Saturday, July 31, 2021

Grilled Baby Sweet Peppers w/ White Balsamic Vinaigrette & Burrata

Last weekend my sister came over to help me with finally creating a wine inventory. With a growing number of wine bottles purchased or gifted over the years, I needed to get a handle on the drinkability dates of more than a hundred bottles of wine. As anticipated (but with some trepidation), we discovered there were more than a dozen bottles of wine "technically past their prime drinking dates". We stopped the inventory at 106 bottles, leaving another twenty or so for me to finish. Not because we were tired, but because I was beginning to feel some stress. Sensing my feelings of dread over realizing just how many really good bottles of wine should have been enjoyed over the past several years, my sister (the family wine expert and connoisseur) told me not to throw them away. Telling me that sometimes those 'past their best drinkable date' wines might still be really very good or even good enough to use in cooking. So the other day I decided to test out her advice and open up a 2013 bottle of Zinfandel to serve with these Grilled Baby Peppers w/ White Balsamic Vinaigrette & Burrata. If there was ever a (rare) time I wanted my sister to be right and me to be wrong, this was it. And guess what? She was, thank goodness. But while I know not every bottle of 'expired' wine will be 'good enough' to drink or cook with, somehow discovering there was at least one bottle tasting better than good enough (it was actually really, really good) helped to relieve a bit of my wine anxiety. Beyond being able to spend some long overdue time with my sister and finally getting the inventory done, I had quite a few 'wine' takeaways from the experience. Although stop buying more wine wasn't one of them. 

Last year I shared a recipe for Roasted Mini-Sweet Peppers, Burrata and Italian Meats Crostini. While this new recipe is made with baby sweet peppers, burrata and a sliced baguette, the flavors between the two appetizers couldn't be more different. They are sort of like the difference between a chardonnay and cabernet sauvignon. 

For the best flavor, grill the baby sweet peppers until they are softened and slightly charred (about 3-4 minutes per side). Just as grilling vegetables makes them 'over the top' tasteworthy, the same thing happens when bread is grilled. Brushing both sides of the bread slices before placing them on the grill and then rubbing a cut clove of garlic over each grilled slice adds another dimension of flavor.

Maybe the most critical element to this appetizer is the White Balsamic Vinaigrette as it's a savoriness is a game changer when its' drizzled over the grilled baby sweet peppers and burrata.  The vinaigrette is light, herby and has just the right amount of tartness from the white balsamic vinegar. Using fresh herbs and a good quality extra-virgin olive oil is key in this vinaigrette. And i by chance you can't find a white balsamic vinegar, feel free to use a champagne vinegar. 

To prepare the baby sweet peppers, simply toss them in some extra-virgin olive oil and season them with some Kosher salt and pepper. Grilling time for the peppers will depend on how hot your grill is. Plan for grilling the peppers for approximately 3-4 minutes per side. As soon as grill marks appear on one side of the peppers, flip them over. Note: If you don't have an outdoor gas grill, use a stovetop grill pan. Grilling on the stovetop might take a little bit longer.

Arrange the grilled baby sweet peppers and pieces of burrata on a large, beautiful platter. Drizzle the White Balsamic Vinaigrette over them, then arrange the slices of the grilled baguette around the edges. Garnish with some fresh herbs (basil and thyme) and/or some edible flowers. Then serve and enjoy!

The Grilled Baby Sweet Peppers w/ White Balsamic Vinaigrette & Burrata might be one of the most visually appealing appetizers you serve this summer. More importantly, it might also be one of the most flavorful! Serve it with a really good wine (one whose drinkability date didn't expire years ago!) or some sparkling water garnished with a lemon, lime or fresh fruit. Then sit back and watch the platter of Grilled Baby Sweet Peppers w/ White Balsamic Vinaigrette & Burrata disappear. 

Grilled Baby Sweet Peppers w/ White Balsamic Vinaigrette & Burrata
Serves 6-8 

1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
2 Tablespoons white balsamic vinegar (or use champagne vinegar)
2 Tablespoons basil, julienned
2 Tablespoons chives, finely chopped
1-2 Tablespoons thyme, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 teaspoon Kosher salt
1/8 teaspoon black pepper

1 1/2 pounds (675-680g) baby bell peppers in assorted colors
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 teaspoon Kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper

8-12 ounces (226-339g) burrata, cut into 4, 6 or 8 pieces

Baguette, cut into generous 1/4" slices
Extra-virgin olive oil for brushing
1 clove of garlic, for finishing the grilled baguette slices

Optional but good: Fresh herbs and/or flowers for garnishing

1. In a medium sized bowl, mix together the white balsamic vinegar, basil, chives, thyme, garlic, Kosher salt and pepper.
2. Slow add in the olive oil and whisk until combined. Set the vinaigrette aside to allow the flavors to develop.

Grilled Baby Sweet Peppers
1. Heat the grill.
2. Toss the baby bell peppers with 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil. Sprinkle with the Kosher salt and black pepper.
3. Lay the peppers on the hot grill. Cook the peppers for about 3-4 minutes on each side or until grill marks are on both sides of the peppers.
4. Transfer the grilled peppers to a large platter.
5. Arrange pieces of the burrata on the platter and drizzle the peppers and cheese with the vinaigrette. Lightly sprinkle with some Kosher salt. While the grilled peppers and burrata marinate in the vinaigrette, grill the bread.
6. Add slices of the grilled baguette on the platter. Garnish with some fresh herbs and, if possible, some edible flowers.
7. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Notes: (1) To make the best slices of a grilled baguette, lightly brush both sides of the bread with some olive oil. Place on a hot grill. Cook until light grill marks appear on both sides. Rub the grilled slices with a half clove of garlic. (2) The recipe calls for an 8 ounce ball of burrata cut into pieces. If you can find four ounce balls of burrata, buy three of them (for a total of 12 ounces). Cut them each into four pieces and arrange on the platter. (3) When buying baby sweet peppers, try to buy an assortment of colors (red, yellow, orange).

Friday, July 23, 2021

Classic Banana Bread

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be on a quest to be admitted into the Banana Bread Hall of Fame. But apparently, I am. Because if that wasn't a goal deeply buried in my subconscious, I would probably have to admit to being on a relentless pursuit of creating the Banana Bread Holy Grail recipe. That, or I am extremely persnickety when it comes to Banana Bread. However, I refuse to be pigeon-holed into any of those characterizations as I am a little bit of each of them. 

For the record there are seven, soon to be eight recipes for banana bread now on the blog. Banana Bread (Original Recipe), Banana Bread-Version 2, Banana Bread with Streusel ToppingCocoa Banana BreadCheesecake Banana Bread, Walnut Banana Bread, and Spiced Pecan Banana Bread are all ones I have said were my favorite at one time or another. 

Yes, I know, I am teetering on the brink of having a Banana Bread credibility issue, of telling you little white lies, or of leading you down a banana bread recipe path only to tell you turn around. So, here I am again asking you to trust me when I tell you I think, no I believe, this just might be the only Banana Bread recipe you should be making now and in the foreseeable future. On a scale of 1 to 10, I am going to tell you this version is a 9+. 

If you love a slightly dense in texture, moist but a little bit crunchy on the edges, not too too sweet, having the right amount of banana-ness, and a detectable hint of cinnamon banana bread, then this is the Banana Bread you need in your life. The one you make to impress your friends, to garner all of the attention at a potluck brunch, to enter in the local get the picture.

Without going full on excel spreadsheet on you comparing all of the existing seven banana bread recipes to this one, I will give you the Reader's Digest version highlighting the myriad of nuances in ingredient amounts. 

Ranging from having the least amount of sugar (3/4 cup), to the most baking powder (one teaspoon), to the most butter (6 Tablespoons). There is only one other recipe using sour cream, only one specifying using up to 1 1/2 cups of mashed ripe bananas, and only one using two cups of flour. Somehow, the ingredient amounts, in what I am calling a Classic Banana Bread recipe, combine to create the most delicious, dreamworthy loaf. 

For the most optimal eating experience, let this Classic Banana Bread rest overnight to allow the flavors to more fully develop. In all honest, I loved this banana bread on day one. But on day two I was deeply, madly, hopelessly, deliriously in love with it. If there was such a thing as a Banana Bread Hall of Fame, this insanely delicious recipe would be the one guaranteeing me entry. Hope I have convinced you make this your go-to Banana Bread loaf.

