Thursday, November 14, 2019

Chocolate Ganache Filled Spice Sandwich Cookies

For three and a half days I had a temporary reprieve from the early winter weather we are having here in the Midwest. My escape from the cold and snow to warm and sunny was a solo road trip to Birmingham, Alabama to spend a long weekend with my nephew. Our last two aunt-nephew experiences included a memorable trip to Montana almost four years ago and one to Philadelphia and Annapolis three years ago. So having some quality time together was long overdue (at least from my perspective). Needless to say there was no shortage of multiple memorable moments. What happened in Birmingham will more than likely not stay in Birmingham. But from hiking in a historic state park, to discovering a great Mediterranean restaurant, to seeing the dark, compelling movie "Joker", to doing a Feng Shui makeover of his living room (he pinky-swore he wouldn't change it), to hanging the belated birthday gift of a piece of art, to a shopping excursion, to trying to remain calm around the cutest new puppy and a very jealous two year old rescue dog 'playing', there were more than enough stories to last us until our next adventure. The ten hour drive to Birmingham was uneventful. But the eleven and a half hour drive back home was at times perilous. For at least three hours I drove through a blizzard followed by another couple of hours of driving on snowy roads. Yes, we had an atypical blizzard in early November. All I could think about was the Tarot Card Reader telling me a few weeks back there was an adventure in my foreseeable future. Needless to say, a semi-white knuckle drive home wasn't exactly what I was envisioning. Thankfully, I returned home without incident, feeling blessed, and happy knowing I had the endurance to make such a long drive by myself. A reminder that anything is possible.

It's been almost three weeks since I was over the moon excited to share a new cookie recipe with you. Like the Vanilla Brown Sugar Shortbread Cookies, these almost too pretty to eat Chocolate Ganache Filled Spice Sandwich Cookies will be making a first time appearance on this year's cookie platters. And here I thought this might be a Christmas where only the usual suspects would be making their appearances. Ha! I am predicting my holiday baking endurance will be tested in the weeks ahead (no Tarot Card reading necessary!).

Reminiscent of a Moravian Spice Cookie, but without the molasses and not as thin, these Chocolate Ganache Filled Spice Sandwich Cookies are crispy and spicy. But unlike a Moravian Spice Cookie, these cookies are made not with three spices but with five spices. Technically speaking though, they are actually made with seven spices due in part to the use of the warm, somewhat sweet, somewhat spicy flavors coming from Mixed Spice, a British spice blend.

Inspired by a cookie recipe found in a magazine from the United Kingdom, these Chocolate Ganache Filled Spice Sandwich Cookies are unlike any cookie you have ever tasted. The combination of the chocolate ganache with a crispy, spice cookie is nothing short of a dangerously delicious confection.

You might be wondering 'what exactly is Mixed Spice'? The history of the British Mixed Spice goes back more than two hundred years. Sometimes called 'cake spice' or 'pudding spice', Mixed Spice is frequently used during the Christmas season in a variety of holiday confections, including the traditional English Christmas pudding. The most common Mixed Spice is made with a very specific blend of cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, mace, cloves, coriander, and ginger. While not readily available here in the states, you can find it online, be lucky enough to have a friend bring you back some on their travels to the UK, or make your own. You can find the recipe for Mixed Spice in the notes section below. 

The dough for the Spice Cookie comes together in a standing mixer fitted with a paddle attachment and easily rolls out without any chilling time. Rolled out to about a 1/6" thickness, the cookies bake in a preheated 350 degree (F) oven for 13 to 15 minutes or until firm (the cookies will crisp up further as they cool).

My yield using a cookie cutter slightly larger than 2 1/2 inches was a dozen sandwich cookies (24 cookies). As much as I loved this substantially sized cookie, I would recommend using a 2 inch cookie cutter (you should be able to get at least 15-16 sandwich cookies). 

Unlike most ganache recipes, this one is not made with pouring hot heavy cream over coarsely chopped chocolate. Instead it is made with pouring warm heavy cream over melted chocolate. Additionally the chocolate ganache differs in the more typical ingredient ratios (2-1 chocolate to cream). This version of a rich ganache set up beautifully as the filling in these sandwich cookies. Note: It is important the cream is well heated before being added to the melted chocolate or a 'cool' cream will seize the chocolate. 

