Monday, March 23, 2020

Maple Pecan Baked Blueberry Oatmeal

While the rest of the world was out shopping for necessities like toilet paper and disinfectant wipes, I was out shopping for these necessities: unsalted butter, eggs, flour, and oatmeal. Clearly my priorities in this new normal life were not the same as everyone else's. That shouldn't surprise anyone who knows me well. Some might argue otherwise, but I think this time I got my priorities straight this time. Because, if there is a return to bartering (and most likely there will be), it's quite possible that some freshly baked homemade confections, especially ones made with chocolate, would have a pretty high trading value. But even in a bartering free world, homemade cookies and all other forms of home made deliciousness have the power to make any bad day turn into a good one. Seriously, there is nothing like a homemade cookie or a slice of homemade anything to take the edge off of being quarantined. I have a feeling if I need some toilet paper, I will be able to easily find it.

But we can't live on cookies, cakes, pies, or any other kind of homemade sweets forever. Well, a few outliers out there might be able to. So much has changed in the last couple of weeks it's likely that some of the hard and fast food rules some of us may have followed will be thrown out the window. The lines of distinction between what's a breakfast, lunch or dinner meal will be permanently blurred and forever altered. For those of us who had previously enjoyed pancakes or an egg dish for dinner, we now will have others thinking we were wise beyond our years. And for those who viewed oatmeal as only having a place at the breakfast table, well let's just say I have a feeling they might let up just a bit on their position. Especially once they taste this Maple Pecan Baked Blueberry Oatmeal. The only dilemma I would have serving it for dinner would be choosing the wine to pair it with! Because honestly I could eat this oatmeal anytime of the day. 

While talking with one of my good friends over the weekend she shared she had made a baked blueberry oatmeal dish over the weekend. Because I trust her palate, I knew I needed the recipe. But there was something a little familiar about a baked blueberry oatmeal. As it turns out the recipe she shared with me was very similar to the one I had posted to the blog three years ago. However, there were some subtle differences. I couldn't help but wonder which version might be the better one. But because I can't leave well enough alone, I made some small changes to her recipe. 

I am probably a little biased (no, that's no possible), but this Maple Pecan Baked Blueberry Oatmeal recipe I believe is a strong contender for the best baked oatmeal on the planet. 

As luck (or rather preparedness) would have it, I had all of the ingredients needed to make the Maple Pecan Baked Blueberry Oatmeal. And the amount of butter called for didn't even make a dent in my butter stash! There were some fresh blueberries in the refrigerator and some of last summer's bounty in the freezer. I have already made a note to myself to buy more blueberries this summer as I clearly didn't hoard enough of them.

The Maple Pecan Baked Blueberry Oatmeal is essentially made of three layers and a finishing touch. Blueberries on the bottom, a middle layer of the oatmeal, nuts, and spices, and the custard mixture on top. A few extra blueberries, some of the chopped toasted pecans, and a sprinkling of demerara sugar are the finishing touches made to the oatmeal before it goes into a preheated 375 degree (F) oven.

I used a combination of whole milk and heavy whipping cream to make the custard mixture, but you could easily use only whole milk. I am big believer in where there is fat there is great flavor, but you could even use a skim milk or even an almond milk if you are looking to reduce the amount of fat in your life. And if you don't have demerara sugar, then use some light brown sugar or a combination of light brown sugar and some Turbinado sugar. Just know this baked oatmeal needs that small amount of sugar.

Baking time for the Maple Pecan Baked Blueberry Oatmeal will range from 40 to 50 minutes (mine was 45 minutes). When it comes out of the oven, it is drizzled with a little melted butter. 

Oatmeal never tasted so good! Packed with maple syrup, fruit, nuts, and spices makes this baked oatmeal even more wholesome, nutritious, healthy, and nourishing. It is also incredibly hearty. I drizzled some heavy cream over it but you could serve it without it (but I am pushing for the addition of the cream) or with some yogurt. This is definitely a craveworthy oatmeal dish. I will go out on a very short limb and say non-oatmeal lovers will be swayed into becoming oatmeal lovers in just one bite. While most will make the Maple Pecan Baked Blueberry Oatmeal for breakfast, some of us will be making it for dinner too! Or at least eating any leftovers for dinner. And yes, this dish is definitely a contender for the best baked oatmeal on the planet!

If there is at least one silver lining in these unprecedented, unsettling times, it's the return to simple, yet still beautiful and delicious, food. Stay safe and healthy my friends.
Maple Pecan Baked Blueberry Oatmeal
Serves 6-8

2/3 cups (2 1/2 ounces/72 g) pecans, toasted and coarsely chopped and divided
2 cups (7 ounces/196 g) old-fashioned oatmeal (do not use quick cooking oats)
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
2 large eggs
1 1/2 cups whole milk
1/4 cup heavy whipping cream (see notes)
1/3 cup pure maple syrup
3 Tablespoons unsalted butter, melted, and divided
12 ounces (339 g) fresh or frozen blueberries, divided
2 Tablespoons Demerara sugar

Optional: Heavy cream or plain yogurt for serving

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees (F). Lightly butter an 8" x 10" or 9" square pan with butter. Set aside.
2. In a medium sized bowl, mix together the oatmeal, 3/4's of the pecans, cinnamon, nutmeg, kosher salt, and baking powder. Stir to combine. Set aside.
3. In another medium sized bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, heavy cream, maple syrup, and 1 1/2 Tablespoons of melted butter until blended.
4. Place 3/4 of the blueberries on the bottom of the baking dish.
5. Top with the oatmeal mixture.
6. Pour the egg/milk mixture over the top. Press the mixture down lightly using a large spoon to push down the liquid ingredients and to ensure all of the oats are covered.
7. Top with the reserved blueberries, pecans, and 2 Tablespoons of the Demerara sugar.
8. Bake for 40 to 50 minutes or until the top is golden and is slightly firm to the touch.
9. Remove from the oven and drizzle with the remaining 1 1/2 Tablespoons of melted butter.
10. Serve with a side pitcher of heavy cream and/or a side of a bowl of plain yogurt. 

Notes: (1) Instead of using 1 1/2 cups of milk and 1/4 cup of heavy whipping cream, you can use 1 3/4 cup of milk. (2) To toast the pecans, preheat oven to 350 degrees (F). Lay pecan flat on a small baking tray. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until lightly browned and fragrant. (3) Instead of Demerara sugar you can use light brown sugar or a combination of light brown sugar and Turbinado sugar. (4) Leftovers keep well tightly covered in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. Reheat in the microwave before serving.