Thursday, June 25, 2015

Grilled Naan w/ Pancetta, Arugula and Parmesan aka Nancy's Naan

Who does not love pizza? No one. Okay I will reluctantly concede there might be a couple of outliers out there somewhere. Not there aren't multiple places to get some really good pizza, but who does not love a homemade pizza dough but doesn't always have or want to take the time to make it? Me and I would guess there are more than a handful of you out there who feel the same. So what does one do when they have a craving for a 'pizza' but for a myriad of reasons life gets in their dough making way and/or the only dough available at the grocery store is the frozen kind? Well, there is an easy answer to that question. Pick up some pillowy, oven baked, charred Naan (Indian Flatbread). Substituting Naan for pizza dough isn't really a new idea, although it's not one always immediately coming to mind when one has an insatiable craving for pizza (at least in my world). So I was thinking, hasn't the time finally come for (all of) us to think of pizza dough and Naan as being synonymous and interchangeable with one another? An absolute, definite, unwaivering yes! Of course, there are probably those (you know them) who enjoy arguing about anything and everything.

Who does not love a simple recipe, especially one that is likely to receive accolades and/or cause hovering over the dish behavior? Without going too far out on a limb, I am pretty confident 99% of us do. When one of my closest friends (who now lives much too far away from me) shared a recipe from one of her friends (who she met at a nail salon and also happened to have once called the midwest her home), I instantly put it on the 'to definitely make sooner rather than later' list. Although I knew I wanted to change out the salami for crispy, baked pancetta. Not because I don't belong to the salami fan club (unless of course, it's Volpi salami and it is cut almost paper thin), but because I am a card carrying member of the Italian bacon fan club. Even though I made two relatively minor ingredient changes (adding shaved Parmegiano-Reggiano was the other), the Grilled Naan w/ Pancetta, Arugula and Parmesan will be affectionately known as Nancy's Naan. As it only took one bite for me to thank my lucky stars she crossed paths with my friend.

There are probably a million versions of Naan pizza out there, however, this Grilled Naan w/ Pancetta, Arugula and Parmesan should be on everyone's top ten or rather I should say top two list.

All of the ingredients are readily accessible in most grocery stores. The 365 Tandoori Naan from Whole Foods topped the Taster's Choice list several years ago. I bought the 'original' Naan as I wanted the Naan to compliment rather than distract from the flavors of garlic and herbs coming from the Boursin cheese.

When buying pancetta, ask to have it sliced on the thin (but not transparent) side. The baking time for the pancetta will vary based on its' thickness (it could range from 9 to 14 minutes). Before placing in the oven, I sprinkled the pancetta with black pepper and placed it on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. In a preheated 400 degree oven, a baking time of 12 minutes was enough to bring the pancetta to the state of crispiness I wanted. Note: After removing the pancetta from the oven, transfer to a plate lined with paper towels. 

My new Lodge double-sided grill pan has been getting a workout in the last couple of weeks. While the grill of all grills sits out on the deck, the weeks of wet weather here has made this stove top grill pan indispensable. The Naan stays on the grill or grill pan for as long as it takes for grill marks to appear. 

The 'cheese' topping options include either an herbed Boursin cheese or a garlic-herb goat cheese brought to room temperature (the one made by Montchevre would work well) or any other cheese with a garlic/herb flavor that can easily be spread over and slightly melt into the warm, grilled Naan. Generously sprinkle the top of the cheese with the crumbled crispy pancetta.

Lightly dressing the arugula with extra-virgin olive oil and lemon juice not only adds another layer of flavor, it perfectly compliments the peppery taste of the arugula. Generally the ratio of extra-virgin olive oil to fresh squeezed lemon juice is 3 to 1 (Tablespoons). Because I wanted to slightly temper the peppery taste of the baby arugula, I increased the amount of lemon juice to 1 1/2 Tablespoons (2:1 ratio). If a 3:1 ratio of oil to lemon juice gives you the flavor you are looking for, stop there. 

The final layer includes a few sprinkles of sea salt (don't go overboard as the pancetta already adds saltiness) and fresh shavings of Parmigano-Reggiano. Cut into random or uniform slices, arrange on a platter, and serve immediately. The Grilled Naan w/ Pancetta, Arugula and Parmesan is addictive and incredibly mouthwatering served warm, however, it is one of those appetizers (or lunch entrees) equally delicious at room temperature.

Have you been looking for the perfect (as in fast, easy, delicious and beautiful) appetizer for planned or impromptu gatherings, maybe even something new to serve for 4th of July? Your search is over. 

Grilled Naan w/ Pancetta, Arugula and Parmesan aka Nancy's Naan (inspired by one of Nancy Linn Goodman's recipes)

4 pieces (12 ounces) Naan (recommend Whole Foods 365 Tandoori Original Naan)
6-8 ounces Boursin Cheese, Montchevre's Garlic-Herb Flavored Goat cheese (softened) or other garlic-herb flavored soft/spreadable cheese
4-6 ounces pancetta, thinly sliced, baked crisp, crumbled into irregular pieces (Note: Original recipe called for bite size pieces of salami)
4 cups of baby arugula
3 Tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 - 1 1/2 Tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
sea salt
black pepper
Parmigano-Reggiano, shaved

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Arrange slices of pancetta sprinkled with pepper in a single layer. Bake until pancetta is crisp (8-14 minutes). Remove from oven, transfer pancetta to a plate lined with a paper towel. Set aside.
2. Mix together extra-virgin olive oil and fresh squeezed lemon juice. Set aside.
3. Grill Naan on an outdoor grill or on an indoor grill pan. Heat until grill marks appear on both sides.
4. Top warm Naan with a generous amount of Boursin cheese, spreading evenly.
5. Crumble crispy pancetta and sprinkle over top of cheese.
6. Drizzle dressing over arugula, tossing until coated. Add dressing coated arugula on top of pancetta layer.
7. Very lightly sprinkle with sea salt and finish with shavings of Parmigano-Reggiano.
8. Cut into slices/pieces. Transfer to a platter and serve.

Sydney & Walda Bestoff Sculpture Garden at the New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA)