Friday, October 27, 2017

Roasted Rosemary and Garlic Potato Wedges

For as long as I can remember I have had a fascination with farms, old barns, and rural landscapes. So when I had the opportunity to go out to the farm of a friend of a friend, I jumped at the chance. Taking along my camera I had hoped to capture some up close photos of their chickens, roosters, and horses. For some reason, I had forgotten just how quickly chickens and roosters move. Maybe if, along with a hawk flying over the coop, there had not been four children, four adults, and a new puppy surrounding them, taking their photos would have been a tad easier. While I was fairly comfortable (for a city girl who had only once lived next to a farm) around these creatures, I was awestruck by the gentleness and ease two young sisters had in handling them. Certainly having taken care of these chickens and roosters since they were barely days old may have had something to do with it, but not enough to account for their much admired fearlessness. 

While I could have probably taken dozens more photos of the chickens and roosters, I couldn't wait to get into the pasture with the horses. You only have to be in the presence of horses or to look into their beautiful eyes to understand why so many are so fond of these majestic creatures. Or why just being around them is akin to having a Zen-like moment.  An overwhelming feeling of calmness came over me as I brushed the mane of one of the horses. I could have stayed in the pasture for hours. But I didn't want to wear out my welcome on my first visit.

If there is one food I have learned to love over time, it would definitely be potatoes. Had it not been for the occasional potato pancakes or french fries we had growing up, mashed potatoes would have permanently ruined them for me. Ironically today, I find it hard to pass up mashed potatoes. However, it's even harder to walk away from perfectly roasted rosemary and garlic potato wedges. Served with or without the obligatory side of ketchup. 

Hot out of the oven or room temperature, Roasted Rosemary and Garlic Potato Wedges are nothing short of being one of my favorite comfort foods. Many use baking or russet potatoes when making oven roasted potatoes, but Yukon Golds are my roasted wedge potato of choice as I think they are most flavorful and have the best texture. 

The size of your potato matters less than the size of your wedges. So whether you buy large or baby Yukon Gold potatoes, you only need to cut your wedges to as close as possible uniform size (i.e., thickness). 

The potato wedges are tossed in a mixture of olive oil, kosher salt, black pepper, freshly chopped rosemary and garlic (either finely minced fresh or garlic powder). The listed amounts of rosemary and garlic are more guidelines than rules. If you like heavily seasoned, herbed potatoes, increase the amounts to your liking.

With one side of the cut potato wedge facing down, the potatoes roast/bake in a 400 degree (F) oven for 35-40 minutes. Or until they are lightly golden, crispy on the outside, and creamy on the side. Note: Turn potatoes over after 20 minutes of baking so both sides have the chance to bake flat against the pan.

Be careful not to squeeze too many potato wedges onto the pan (my baking pan was probably a little too full, but I got lucky and they baked up beautifully).

These Roasted Rosemary and Garlic Potato Wedges are incredibly delicious all on other own. In addition to the obligatory side of ketchup, they would pair well with either a bowl garlic aoili or sour cream. Don't forget to sprinkle the potatoes with a little more kosher salt when they come out of the oven! 

For a more rustic presentation, serve these Roasted Rosemary and Garlic Potato Wedges on the sheet pan they baked on. Or if you want to be a little less informal, serve them on one of your favorite platters. 

These crispy, creamy, well-seasoned Roasted Rosemary and Garlic Potato Wedges would be an impressive and substantial appetizer or the perfect side dish for a roasted chicken or grilled red meat (e.g., steaks, burgers). Your potato loving family and friends will be over-the-moon happy when they see these wedges brought to the table.

Roasted Rosemary and Garlic Potato Wedges

2 1/2 pounds Yukon Gold potatoes (could also use Russet potatoes)
1/4 cup olive oil
1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt, plus more for finishing
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
2 generous teaspoons finely chopped fresh rosemary
1 generous teaspoon garlic powder or 2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh garlic
Ketchup, garlic aoili, and/or sour cream for serving

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees (F).
2. Cut each potato in half lengthwise. Cut each half in half lengthwise again. Then cut each quarter lengthwise again, for a total of 8 wedges per potato. Each cut wedge should be of similar thickness. Place potatoes in a bowl.
3. Mix together the olive oil, salt, pepper, chopped fresh parsley and garlic powder. Pour mixture over potatoes, tossing to ensure they are evenly coated.
4. Arrange potato wedges on a single layer, cut side down, on a large rimmed baking sheet. Note: Be careful to not overcrowd the potatoes.
5. Bake for 20 minutes, then turn the potatoes over so the other cut side faces down on the baking sheet. Continue baking for an additional 15-20 minutes or until they are lightly browned, crisp on the outside and tender on the inside.
6. Sprinkle with some additional kosher salt.
7. Serve immediately with Ketchup, garlic aoili, and/or sour cream.

Chickens, sisters and freshly laid eggs on the family farm in Wilmington, IL (October 2017)