Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Peanut Butter Irish Coffee

We almost always remember firsts and lasts. And when it comes meals, the final bite or final drink significantly influences whether they will be remembered as either lackluster or epic. Which is why I think I spend as much time planning the dessert and/or the final cocktail as I do on the entire menu. Who doesn't want to sway the way guests feel when they leave your home?

It was only recently that I became aware there was such a thing as Peanut Butter Whiskey. If my friend Rose hadn't told me about there was such a thing, I may have never been able to serve Peanut Butter Irish Whiskeys to bring a really good meal to a great ending!

The recipe for this Peanut Butter Irish Coffee is very similar to my favorite recipe for Irish Coffee. The only difference being I use Screwball Peanut Butter Whiskey instead of using Bailey's Irish Cream.

The flavor of peanut butter in the whiskey is more subtle than it is forthright. Which makes it the kind of drink having a broader appeal beyond peanut butter lovers. 

Because this beverage has very few ingredients, it's important that they be really good ones. One of your favorite coffees (made fresh after grinding the beans), the homemade demerara syrup, lightly sweetened freshly whipped cream, and the Screwball Peanut Butter Whiskey will elevate the deliciousness of your Peanut Butter Irish Coffee to even higher level. Lightly shaving some chocolate over the top will give it that priceless wow factor finish!

If you are looking for an end of evening signature cocktail, this Peanut Butter Irish Coffee should be one of your top contenders!

With the holidays already upon us, this is the perfect time to start making these Peanut Butter Irish Coffees for your family and friends. Did I happen to mention they would also be the perfect beverage to enjoy on a chilly night sitting by the fire? But let me not pigeon hole this beverage into only a couple of occasions. As the number of ways to enjoy this swoonworthy coffee is almost endless. May your holidays now be even happier and your cold nights warmer!

Peanut Butter Irish Coffee
Makes 1 delicious beverage

1 1/2 ounces Screwball Peanut Butter Whiskey
4 ounces fresh brewed coffee
1/2 ounces demerara syrup 
2 Tablespoons lightly sweetened whipped cream
Garnish: Shaved or peeled chocolate or a crumbled Cadbury Flake bar

1. To make the demerara syrup put 1/2 cup (100g) demerara sugar and 1/4 cup of water in a small pan. Heat over medium heat until the sugar dissolves (stir frequently). Immediately remove from the heat and transfer to a heatproof jar. Let the syrup cool slightly. Store any leftover syrup in a covered jar in the refrigerator.
2. Pour the Screwball Peanut Butter Whiskey into a heat proof glass.
3. Mix together the coffee and demerara syrup together. Then pour into the glass with the whiskey. Stir to combine.
4. Pipe of dollop or pipe the lightly sweetened whipped cream on top. Garnish with shaved chocolate. Serve immediately.

Notes: (1) The demerara syrup will last in the refrigerator fo 2-3 weeks. Either bring to room temperature before using if chilled.