Classic Banana Bread
Makes one delicious 8 1/2" x 4 1/2" loaf
Updated May 2022

2 cups (260g) all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt
1/2 to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon 
1 1/4 to 1 1/2 cups (about 344g) very ripe bananas, mashed (about 3-4 bananas)
3/4 cup (150g) granulated sugar (OR 1/2 cup (100g) granulated sugar and 1/4 cup (50g) dark brown sugar
2 large eggs
6 Tablespoons (85g) unsalted butter, melted and slightly cooled
1/4 cup (60g) sour cream
1 teaspoon vanilla
3/4 cup (75g) walnuts, toasted and coarsely chopped (see notes)

Optional, but really good: Sparkling Sugar to sprinkle over the top of bread before baking

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees (F). Line a 8 1/2" x 4 1/2" metal loaf with parchment paper (spray pan with canola or vegetable spray or butter before adding in the parchment paper).
2. In a medium sized bowl, combine the all-purpose flour, baking powder, baking soda, Kosher salt, and cinnamon. Whisk to combine.
3. In a large bowl whisk together the mashed bananas, sugar, eggs, melted butter, sour cream and vanilla until combined.
4. Add the wet ingredients and walnuts to the dry ingredients. Blend with spatula until just combined. Do not over mix.
5. Transfer the banana bread mixture to the prepared pan. If using, generously sprinkle with sparkling sugar. Place pan on a large baking sheet. Note: Instead of putting the unbaked banana bread into the oven, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for several hours before baking.
6. Bake for 50-60 minutes or until the top is golden and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean or with only a few moist crumbs. Note: Rotate pan midway through the baking process.
7. Remove from the oven and place on a cooling rack. Allow to rest at least 20 minutes before lifting out of the pan. Return the bread to the cooling rack. Continue to allow the bread to cool for another 20 minutes before slicing into thick slices.
8. Store any leftovers covered. And honestly, this Banana Bread is even better on days two and three. Note: To extend the life of the banana bread, store covered in the refrigerator. Eat chilled or reheat in the microwave.

Notes: (1) I used only 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon. Because I like a stronger presence of cinnamon in my banana bread I will be increasing the amount to somewhere between 3/4 and 1 teaspoon. (2) To toast the walnuts, place on a baking sheet in a preheated 350 degree (F) oven and bake for 7-8 minutes. Remove from the baking sheet so they can cool down a little more quickly. (3) If you like chocolate in your banana bread, feel free to replace the walnuts with 3/4 to 1 cup miniature chocolate chips. (4) If you like a crunchy top to your banana bread, top with 2-3 Tablespoons of sparkling or sanding sugar.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Rosemary Shortbread Apricot Bars

Ever since discovering how apricot preserves elevated the Ham, Brie and Arugula Sandwich to a swoonworthy level of deliciousness, my affinity for all things apricot deepened even further. For the first time, I shifted from looking at apricot preserves through a sweet only to a sweet and savory lens. When apricot preserves are paired with something slightly bold and savory, like rosemary for example, the interplay of flavors becomes an unexpected, irresistibly addictive combination. In other words, the taste of the two flavors experienced together are even better than either one of them are on their own. As is the case in these binge worthy Rosemary Shortbread Apricot Bars. 

A rosemary shortbread base, topped with apricot preserves given a boost of flavor with brandy, and a buttery, dark brown sugar, toasted pecan crumble topping are a trifecta of layered scrumptiousness. 

Before you scroll down to the recipe, let me just say 'please don't be adversely swayed by the number of steps' involved in making these luscious Rosemary Shortbread Apricot Bars. As much as I too love the easy recipes, the ones having both high visual and taste appeal, I hate having be the one to say there are no quick and easy shortcuts when flavor layering is involved. However, in spite of the number of steps involved in making these bars, it's really a pretty easy recipe. 

As far as ingredients go, I live by a few rules. High quality ingredients are a must. Given the choice between a regular unsalted butter and a European-style unsalted butter, I always go with the latter. When cookie or bar recipes involve nuts, the nuts must always be toasted first. Fresh herbs and dried herbs are not always interchangeable. I know those may sound a bit fussy, but given the choice between good enough and great (especially when food is involved), my tendency is to go for great. 

