Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Banana Bread w/ Streusel Topping

Happy April Fool's Day! Considering that it felt like March would never come to an end, I am just happy we are finally in a new month. One having only 30 days, thank goodness! As much as we all need a bit more humor in our lives these days, I think there should be a moratorium put on April Fool's Day pranks and hoaxes this year. Or maybe forever. Yes, I am actually proposing we get a temporary or better yet a permanent reprieve from those centuries old traditions. Considering we are living in such unprecedented times of uncertainty, I fear some pranks and hoaxes might cause even more harm or add to the anxiety some of us are already feeling. As much as I need to laugh out loud a bit more these days, I just couldn't laugh at someone else's expense right now. However, I do think we should all find a way to channel our need for humor into something that makes us all feel a little more connected to one another.  And if we can all find more clever or even cheesy ways to make one another laugh, maybe we can bring a bit more joy and maybe even some healing into our lives. Because at the moment being able to laugh really does matter. Like hearing good news, humor can be a saving grace.

Whenever I post a photo of something I baked or cooked on my Facebook page, I look forward to the clever comments made by my doctoral program roommate. As he has the uncanny ability to make me laugh out loud. Sometimes his comments are pure genius wit, sometimes they are so absurd you can't help but laugh, and then sometimes they are so clever I can't help but wonder if he should have been a comedy writer instead of an educator. But they are always kind hearted. Now more than ever, I am thankful he continues to share his gift of humor with me. If he and his wife (my doctoral dissertation advisor) didn't live a little more than a 1,000 miles away from me, I would definitely be dropping off little packages of goodies on a regular basis to show my gratitude. 

If, by chance you are looking for away to show someone a bit a gratitude for the joy they bring into your life, (and they live within walking or driving distance), make them a loaf of this moist, flavorful Banana Bread w/ Streusel Topping. Actually, you should make two loaves. One for them and one for yourself.

Unlike some of the other recipes on the blog, the ingredients for this Banana Bread w/ Streusel Topping are generally readily available at the grocery store. And while you might think creme fraiche isn't something your would consider one of those easy to find ingredients, sour cream and/or whole plain yogurt will work just as well. Which means the only thing preventing you from making it sooner rather than later are ripe bananas. So I recommend you look for bananas you wouldn't necessarily want to eat, but would be perfect for baking. There always seems to be an abundance of much too yellow for me bananas at the grocery store. 

Like most quick breads, this one also comes together in a couple of bowls, some whisks, and a spatula. The wet ingredients get mixed into the dry ingredients, then scraped into a heavily vegetable sprayed 9" x 5" baking pan, and finally topped with the streusel topping before going into a preheated 350 degree (F) oven. Note: Make the streusel topping before you being assembling the banana bread batter.

Putting the filled baking pan on a large baking pan makes it easier to rotate the bread midway through the baking process. Baking time for this bread ranges from 75 to 80 minutes (my baking time was closer to the 80 minute mark).

Waiting the Banana Bread w/ Streusel Topping to cool is the hardest part. 

Allowing the Banana Bread to cool completely makes it much easier to cut nice clean slices. I would definitely recommend you cut this bread into thick 1" slices.

I loved everything about this Banana Bread. It was dense, yet tender. The slightly sweet, crunchy streusel topping paired perfectly with the lightly cinnamon flavored banana bread. While you knew you were eating a piece of banana bread in the first bite, the bananas didn't overwhelm all of the other spices and flavors. In other words, this is an incredibly delicious and definitely gift worthy Banana Bread. If you can't find a way to bring humor into the lives of your family and/or friends, then bring them Banana Bread joy. 

My only mistake in making this bread was in not buying more bananas. Because now I may have to wait a little more than a week for the yet to purchased bananas to ripen to make another loaf. There are a few people I think would love getting a surprise delivery of a few thick slices of this Banana Bread w/ Streusel Topping. 
Banana Bread w/ Streusel Topping 
Makes one 9" x 5" loaf. Enough to share, but recommend you making 2 loaves. One for you and one to share with others.

Streusel Topping
1/2 cup (67 g) all-purpose flour 
1/4 cup (48 g) light brown sugar
3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
5 Tablespoons (70g) unsalted butter, room temperature

Banana Bread
1 1/2 cups (202 g) all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 cup (204 g) granulated sugar
4 medium sized very ripe bananas (385-390 g), mashed
2 large eggs, room temperature
1 1/2 teaspoons good quality vanilla
1/3 cup (85 g) creme fraiche (or whole plain yogurt or sour cream)
1/2 cup (113 g) unsalted butter, melted and cooled slightly
Optional: 1 cup of miniature chocolate chips

Streusel Topping
1. In a medium sized bowl mix together the flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, kosher salt, and unsalted butter. Mash with a fork until the mixture is well blended and crumbly. It's okay to use your fingers too. Set the bowl in the refrigerator while you assemble the banana bread.

Banana Bread
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees (F). Generously spray a 9" x 5" baking pan with vegetable spray. Set aside.
2. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, kosher salt, and cinnamon.
3. In a medium sized bowl, whisk together the melted butter, eggs, creme fraiche, and vanilla until the mixture is smooth and creamy (approximately 1-2 minutes). Then stir in the mashed bananas mixing until they are fully incorporated.
4. Add the banana mixture to the flour mixture. Use a wooden spoon or spatula to mix them together. Do not over mix, but do not leave any streaks of flour. (Note: If adding chocolate chips to the bread, stir them in now.)
5. Scrape the bread mixture into the prepared pan.
6. Sprinkle on the streusel topping. Use all of it! Don't let any of that goodness go to waste.
7. Set the baking pan on a baking sheet and place in the oven. Bake for 75 to 80 minutes rotating the tray midway through the baking process. The banana bread is done when an inserted skewer comes out clean.
8. Remove the pan from the oven and let the bread rest for 10-15 minutes. Remove from pan and let cool on a wire rack.
9. When cooled, cut into thick 1" slices, pour yourself some coffee or make some tea and sit back and just breathe. Eat slowly to get the full calming effect this moist, delicious banana bread will have on your spirit.
10. Keep any leftover bread tightly covered. I sometimes like to store my banana bread in the refrigerator and reheat slices in the microwave so it tastes like it just came out of the oven. Or sometimes I even like to toast it.

Notes: (1) This is a slightly adapted recipe of the Cinnamon Streusel Banana Bread from Now, Forager. (2) Definitely use a 9" x 5" baking pan. To determine the size of the pan, measure the bottom side of the pan rather than measuring the top of the pan.