Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Baked Gnocchi with Spinach, Beans and Burrata

"One life, one day, one moment, but infinite possibilities. They're all yours, infinite avenues are open, with infinite intersections, and infinite waypoints, infinite destinations lie beyond. An infinite variety of changes may occur along the way. Your future is sprawling and unfathomable. You can't see what will happen. Your vision is hindered by your past. Accepting the unknown isn't about discovering something new and better, but about becoming something new and better. Take a f*cking chance." This quote, this mantra, these inspiring words popped up not once, but several times on my Instagram feed this past week. It resonated with me so much I almost reposted it. Even considered sending it on to some people I know. But instead, I just let this string of compelling words sink in for awhile. While I have moments filled with pessimistic and cynical thoughts, there are more moments of optimistic, hopelessly romantic, and a bit of Pollyanna musings swirling around in my head. Which explains in part why that quote felt like a validating, life anthem worthy of orally reciting each and every day. Books move me, words move me, but these words, well I can't think of ones more perfect to frame the start, to chart the course of the new year. So I decided to include them as part of this blog post so they wouldn't get lost, so they could live on endlessly, and well, so they might spark something in you as they did in me.

So how do I now possibly segue onto now talking about this Baked Gnocchi with Spinach, Beans and Burrata dish after beginning with such profound words? Other than being completely and hopelessly smitten, what could be the possible connection between the infinite possibilities mantra and this epic baked pasta dish? Well, they both happen to be game-changers. 

The Baked Gnocchi with Spinach, Beans and Burrata had me with its' aroma. When the first bite sent my sense of taste into uncharted gastronomical delight territory, I knew my pasta eating life changed. Immediately I thought this was a dish worthy of earning the 'last meal worthy' distinction. How ever many dishes there might be on this list (I think less than ten out of the 700+ recipes on the blog), this one is at the top! But I am going to go one step further. I actually think it happens to be the baked gnocchi version of Ina Garten's engagement chicken (this would be the optimistic, hopeless romantic in me talking!). 

So here I go again sharing a recipe for a dish having a long ingredient list. But here's the best part. The Baked Gnocchi with Spinach, Beans and Burrata can be made with a good quality jarred marinara sauce rather than one homemade AND with store bought fresh or frozen gnocchi. Between the assembly and baking times, you can have this gorgeous, deeply flavored dish ready to serve in less than 75 minutes! You can even make it early in the day (up to the point of topping with the cheeses), refrigerate it, and bake it up later in the day! 

The melt-in-your-mouth, pillowy textured gnocchi is one of the many highlights of this dish. I used a (frozen) spinach stuffed gnocchi from my favorite local Italian deli, but any high quality fresh or frozen (unthawed) potato gnocchi would work just as well. Whatever you do, do not buy the pre-made, vacuum packed gnocchi you might find sitting on a grocery store shelf. 

After sautéeing the mild Italian sausage, onions, and garlic, the jarred marinara sauce, dried oregano, fresh parsley, fresh basil, Kosher salt, and black pepper are added in. The mixture then simmers for about 20 minutes, giving it time to develop into a rich, flavorful sauce. But adding in some mascarpone cheese takes the sauce to a whole new level of other worldly deliciousness! 

Baby spinach, cannellini beans, and the gnocchi get mixed into the sauce before it's transferred to the baking dish. Grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese and fresh mini-balls of mozzarella (cut in half) top the dish before it goes into a preheated  425 degree (F) oven. In 30 to 35 minutes you will have created a five star worthy dish! Honestly, I can't gush on a dish destined to go on regular repeat enough. 

Be prepared to be absolutely blown away by how mouthwatering this Baked Gnocchi with Spinach, Beans and Burrata is. Finishing the baked gnocchi with burrata is akin to being handed a personal invitation to a state of bliss. And this is one invitation you absolutely cannot mull over, put on indefinite hold, or refuse. Once you have tasted a pasta dish topped with fresh burrata your concept of what makes for a truly great pasta dish will be permanently altered. Because once you know, you know.

In a little more than three weeks we are having friends over for a post New Year's Eve dinner. While I usually spend an inordinate amount of time belaboring over a menu, it took me all of a nanosecond to decide we will definitely be having this absolutely amazing Baked Gnocchi with Spinach, Beans and Burrata (aka my new signature dish!). Combined with the wine I am planning to serve along with the salad and dessert I have in mind, this is going to be a droolworthy epic meal! 

Baked Gnocchi with Spinach, Beans and Burrata
Serves 8-12

2 Tablespoons olive oil
1 1/2 pounds mild Italian sausage, casings removed and broken up into pieces
1 medium yellow or Spanish onion, diced
4 garlic cloves, minced
2 jars (24 oz/630g size) good quality marinara sauce or 4 cups of homemade (See Notes)
1 teaspoon Kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
2 Tablespoons mascarpone 
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1/4 cup fresh Italian parsley, chopped
5-6 basil leaves, julienned
2 (15oz/439g size) cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
4 ounces (114g) fresh baby spinach
1 pound (454g) spinach stuffed gnocchi or potato gnocchi (frozen or refrigerated)
8 ounces (227) fresh mozzarella (small) balls, cut in half
1/4 cup (23g) freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano
8 ounces (226g) burrata, bite sized balls if you can find them

1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees (F), Have a 12" round cast iron pan (at least 2 inches deep) or a 9"x12" baking dish (at least 2 inches deep) ready.
2. In a large saucepan (12"-14") heat the olive oil over medium heat.
3. Add in the Italian sausage. Cook until the sausage has started to brown and crisp (about 6-8 minutes).
4. Add in the diced onion, garlic, Kosher salt, and black pepper. Continue cooking until the onions have softened (about 5-7 minutes).
5. Add in the marinara, oregano, fresh parsley and basil. Bring the sauce to a simmer and cook for approximately 20 minutes to let the flavors develop.
6. Stir in the mascarpone.
7. Turn off the heat and add in the baby spinach in handfuls until fully incorporated. 
8. Stir in the cannellini beans and the frozen or fresh gnocchi.
9. Pour the mixture into the baking dish or pan. Top with the mozzarella and grated Parmigiano-Reggiano. 
10. Place on a baking sheet and insert into the oven. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until the cheese has melted and the sauce is bubbling.
11. Remove from heat. Let sit for about 5 minutes, then top with pieces of burrata and some additional julienned basil.

Notes: (1) I used Rao's Marinara sauce as I think it's one of the best jarred sauces out there. (2) The frozen spinach stuffed gnocchi came from my local Italian deli. Look for a good quality fresh or frozen gnocchi. If you can't find a spinach or spinach stuffed gnocchi, use a potato gnocchi. (3) You can prepare the dish ahead early in the day. Cover and place in the refrigerator. Wait until you are ready to bake before you add the mozzarella and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheeses. (4) Leftovers store well in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. Keep tightly covered. (5) Recipe inspired by TheKitchn's Gnocchi Lasagna, with Spinach, White Beans and Sausage.