Freshly minced rosemary, room temperature European style butter, a good vanilla, some Kosher salt, all-purpose flour, and confectionary sugar are the shortbread base ingredients. Once the shortbread dough comes together in a standing mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, it gets pressed into a parchment paper lined 9" square baking pan. After spending about 30 minutes in the refrigerator, the shortbread is baked for 25-30 minutes in a preheated 350 degree (F) oven. While the dough is chilling, toast the pecans and mix together the apricot preserves and brandy over low heat until the brandy is absorbed. Let the pecans cool slightly before chopping and allow the apricot preserve mixture to cool down slightly. The butter pecan crumble topping can be made in a medium sized bowl (using your hands or a fork) and chilled until you are ready to use.

After the shortbread layer bakes for 25-30 minutes or until golden, the apricot preserve/brandy layer goes on, followed by the buttery dark brown sugar pecan crumble. Before mixing in all of the chopped pecans into the crumble, reserve about two tablespoons to sprinkle on top. To get that bakery finish look to your crumble topping, squeeze small amounts of the crumble mixture together with your fingers and then drop them on top of the apricot layer. 

Once all of the layers are assembled, the bars go back into the oven for an additional 24-26 minutes. Allow the bars to cool completely before dusting with confectionary sugar and cutting. Even better, chill the cooled bars for at least an hour before dusting and cutting them into 16 evenly sized bars.

The bars can be served at either room temperature or chilled. I really like them best slightly chilled.

Next to the Raspberry Crumb Bars, these Rosemary Shortbread Apricot Bars are now up at the top of my favorite dessert bars list. The combination of textures and flavors in these bars will satisfy cravings you didn't even know you had. The unexpected sweet and savory combination of the apricot preserves and fresh rosemary gives rise to an extraordinary, amazing interplay of flavors. 

Rosemary Shortbread Apricot Bars
Makes 16 two inch sized bars

Rosemary Shortbread
1 3/4 cups (228g) all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt
2 1/2 teaspoons, fresh rosemary leaves, minced
3/4 cup (170g) unsalted butter, room temperature (recommend a European or European-style butter)
1/2 cup (60g) confectionary sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla

Apricot Filling
12-13 ounces (340-370g) apricot preserves
1 Tablespoon brandy (optional, but really good)

Pecan Crumble Topping
1/2 cup plus 1 Tablespoon (73g) all-purpose flour
4 Tablespoons (57g) unsalted butter, room temperature
2/3 cup (72g) pecan halves, toasted, coarsely chopped and divided
1/2 cup (100g) dark brown sugar
1/8 teaspoon Kosher salt

Confectionary sugar for finishing

Rosemary Shortbread
1. Line a 9" square baking pan (metal) with parchment paper. Set aside.
2. In a medium sized bowl, whisk together the flour, Kosher salt, and rosemary leaves. Set aside.
3. In the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat the butter and confectionary sugar until light and fluffy (about 2 minutes).
4. Beat in the vanilla.
5. On low speed, add in the dry ingredients. Mix until the dough begins to come together.
6. Press the dough evenly into the prepared pan, ensuring there is a slight edge of dough along the sides of the pan. Chill in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.
7. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees (F). Place the pan of shortbread on a large baking sheet. Bake the shortbread base for 25-30 minutes or until lightly golden (rotate the baking sheet midway through the baking process).
8. Remove from the oven and place pan on a cooling rack. Keep the oven on.

Apricot Filling
1. If using brandy, heat the apricot preserves and brandy together in a small saucepan over low heat until the brandy is absorbed.  
2. If not using the brandy, you do not need to heat the preserves.
3. Spread the preserves over the baked shortbread layer.

