Saturday, April 24, 2021

Ham, Brie and Arugula Sandwiches

As someone who can sometimes be a creature of habit, I also happen to be someone who loves to experience 'firsts'. Firsts leave the most powerful memories as they always come with a sense of euphoria. Like the first time seeing the mountains, the first ferry ride across the ocean, the first marathon, the first time traveling to a new place, the first time tasting a food...... Having such a contradictory spirit can be both a blessing and a curse. Shifting out of that predictable and comfortable zone and entering into the unknown and unfamiliar takes a bit of energy as well as a leap of faith. Maybe the decision to stay in a 'new' place in Door Country rather than returning to the same one we had stayed in year after year could be attributed to both living in a pandemic and seeking to be energized by a 'first'. Without a doubt the pandemic has helped me to shift some of my priorities. Like being able to take photos of the sunset without leaving the 'house' or just walking out the door when in Door County. For years, this was one of those priorities I had sacrificed for the sake of predictable and comfortable. Until this last trip that is. Staying in a different, unfamiliar property for the first time, one with a bird's eye view of the bay, brought with it a number of 'firsts'. Not the least of which was being able to walk out onto the balcony or simply out the door to the pier to take in and photograph the breathtaking, mesmerizing sunsets for three nights in a row.  In an odd but really good sort of way, on this trip it felt like I was experiencing Door County for the first time.

Not only did we stay in a new place, we went on some new adventures on both the way up as well as during our stay. In keeping with the 'first' theme that seemed to characterize the trip, we ate these Ham, Brie and Arugula Sandwiches on the way home for the first time as well. Although, I will tell you, these delectable sandwiches are on their way to becoming the familiar and predictable around here. 

If you would have asked me a few weeks ago if I would have wanted a Ham, Brie and Arugula Sandwich on a brioche bun, one slathered in dijon mustard and apricot preserves along with having a thin layer of Granny Smith apple slices, I would have been presumptively short-sighted and said 'thank you but no thank you'. The combination of flavors were outside of my sandwich tastes and textures preferences comfort zone. Or so I thought until I took the first bite. In all seriousness, this may be the best sandwich I have ever tasted. It may have just replaced the beef tenderloin sandwich as my new favorite. If there was ever a sandwich to perfectly combine savory, sweet, and tangy, this Ham, Brie and Arugula Sandwich would be it!

In keeping with the theme of 'firsts' here, I am giving you a recipe that isn't the kind of precise recipe usually posted on the blog. No, this isn't a recipe giving you specific measurements in ounces or grams, cups or measured spoonfuls. Instead, it will be one mostly listing ingredients with some suggestions on how to assemble this salty ham, creamy brie, peppery arugula, crunchy tart apple, sweet apricot, tangy dijon and soft, buttery brioche baguette sandwich. 

You can find a number of recipe variations for this scrumptious sandwich, but this is my version. 

For the ham I would highly recommend using thick slices of tavern or off the bone ham. Mostly because I am not a big fan of smoked ham. Be generous with the amount of ham you put on the sandwich (for the three sandwiches made here, I used about 3/4 pound of ham). For the brie, look for a double cream brie, one with a thinner rind. If you find a brie with a thick rind, I would suggest you cutting it off.  For the arugula, use only baby arugula. For the apples, Granny Smiths give the sandwich the perfect sweet-tart-crunch factor. And cut them very thinly. As for the apricot preserves and dijon mustard, use really good quality ones. And last but not least, look for a brioche baguette. If for some reason you can't find one, then use a softer style baguette, one usually found in the bakery section of the grocery store or at a really good bread store. Save the long, thin, more crispy baguettes for making croutons or crostini.

When it comes to assembling the sandwich, spread the dijon mustard on one side of the baguette and top with the arugula (lightly salted) and ham. On the other side of the bread, generously slather on some apricot jam and top with sliced brie and thinly sliced apples (I used a mandolin to slice the apples but you can always cut them thinly using a knife). 

This is one of those elegant, sophisticated, yet versatile sandwiches that would be equally perfect for a luncheon, on golf outing, at picnic, on a hiking lunch, at a backyard gathering, or on road trip. In other words, the possibilities for serving these Ham, Brie and Arugula Sandwiches are almost endless. And, if by chance, you have never ever had this sandwich before, the first time you have it will definitely not be your last time. Euphoria awaits you!

Ham, Brie and Arugula Sandwiches

Thickly sliced tavern ham or ham off the bone ham (from the deli counter)
Sliced double cream brie (if rinds are thin, leave on, if they are thick, remove)
Baby arugula
Kosher salt
Granny Smith apple (unpeeled, cut into quarters, then thinly sliced using a mandolin or sharp knife)
Dijon mustard (Maille is my go to mustard)
Apricot preserves (Bonne Maman is my favorite)
Brioche baguettes (I used the packaged ones made by St. Pierre)

1. Generously spread some dijon mustard on one side of the baguette. Top with some arugula, then lightly sprinkle with some Kosher salt. Layer several slices of ham on top.
2. On the other side of the baguette, generously spread on some apricot preserves. Top with slices of brie followed by slices of the apple.
3. Bring the two halves of the sandwich together and cut in half.
4. Serve immediately. Or alternately wrap in plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator until ready to serve or bring on an adventure.

Notes: (1) The brioche baguettes might be found in the bakery section of your grocery store or at Whole Foods. St. Pierre also makes 4 inch brioche rolls that would also work well if making individual sandwiches.

Sunsets in Door County, Wisconsin (April 2021)