Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Perfect Cosmopolitan

When I was in Tucson I was on the hunt for tequila shot and margarita glasses as I thought I would find the best selection there.  And as it happened, there was. Not only did I find the perfect tequila shot glasses, I also found some incredibly beautiful glasses that could be used for either martinis or margaritas. As I am generally not known for being the most practical person, I surprised even myself when I selected these glasses. But the moment I walked into the store they caught my eye.  Made of recycled glass and having a white iridescence to them, I knew they were exactly what I had envisioned. Thankfully the store in Tubac shipped because I was not going to be able to bring them on the plane.  And I absolutely had to have them.

Ever since my first martini at a restaurant in Balboa Park in San Diego I have been looking for the perfect Cosmopolitan recipe.  Finally, in Ina Garten's newest book, Foolproof, was the Cosmopolitan recipe worthy of christening my new dual purpose martini/margarita glasses.  This is one smooth, delicious, perfect martini. And seriously, this is THE one you will want to serve to your friends.  But you too are worthy of this Cosmopolitan! Just make sure you are serving some food with these Cosmos. You along with everyone else will want to remember the evening, particularly the Cosmos.

It all begins with freshly squeezed lemons. After the lemons are squeezed, you pour the juice into a tall pitcher.  Added to the lemon juice is the cranberry juice, vodka, Cointreau, and egg white. When all of the ingredients are combined, stir until combined.  I used the 'red' cranberry juice, but it works equally well with white cranberry juice. The recipe yields enough for either four regular sized martini glasses or two over-sized martini glasses.

I attribute my tolerance to consuming vodka to my Polish ethnicity.  Unfortunately I didn't learn about this tolerance until well into my adult years. My favorite is Grey Goose and I always keep a bottle in the freezer.  It is the only vodka I use when making or ordering martinis. This recipe calls for filling the cocktail shaker half-full with ice and then adding enough of the Cosmo mixture until the shaker is almost full.  You then shake for 30 seconds, no cheating on the time, as you want this cocktail mixed perfectly.

I used the dash of egg white when making these Cosmos.  This is optional and I know some of you may be a little skittish on consuming raw egg whites. Earlier in the day, my neighbor brought over a dozen eggs from her chickens so I felt it was an omen of sorts to stay true to the original recipe. The egg whites create a foaminess to the Cosmo, creating a perfect finishing touch.

The Perfect Cosmopolitan (a very slight adaptation of the Dukes Cosmopolitan recipe shared by Ina Garten)

4 ounces freshly squeezed lemon juice (about 2 large lemons)
4 ounces Cointreau liqueur
7 ounces of cranberry juice (red or white)
7 ounces of vodka, Grey Goose highly recommended
Dash of raw egg white (this is optional but it adds something to this martini)

1. In a pitcher, stir the lemon juice, Cointreau, cranberry juice, vodka  and egg white.
2. Add ice to a cocktail shaker.  You will want the cocktail shaker to be half-full with ice.
3. Pour enough of the cosmopolitan mixture into the cocktail shaker until it is almost full.
4. Shake for a full 30 seconds.
5. Pour the strained Cosmopolitan into some martini glasses.
6. Pour into four regular sized martini or two over-sized martini glasses.  Enjoy.

Way back in college the only alcohol I drank was either beer or wine, mostly beer out of the bottle.  So when I turned 21 I thought maybe I should have a cocktail.  I have no idea what possessed me to select a Manhattan as my inaugural 'adult' beverage.  Unfortunately it was the only cocktail I had ever tasted up to that point in my life and it would be the only one I would have tasted until well into adulthood.  At the wedding of my future husband's sister, I had two Manhattans during the cocktail hour.  I must not have eaten during the day, probably wanting to make sure I fit into the tight long green dress I had bought for the occasion, because within hours into the reception I was not feeling very well.  Well that would be an understatement. I thought I was going to die.

So to make a long story short, I became so sick that it was more than 25 years before I allowed 'hard liquor' to pass my lips again. I guess I was never meant to be a bourbon girl.  Oh well I guess there are worse things.  I remain appreciative to my friend Sue who reintroduced me to adult cocktails, more specifically, the martini.  Some things, as they say, are worth the wait.  However, if you are someone who loves to serve or drink martinis, don't wait too long before making this Cosmopolitan.  Procrastination is usually not a good thing.