Pecan Crumble Topping
1. In a medium sized bowl, blend the flour, butter, dark brown sugar, coarsely chopped pecans, and Kosher salt until well blended. Place in the refrigerator to chill while the shortbread layer is baking.
2. Squeeze pieces of the crumble topping in your fingers and drop on top of the apricot preserve layer. Top with the reserved 2 Tablespoons of chopped pecans.
3. Place baking pan on the baking sheet, return to the 350 degree (F) oven and bake for 23-25 minutes or until the top is golden brown.
4. Remove from the oven. Transfer the pan to a cooling rack. Let the bars come to room temperature before cutting. The better option is to allow the cooled bars chill in the refrigerator for at least one hour before dusting with confectionary sugar and cutting into 16 even sized bars.
5. Serve immediately or store well wrapped in the refrigerator until ready to serve.

Notes: (1) I used Kerrygold unsalted butter and Bonne Maman Apricot Preserves. (2) To toast the pecans, preheat the oven to 350 degrees and bake the pecans on a baking sheet for about 7-8 minutes. Remove the toasted pecans from the oven and immediately transfer to a cutting board to allow the pecans to begin to cool down. Allow your coarsely chopped pecans to cool down before adding them to the other crumble ingredients.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Basil Butter with Radishes and/or Grilled Bread


"When there is a hill to climb. Don't think waiting will make it smaller." Apparently I am a bit of a procrastinator. A quality I have often vehemently denied existed in my persona. So what caused me to admit, and publicly no less, to this character flaw? Well, a little more than seven years ago I moved back from Rhode Island. After unpacking all of the household goods and antiques acquired during my stay, I took a pause. A very, very, very long pause. Eight or nine hanging bags filled with clothes remained unopened until earlier this week when I finally opened them all up. Going through each bag was a cross between discovering a gold mine and feeling as if I was going through someone else's closet. After sorting the clothes into keep and donate piles, the euphoria of finally getting this long over due project done (and discovering I could again fit into that timeless Burberry skirt I bought more than 15 years ago) was slightly overshadowed by chiding myself for the years spent making procrastination excuses. But this got me thinking. Unless I want to remain being a procrastinator in denial, I need to get moving on a few more things. 

While in the big picture of things, telling you about radishes and butter may neither be the most pressing thing I need to get done, nor may be it be the most original concept. However, if you have never had fresh radishes slathered in soft butter and lightly sprinkled with salt, you have been missing out. A lesson I learned when I first tasted them more than twenty years ago while out to dinner with friends. A dish of radishes and butter was one of the appetizers they wanted to order. Just the idea of eating butter and radishes wasn't one I was particularly excited about. But then, I tried one. Then another, just to be polite or maybe it was just to be sure this flavor explosion wasn't an anomaly. It was in the second bite, I saw the 'radish and butter' light. 

If I had shared with you a 'recipe', if you want to even call it that, for butter and radishes in the early days of the blog, I may have never been inspired to share this Basil Butter and Radishes recipe with you. While this may be an exception to the rule of holding out (let's not call it procrastinating, okay?), that minor delay may have turned out to be a really good blog decision. Because even better than having creamy butter slathered on radishes and sprinkled with salt, is creamy Basil Butter slathered on radishes and sprinkled with flaky sea salt. As the basil butter and flaky sea salt take this simple radish appetizer from good to great!

The most common of all radishes and the one most easily found at the grocery store is the Table Radish or Red Radish (like these). Still common, but maybe not as easily found, are the French and Watermelon Radishes. Basil Butter would both tame and enhance the flavor of the all of those peppery radishes.

Let me tell you a little about this silky, herby, ever so slightly citrusy whipped Basil Butter. A butter as heavenly as it is versatile. The keys to making the most flavorful Basil Butter are fresh basil (briefly blanched and then plunged in an ice bath), a high quality unsalted (European-style quality) butter, and serving it room temperature. When the basil and butter are combined in a food processor with some olive oil, freshly grated lemon zest and a small amount of Kosher salt, the flavor of the butter is almost addictive. You just might be tempted to eat it off of a spoon instead of spread on a radish or some grilled bread. 

Before slathering the Basil Butter on Radishes, we had smeared it on some freshly grilled sourdough bread. I was temporarily rendered speechless. And then all I could think to say was 'wow'. So if you are looking for a simple appetizer to serve this summer, pair the Basil Butter with either or both radishes and grilled bread. And wait for either the temporary silence or a few wows. Throw in some Marinated Olives and entertaining will never feel more effortless, more satisfying. Any Basil Butter leftovers (the recipe below makes a generous amount, feel free to reduce it in half) can be stored in the refrigerator and used on freshly grilled or steamed vegetables. Or another platter of radishes or grilled bread!

