Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Main Dish Comfort Food Recipes Round-Up

As many of you know, this blog has been part salvation, part passion, part inspiration, part creative outlet, and more than a part source of joy. For the past several days I have been seriously mulling over how it might be able to sustain all of those things in the weeks and months ahead. I am not ready to abandon it, yet I am not certain this is the time to be sharing new recipes, especially some laden with hard to find ingredients. As I take stock of the hundreds of recipes shared over the past seven years, there are a multitude of semi-homemade ones as well as ones yielding large quantities (to freeze or to share). More than likely a new recipe will pop up in the weeks ahead, but for a not yet determined time period I thought I would put repost some of my favorite delicious, nourishing, satisfying main dish recipes. Because I am working, as are many of you, to remain optimistic, these recipes are ones with ingredients we will continue to find. Yes, I genuinely believe this. More importantly, I believe the farmers in this country will again become our heroes.

Some of the eight recipes linked below are recently shared ones. Others are from the earliest days of the blog (oh my photography back then, yikes!), including one of my very first posts Pancakes for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.  The recipe for the Blueberry Dutch Baby with Blueberry Sauce and Almonds can be made with sautéed apples, served with some jam or lemon curd, or simply sprinkled with confectionary sugar. Bringing Dutch Baby to the table will not only absolutely bring joy, it is incredibly economical to make. Some of us grew up having 'breakfast for dinner' and that is a history definitely worth repeating! Included in this first Main Dish Comfort Food Recipes are some vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian options. Some are even Whole 30 Compliant or can be adapted to be. Like the French Onion Soup. Even without the bread and cheese this is one incredibly flavorful soup. Unlike my niece, who is the Whole 30 expert in the family, I have alot of work to do in order to wrap my head around completely understanding the do's and don'ts.

As I put together this post I have a big pot of A Bolognese to Warm Your Soul simmering on the stovetop. Almost of it will be packaged up and put in the freezer as I know there may be days ahead when my optimism level dips or my creative juices flow at a snail's pace. Having a ready made meal in the freezer should or rather will help restore my soul to a good place. So as you look at some of these recipes, think about freezing some of them too! You never know when one of your frozen meals will be needed to brighten someone's day!

Notes: (1) I absolutely love my pancake recipe. But truth be told sometimes I will make a packaged pancake mix, you know the 'complete' ones where you only add water. But instead of water I always use buttermilk (in the same liquid quantity recommended) and they are insanely delicious.