Add eggs and vanilla stirring until well mixed.
5. In a separate bowl sift flour, baking soda and salt. Add to wet ingredients, stirring until just combined (be careful to not over mix this batter or the result will be tough cookies).
6. Stir in milk chocolate chips and walnuts just until mixed.
7. Using an ice cream scoop (approximately 1 to 1/14 inch in diameter), place balls of dough on parchment paper lined baking sheets (allowing at least 3 inches between each cookie). Lightly press down on each dough ball before placing baking sheet in the preheated oven.
8. Bake cookies for 12-14 minutes or until cookies are lightly browned. Cool cookies on cookie sheet.
9. Remove cooled cookies and store in a covered contained.