Technically a three ingredient appetizer (radishes, basil butter, and salt or bread, basil butter and salt), the deliciousness of Basil Butter and Radishes comes from both it's freshness and simplicity. Think of it as a kind of understated sophisticated dish, one validating the less is more way of thinking. 

With fresh basil and radishes now in season, there may be no better time to start serving Basil Butter with Radishes and/or Grilled Bread. Whatever you do, don't procrastinate on making this unfussy, sweet and peppery, impressive appetizer.

Basil Butter with Radishes and/or Grilled Bread
Makes enough to serve at least 8, if not more. Feel free to cut the recipe in half if you don't want leftovers.

2 cups (80g) packed basil leaves (see notes)
2 teaspoons olive oil
1/4 cup water
1 pound (454g) unsalted butter, room temperature (European-style preferred)
Zest of one large lemon (about 2 teaspoons)
1/4 teaspoon Kosher salt

Flaky sea salt (like Maldon)

Large bunches of radishes, washed, trimmed, served whole, cut in half or cut in quarters
A baguette or loaf of sour dough bread, cut into thick slices and grilled

1. Prepare a medium sized bowl with ice cold water and a large handful of ice cubes. Set aside.
2. In a medium sized saucepan, bring lightly salted water to boil. Drop in the basil leaves (pressing down so they are submerged) and blanch just until the leaves turn a very bright green (about 15-20 seconds).
3. Immediately remove the basil leaves and place in the bowl of ice cold water to stop the cooking process.
4. When the basil have cooled, remove the water and squeeze dry. Place on a paper towel to let dry completely.
5. In the bowl of a food processor, add the dried basil leaves, 1/4 cup water, and olive oil. Process the mixture for about two minutes or until the basil leaves are pureed. Pour the basil puree through a fine mesh strainer set over a bowl. Press down to help remove the liquid.
6. In the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter. Add in the basil puree. lemon zest, and Kosher salt. Beat until all ingredients are fully blended.
7. Transfer to bowl and serve with the radishes and/or grilled bread and a small dish of flaky sea salt. 

Notes: (1) I highly recommend weighing your basil. Remove any thick stems before weighing. (2) The butter can be made several hours ahead, covered and kept out. If made ahead, cover, refrigerate, but take out at least two hours before serving to return it room temperature.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Marinated Olives

Late this past week I registered for the Lululemon Seawheeze virtual half-marathon! Officially committing myself to running 13.1 miles in late September and spending the summer training in the sometimes oppressive midwest heat and humidity. Earlier this spring I made the decision to train solo. I had vacillated between rejoining the half-marathon running group or repeating last summer's solitary running plan. Ever since I first started running more than twenty-five years ago, I have never been able to master the whole talking while running thing. Which makes me 'not the most fun person' when running in a pack. It's one of those rare moments when I am not my normally chatty self. So, as much as I love and benefit from the camaraderie that comes from running with others, this will be the summer of digging deeper into my resiliency and working on my mental toughness (my Achilles heel). When running alone I keep my mind occupied with music, holding silent but sometimes spirited conversations with myself, and thinking about all the foods I want to make to keep my head preoccupied. On one of my recent runs, my food thoughts skewed to the savory rather than sweet side. Recipe ideas for brined pork chops, basil butter, and marinated olives helped to keep me distracted for at least two miles.

I am always woefully disappointed when the small dish of olive oil marinated vegetables and a pittance of olives is brought to the table at one of my favorite Italian restaurants. So the idea of serving a whole bowl of marinated olives, maybe served with thick slices of grilled or fresh bread and some basil butter or maybe served on a charcuterie board sounded a bit luxurious. And as it happened I picked up some beautiful pitted Castelvetrano and Kalamata olives at the Farmer's Marker earlier in the week.

One of the nice things about making Marinated Olives is that they can be made earlier in the day or the day before, stored in the refrigerator, and reheated right before serving. Because they store well in the refrigerator, you always have a ready appetizer for an impromptu gathering. Not only are homemade Marinated Olives so much better than anything you might pick up at the grocery store, you never have to wonder how long they have been sitting out on the olive bar or in the deli section. 

