Monday, April 8, 2019

Lemon Roasted Brussels Sprouts

I have been on a bit of a Brussels Sprouts binge as of late. But even I, the person who ate a bologna sandwich pretty much everyday from first grade through high school, can sometimes get tired of eating the same thing, the same way day after day. I have consumed massive quantities of the Brussels Sprouts Slaw with Dried Cranberries over the last several months. Yet, as much as I have loved each and every morsel of the slaw, my palate was begging me to make a completely different Brussels Sprouts dish. With already two other roasted brussels sprouts recipes on the blog (this one and this one), it may seem like a bit of overkill to add yet one more. If, by chance, you are someone who believes there is such a thing as too much, well you would. I, on the other hand believe there is no such thing as too much of a good thing. And Brussels Sprouts happen to be on the list of good things.

There is restaurant nearby serving up some of the best pork chops you have ever seen or eaten in your life. But it's their roasted brussels sprouts that I find irresistible. These Lemon Roasted Brussel Sprouts aren't exactly like theirs, but they are pretty gosh darn delicious. So delicious in fact that I couldn't stop eating them, even though my stomach was wondering when I was going to quit. There is something rather addictive to eating uber-crispy brussels sprouts leaves. 

For those of you not the biggest fans of brussels sprouts, I would encourage you to give them another try. The combination of the roasted lemon slices and splash of fresh lemon juice on the roasted brussels sprouts adds an amazing flavor dimension to them.

Fortunately brussels sprouts can still be found in the grocery stores. While their peak season is generally from September through February, you can find them year round. For those of who love Brussels Sprouts this is a good thing!

After trimming the ends of the brussels sprouts, they are cut in half lengthwise. If some of your brussels sprouts are really large, cut them in quarters. Having as many uniformed-sized sprouts as possible will yield the most consistent roasted results. Tossed in olive oil on a roasting pan and generously sprinkled with some kosher salt and black pepper is all you need to do before putting them in a preheated 450 degree (F) oven. After the first fifteen (15) minutes of roasting, you toss them with a spatula add the lemon slices and return back to the oven for another fifteen (15) minutes of roasting. In the final ten minutes of roasting time, the almost ready to eat brussels sprouts are tossed again, then sprinkled with juice from half of a fresh lemon. In about forty (40) minutes of roasting, you will have the most beautiful, crispiest, most tender brussels sprouts.

To serve with or without the roasted lemon slices is the only decision you need to make before transferring all of this roasted deliciousness to a serving platter. My choice is always to serve them with the lemon slices along with a garnish of some additional lemon wedges.

For a finishing touch I sprinkled the Lemon Roasted Brussel Sprouts with some flaky sea salt. However, you could season them with some additional kosher salt. 

With the weather turning warmer (finally), you might be wondering why on earth I would now be sharing a recipe for a vegetable dish requiring forty minutes of roasting in a 450 degree (F) oven. The answer to that question is this. It's because I am someone who cannot contain their enthusiasm or excitement over something crazy good. As I have shared before, patience isn't high up on there on my list of virtues. With brussels sprouts still in the grocery stores along with the modern day convenience of air-conditioning, it seemed like as good as time as any to share this incredibly healthy, beyond addictively delicious recipe with you. Besides, if one is going to binge on anything it is always good to have others join in the fun! The more the merrier!

Lemon Roasted Brussels Sprouts (an ever so slight adaptation to What's Cooking by Gaby's Crispy Lemon Roasted Brussels Sprouts recipe)
Serves 4-6

2 pounds brussels sprouts, ends trimmed and cut in half
4-5 Tablespoons olive oil
1 generous teaspoon kosher salt
3/4 teaspoon black pepper
2 lemons, divided (one lemon cut into thin slices, one lemon cut and in half)
Flaky sea salt for finishing (or additional kosher salt)

1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees (F).
2. Spread prepared brussels sprouts on a large baking sheet pan. Drizzle olive oil. Using your hands, toss the brussels sprouts until well coated with the olive oil. Season with salt and pepper.
3. Place baking sheet in oven. After 15 minutes of roasting time, use a spatula to turn the brussels sprouts. 
4. Place lemon slices on top of the brussels sprouts and return to oven. Continue cooking for an additional 15 minutes. Remove from oven, toss the brussels sprouts and lemon slices with a spatula and then squeeze juice from one lemon half evenly over the brussels sprouts. Return to oven.
5. Continue roasting for an additional 10 minutes or until edges of the brussels sprouts are crisp and tender when a knife is inserted into them. Note: Total roasting time approximately 40 minutes.
6. Transfer the lemon roasted brussels sprouts to a serving platter. Season with sea salt (or additional kosher salt). Cut the remaining lemon half into wedges and use to garnish the platter. (Note: I like serving the roasted brussels sprouts with the roasted lemon slices. However, some may prefer to remove them before serving the dish.)
7. Serve immediately. 

Notes: (1) Try looking for brussels sprouts of similar size. If some are too large, cut into quarters instead of halves. (2) Store any leftovers covered in the refrigerator. They reheat well in the microwave (although they will lose their crispness but are still delicious).