Sunday, May 14, 2023

Cucumber Elderflower Cosmo

It's been a fun, adventurous, memorable, exhilarating couple of weeks. From first traveling to bucolic Little Compton RI, a place that always feels like home, to traveling to Colorado, a place that never fails to fill me with great joy, I ran myself ragged. So it's not surprising that I caught a cold. More like bronchitis. But hey, doesn't everyone hike in the mountains when they are sick? With only four days to take in as much of the jaw-dropping beauty of nature, nothing was about to slow me down. Fortunately for me I traveled to Colorado with a friend who put up with my compromised hearing and hacking. While many travel to new places each year, I tend to like returning to beloved, familiar places. Although unlike my previous trips back to RI and Colorado, there were new places to experience and discover this time. From walking through thousands of blooming daffodils at Parsons Reserve in Dartmouth, MA, to a day trip to Marblehead, MA, to a breathtaking five mile hike from Little Compton to Westport, MA, to new hiking trails in RMNP and Breckenridge, CO, to having incredible meals at both new and familiar places, I am hoping my state of blissful happiness lingers on for awhile longer. 

While in RI, I had dinner one night with Kathy, a good friend I met through Instagram more than a few years ago. In addition to catching up on our life stories, I learned about the new favorite cocktail she recently recreated. A Cucumber Elderflower Cosmos. From her description alone, I was sold. I immediately knew I needed to make one (or two or three) when I returned back home. It would be more than a week before I discovered how the crisp flavor of cucumber combined with the sweetness of the elderflower, the tartness of the lime and cranberry juices come together to create a really light, refreshing, thirst quenching cocktail. The kind perfect to sip and savor on a hot day.  

Up until Kathy told me about the Cucumber Elderflower Cosmo I didn't even know such thing as a cucumber vodka existed. Rather than muddling cucumber with vodka or letting cucumber infuse in vodka to create a cucumber vodka, Effen Vodka sells one. Which makes it even easier to make this impressive, seductive cocktail.

Think of the Cucumber Elderflower Cosmo as an elegant, elevated version of the classic cosmopolitan. The floral notes of the elderflower pair perfectly with the slightly herbal cucumber vodka. While the addition of the lime and cranberry juices add a hint of tartness. Those are the four ingredients used in Kathy's recipe. After enjoying my first ever Cucumber Elderflower Cosmo, I couldn't help but wonder what difference the addition of some Grand Marnier (or Triple Sec) would make. So, of course, I had to fiddle with her recipe a bit (because that's what I do).

In all honesty, I loved the Cucumber Elderflower Cosmo made both without and with the addition of the Grand Marnier. So I suggest you make both versions and decide for yourself which one is your favorite.  The only other decision you need to make is whether to serve the cosmo in a cocktail, coupe or martini glass. 

Garnishing the Cucumber Elderflower Cosmo with a thin slice of a baby cucumber definitely adds to the allure of this cocktail. In addition to giving it a high-end, cutting edge crafted cocktail look, it makes for a delicious bite. I used a mandolin to create the beautiful, thin slices, but you could easily use a knife.

Little did I know I would bring back more than photographs, memories, and (regrettably) a very bad cold from my recent adventures. Being generously gifted a recipe for a new cocktail from a friend definitely ranks as one of the best ever 'souvenirs'. However, more treasured than the refreshing (slightly lethal) Cucumber Elderflower Cosmo recipe is my friendship with Kathy. While we only have dinner together once every couple of years, it always feels as if no time had passed between visits. A simple reminder that the benefits and joys of returning to favorite, familiar places are endless.

Cucumber Elderflower Cosmo (inspired by my friend Kathy Reis)
Makes 1 lethally refreshing cocktail

2 ounces chilled Cucumber Vodka
1 ounce elderflower liqueur (St. Germaine or Belvoir Fruit Farms Elderflower Cordial)
1/2 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice
A splash, 1/2 ounce or 1 ounce of 100% cranberry juice (see notes)
Optional, but really good: A generous splash or 1/2 ounce of Grand Marnier or Triple Sec
Ice Cubes
Sliced mini cucumbers for garnish
Sliced lime for garnish (optional)

1. Add the cucumber vodka, elderflower liqueur, lime juice, cranberry juice and Grand Marnier (if using) to a shaker. Add in 10-12 ice cubes. 
2. Shake vigorously for 30-35 seconds.
3. Strain into a cocktail glass filled with ice. OR strain into a coupe or martini glass.
4. Garnish with a thinly sliced miniature cucumber (using either a mandolin or sharp knife) and/or slice of lime.
5. Sip and savor.
6. And as always, drink responsibly.

Notes: (1) Effen makes a great Cucumber Vodka. For the most optimal flavor, I keep my vodka in the freezer. (2) St. Germaine is an elderflower liqueur. I made the cocktail using both St. Germain and Belvoir Fruit Farms Elderflower Cordial and liked the later one slightly more. (3) There are three options for the cranberry juice. Very light, light, and medium light. Choose the amount you like best. I liked the cocktail made with 1/2 ounce of the cranberry juice. (4) The addition of the splash of Grand Marnier (or Triple Sec) is my add to Kathy's recipe. It's optional, but a deliciously worthy addition.

Chautauqua, Boulder, Colorado (May 2023)

Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes Park, Colorado (May 2023)