Starting with the pitted Castelvetrano and Kalamata olives, the other ingredients include fennel seeds, crushed red pepper, bay leaves, fresh garlic cloves, fresh rosemary, wide zests of both a lemon and orange, and some good quality extra-virgin olive oil. Castelvetrano and Kalamata olives happen be my favorites and I like the flavor and color combination of the two. However, feel free to use just one or any other of your favorite imported olives.

To optimize the flavor of the fennel seeds, heat them in the saucepan until they become fragrant (about 2-3 minutes). Then add all of the other remaining ingredients and cook over low heat for about 8-10 minutes. Just until the olive oil begins to lightly bubble (not boil) and everything is heated through. Remove the pan from the heat and let the olives cool down slightly. 

Marinated olives can be served slightly warm or at room temperature. If you make the olives ahead of time, they become even more flavorful as the heat from the crushed red pepper, the pungency of the garlic, the mild lemon and orange citrusiness and the aromatic rosemary shines through. 

You can remove the cooked rosemary from the marinade or let it remain. I removed mine and added a few sprigs of fresh rosemary to the serving dish. Because the color of the lemon and orange peels will fade when cooked in the extra virgin olive oil, I topped the Marinated Olives with a couple of pieces of the reserved lemon and orange zest. 

This may be one of the simplest, most impressive appetizers you can make. Olive lovers will be transported to olive heaven when the dish of Marinated Olives is brought to the table. If serving only the Marinated Olives as an appetizer, definitely serve them with some fresh or grilled (French, Italian, or Sourdough) bread to use to dip into the luscious olive oil marinade. 

Between the healthy fats in the olives/olive oil and the carbs in the bread, this may also be the perfect 'night before a long run' appetizer for your olive loving running friends. 
Marinated Olives

2 cups (about 290g) pitted, drained olives (recommend a combination of Castelvetrano and Kalamata olives)
1 Tablespoon fennel seeds
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper (but if you like your marinated olives a little spicier, use up to 1 teaspoon)
2-3 cloves of garlic, each cut into 2-3 pieces
Zest of a lemon (cut into wide strips), reserve two strips for garnishing
Zest of an orange (cut into wide strips), reserve two strips for garnishing
2 bay leaves
2-3 sprigs of fresh rosemary
1 to 1 1/4 cups good quality extra virgin olive oil

Optional: Fresh flower and/or fresh rosemary sprig garnish

1. In a medium sized skillet and over low heat toast the fennel seeds, stirring frequently, until they become fragrant (approximately 2-3 minutes).
2. Add in all of the remaining ingredients. Continue cooking over low heat for 8-10 minutes until the olive oil is gently bubbling and all of the ingredients have been warmed through.
3. Turn off heat, remove pan from burner and allow the mixture to to cool to room temperature. Note: Allowing the olives to marinate for at least an hour makes them incredibly flavorful. 
4. Transfer mixture to a bowl. Add in the reserved lemon and orange strips and top with a flower and/or fresh rosemary garnish (if using). 
5. Serve the marinated olives with either some thickly sliced fresh or grilled artisan/sourdough bread and some whipped feta an/or an herb butter.

Notes: (1) When buying olives, buy only ones packed in brine, not in olive oil. (2) You can make the olives ahead. Transfer the cooled olives to a jar or tightly covered bowl and store in the refrigerator. When ready to serve, reheat the mixture (the olive oil will solidify when chilled) until warmed. Let cool slightly before serving or let cool completely. (3) The marinated olives can be stored in the refrigerator for up to to two weeks!

Denver Botanic Gardens, Colorado, May 2021

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Grilled Stone Fruit, Blue Cheese and Honey

This year, the Fourth of July weekend felt even more celebratory as we finally had the long awaited return to the kind of freedoms we once took for granted. You know, things like the worry free freedom to have more than two people over for a meal, to run in an in-person race, and to actually hug friends.  All of those things brought me great joy over the holidays. From running in my hometown's return to the annual 4 on the 4th run (although this year it was 4 on the 3rd), to inviting my running friends over for a post race brunch, to hugging, this holiday was as memorable as the year spent watching fireworks in big sky country Montana.

