Friday, May 1, 2015

Peach Pecan Squares with Cinnamon Whipped Cream

Happy May Day! Of the many varied traditions attributed to this day, my all-time favorite is the one where you (anonymously) leave a basket or bouquet of flowers at the doorstep of a friend. However, f you are not someone with sentimental, traditional tendencies, but rather an independent spirit who seeks to celebrate holidays non-traditionally maybe you should consider (anonymously) leaving a basket of baked goods. Homemade of course. And what better way to let someone know just how 'peachy keen' you think they might be than a basket filled with these Peach Pecan Squares. Because if you have never made them before they might not guess they were from you! By the time you get around to reading this blog posting, May Day might have come and gone, but not to worry. Maybe this is the year to ditch serving Derby Pie on Kentucky Derby weekend or forego making an angel food cake for Mother's Day. Maybe it's time to start a new dessert tradition. The Peach Pecan Squares with Cinnamon Whipped Cream is a worthy contender.

While it is technically not yet peach season, these Peach Pecan Squares can be made with the peaches and/or nectarines currently available in the grocery stores. Or (brace yourself) it also be made with frozen peaches. As much as I like cooking with seasonal ingredients, there are times when I have a taste for something 'not in season'. My peach cravings don't always adhere to seasonal availability. And sometimes there are exceptions to the rule 'fresh is best'.

The recipe calls for three cups of sliced peaches. I 'cheated' and used frozen peaches. And it just so happens that a pound of frozen peaches equals three cups. So if you are using either fresh peaches or fresh nectarines, you probably want to buy at least one and a half pounds.

Rather than making a traditional pie crust for these squares, I thought a slightly sweeter, shortbread like crust would work better (Spoiler alert: It did). This one made with unsalted butter, flour, confectionary sugar and sea salt and baked until lightly golden. The recipe for the crust gave me just enough dough to cover the bottom of a 9"x9" pan, however, I really wanted it to come up the sides of the pan. The proportions of the ingredients for the crust listed in the recipe here should make me (and you) happy.

The custard for the squares is made by whisking together three egg yolks, a cup of granulated sugar, 2/3 cup of sour cream and two Tablespoons of all-purpose flour. The sour cream gives the custard a slightly tangy flavor, one that pairs perfectly with the sweetness of the peaches.

After arranging the sliced peaches on the partially baked crust, pour on the custard. In a 350 degree (F) preheated oven the squares are baked until the custard is set. The recipe I used indicated this baking time would be approximately 30 minutes. Whether this was because I took a recipe for a pie and made it into squares or because I used frozen instead of fresh peaches, my baking time was 45 minutes. Note: Check at 30 minutes if using fresh peaches.

After the custard is set, the squares are removed from the oven, topped with a pecan crumb topping and baked for additional 20-25 minutes (or until the top of the squares are golden brown).

As much as you might want to dig into these squares after they come out of the oven, it needs to cool for at least 45 minutes before it's cut.

I loved these Peach Pecan Squares served both slightly warm and room temperature. You can also serve them chilled.

In keeping with a bit of a non-traditional theme, serve with freshly whipped cream flavored with a pinch of cinnamon instead of vanilla ice cream. Pure yummy deliciousness.

You really don't need a holiday or occasion of make these Peach Pecan Squares. When you serve them, the day will turn into one. Heck you don't even need to wait until peach season. And unless you are prone to giving away all of your baking secrets, no one needs to know you may have used frozen peaches.

Peach Pecan Squares with Cinnamon Whipped Cream (reciped inspired by the Peach Pecan Pie recipe in Nancie McDermott's 'Southern Pies' cookbook)

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup unsalted butter (12 Tablespoons), chilled but not cold
3/8 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 cup plus 2 Tablespoons confectionary sugar

3 cups peeled, sliced peaches or nectarines (fresh or frozen). Notes: A one pound bag of frozen peaches equates to 3 cups. Approximately 6 medium sized peaches or 1 1/2 pounds equates to 3 cups).
1 cup granulated sugar
2/3 cup sour cream
3 large egg yolks
2 Tablespoons all-purpose flour

1/2 cup unsalted butter, chilled
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon Saigon cinnamon
1/2 cup chopped pecans

Cinnamon Whipped Cream: One cup of heavy cream, one tablespoon confectionary sugar and a generous pinch of Saigon cinnamon whipped until light peaks form.
Optional: Confectionary sugar for dusting

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees (F). Line a 9 inch baking pan with parchment paper.
2. Pecan Crumb Topping: Combine butter, sugar, flour and cinnamon in the bowl of a food processor. Pulse machine on and off until mixture forms small clumps (pea size). Stir in chopped pecans. Set aside.
3. Add flour, confectionary sugar, and sea salt to a food processor. Mix briefly. Add butter and process until mixture forms clumps (approximately 30-45 seconds). Transfer dough to prepared pan. Press evenly on bottom and up sides of pan.
4. Bake crust for approximately 15 minutes or until just golden. Remove from oven.
5. In a medium bowl, whisk the sugar, sour cream, egg yolks and flour until smooth and thick. Set aside.
6. Layer peaches on bottom of crust. Pour custard mixture evenly over the peaches. Bake until custard is set, approximately 45 minutes. Note: Check at 30 minutes if using fresh peaches.  
7. Top squares with pecan crumb topping and return to oven. Continue to bake for 20-25 minutes or until top of pie is golden brown. Remove from oven.
8. Allow squares to cool for at least 45 minutes. Serve slightly warm, room temperature or chilled.
9. Top each square with a generous dollop of cinnamon whipped cream. Dust lightly with confectionary sugar.

Daffodils in bloom.

Photos taken at Morton Arboretum in Lisle, Illinois.