I used a cookie stamp to create the design on the cookies, however, you can use a heavy glass with a patterned bottom to create the same effect. After making the cookies I discovered my Waterford crystal would have worked equally as well. You are likely to find patterned bottoms on barware, old glassware, and crystal. Just be certain to choose a glass that is heavy enough it will not break when pressed down on the dough.

If you love sandwich cookies, especially ones filled with chocolate, you will be smitten with these. One bite and you just might be wondering where these flavorful, decadent cookies have been all of your life. From their spicy, warm flavor to their crisp and creamy texture they are destined to become a beloved favorite. 

Have a friend who seems to have everything or a friend with a sweet tooth or a friend who loves homemade baked gifts? Well getting a package of these impressive, gorgeous looking Chocolate Ganache Filled Spice Sandwich Cookies may be one of their most memorable, most beloved gifts of the holiday season. If you thought your Christmas cookie platters and gift boxes were already swoonworthy or didn't need to be Fung Shuied, well just wait until you add either these Chocolate Ganache Filled Spice Sandwich Cookies or the Vanilla Brown Sugar Shortbread Cookies to them. Blissful euphoria and paradise awaits.
Chocolate Ganache Filled Spice Sandwich Cookies
Makes 12 - 2 1/2 sized sandwich cookies or 15-16 - 2 inch sized sandwich cookies

Spice Cookies
10 Tablespoons (135 g) unsalted butter, room temperature
1/2 cup plus 1/8 cup (125 g) firmly packed light brown sugar 
2 Tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon whole milk
8 7/8 ounces (250 g) all-purpose flour (or 2 cups less 1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon ginger
1 teaspoon mixed spice (see notes)
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

Chocolate Ganache
9 ounces dark chocolate, coarsely chopped
1/4 cup heavy whipping cream, warmed

Spice Cookies
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 C). Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside.
2. In the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat the butter and sugar until light and creamy (approximately 3-4 minutes). Scrape down sides of the bowl as needed.
3. On low speed add in the milk. Beat on low speed until milk is blended into the sugar/butter mixture. Note: If you mixer speed is too high milk will splatter. Once there are no puddles of milk, you can gradually increase the speed.
4. In a medium sized bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, kosher salt, cinnamon, ginger, mixed spice, nutmeg, and cloves. 
5. Add the dry ingredients and beat until a dough begins to form.
6. Form dough into a bowl and cut in half. Wrap one ball in cellophane will rolling out the other.
7. On a lightly floured surface, roll out one of the dough halves to about an 1/6 inch (4mm) thickness.
8. Use a 2 1/4 to 2 1/2 inch round cookie cutter to cut out cookies. Place rounds on prepared baking sheet. If using, stamp cookies using a cookie stamp or a heavy glass with a patterned base.
9. Bake cookies, one sheet a time, for 13-15 minutes or until firm. Let cookies remain on cookie sheet for 5 minutes before transferring to a cooling rack.
10. Repeat remaining dough half.
11. Allow cookies to cool completely. 

Chocolate Ganache and Assembly
1. Melt chocolate in the microwave or over a double boiler. Remove from heat and let sit 2 minutes.
2. Pour warmed heavy cream over the melted chocolate. Whisk until ganache is smooth and glossy. Let set until ganache slightly thickens to the consistency of a soft butter. Note: The ganache may initially seize when the warmed milk is added to the melted chocolate. Be patient, it will come together. 
3. Place a large dollop of the chocolate ganache on the bottom side of a cookie. Top with another cookie and press down lightly.
4. Place cookies on a rack and let ganache fully set up before serving or packaging. Store in a tightly sealed container.

Notes: (1) To make your own Mixed Spice, blend together: 1 Tablespoon ground allspice, 1 Tablespoon cinnamon, 1 Tablespoon nutmeg, 2 teaspoons mace, 1 teaspoon cloves, 1 teaspoon coriander, and 1 teaspoon ground ginger. Store in a sealed jar.

Fall Snow at Morton Arboretum (November 2019)