And in all honestly, I was more a bit more anxious planning and preparing a meal for nine people than I was about running a four mile race on a really warm July morning. Other than forgetting to put the avocado on the bagel platter, my confidence in my attention to small details (with one exception that is), in my ability to entertain, and to make friends feel comfortably welcomed in my home was restored. I am already looking forward to the next planned gathering as well as the all of butterflies and pressure I put on myself that goes along with it.

For those of you planning to entertain friends and/or family this summer, might I suggest you serving them this Grilled Stone Fruit, Blue Cheese and Honey dish at the end of the meal. It's a dessert, it's a cheese course, it's a sweet and savory end to any meal. Because, if by chance, you have never had grilled fruit before, you really have been missing out.

The juiciness and sweetness of peaches, plums, and apricots is not only intensified, but transformed into incredible melt in your mouth bites of deliciousness when grilled. When shopping for stone fruits, look for ones that are at the sweet spot of being not too ripe, but ripe enough for them to remain intact when cut in half and stones removed. 

Lightly brush or spray your cut fruit with either avocado oil or olive oil. Then lightly sprinkle the fruit with some flaky salt before placing the cut sides down on a hot grill. The stone fruit is cooked just until you get some good grill marks on the fruit (somewhere between 3 and 4 minutes). Once you have the grill marks, turn the fruit over and let cook on the grill for another 1-2 minutes. Then immediately transfer to your serving platter.

Look for a good quality blue cheese. Point Reyes Blue is one of my favorites, but if you can't find it, look for Maytag Blue cheese. If grilling only four stone fruits, you will need about 1/4 pound of blue cheese. If by chance you aren't a big fan of blue cheese, serve the grilled stone fruits with some honey whipped ricotta or honey whipped mascarpone.

 As the amount of stone fruits increases, so will your blue cheese. Top the grilled fruit with chunks of the blue cheese before drizzling over some good quality honey, some pieces of honeycomb (optional but really good), and basil leaves. 

It's almost hard to fathom how simple ingredients can create such mouthwatering, juicy deliciousness. But they do. The flavor explosion on your palate will have you wondering how it's possible for stone fruits to taste any better than they already do.

Grilled stone fruits paired with mellowed sharpness of blue cheese and lusciousness of honey may be an unexpected dessert choice, but it may be the ultimate finish to a summer meal. With stone fruits now in season, there may not be a more perfect time to make this Grilled Stone Fruit, Blue Cheese and Honey.

Grilled Stone Fruit, Blue Cheese and Honey
 (inspired by the Grilled Stone Fruit, Blue Cheese and Honey recipe from Erin French in her cookbook "The Lost Kitchen: Recipes and A Good Life Found in Freedom Maine")
Serves 4-6

4-8 stone fruits, halved and/or quartered, and pitted (peaches, plums, apricots)
Avocado or olive oil
1 - 1 1/2 teaspoons flaky Maldon sea salt
1/4 to 1/3 pound of a good quality blue cheese (recommend Point Reyes Blue)
1/4-1/3 cup best quality honey 
Small fresh basil leaves and/or thyme leaves
Optional: Honeycomb

1. Fire up your grill.
2. Brush or spray the cut fruit with either (avocado or olive oil) oil or spray, then sprinkle with the flaky sea salt.
3. Place fruits cut side down and cook until grill marks appear (about 3-4 minutes). Turn fruit over and cook for additional 1-2 minutes. Note: Make certain to get grill marks on both sides of the quartered peaches. 
4. Transfer grilled fruit to a beautiful platter. Top with chunks of blue cheese, a generous drizzle of honey, some pieces of honeycomb (if using), and fresh basil leaves.
5. Serve immediately.

Notes: (1) Cut large peaches into quarters, cut smaller peaches in half. Cut the plums and apricots in half. (2) Highly recommend you using at least two if not three different stone fruits. (3) If you don't love blue cheese, serve the grilled stone fruit with dollops of Honey Whipped Ricotta or Honey Whipped Mascarpone. (4) I was lucky enough to have a sister who brought me back a jar of honey from Two Maples Farm and it was the perfect honey for this dessert.