Monday, April 29, 2019

Asparagus Brie Bundles with Honey Thyme Butter Drizzle

We experienced the fourth winter this past weekend. The first one came in the fall prior to the start of meteorological winter. The third and fourth winters came during the spring. At this point, I wonder if it's worth packing up all of my winter clothes. Or, if we will ever turn the heat off.

The ten hour snowfall paled in comparison to how my weekend actually began. Foolish mistakes and carelessly reading through a recipe caused an epic cake disaster. In spite of being able to salvage some of the cake, semi-permanent scars were left on my baking ego. While I am neither foolproof, nor perfect (so much for being a Virgo), those mistakes were unnerving. It's one thing to learn something new from a mistake. It's another when you know better. Needless to say, it's going to be awhile before I consider attempting that failed cake again. Instead I will be focusing my energies on appetizer making and cooking baking. Because we all need grazing foods and sweet little bites in our lives.

If you are looking for a new appetizer to serve at one of your casual gatherings or as a first course for a dinner party, this is the one you didn't know you needed in your life. Asparagus Brie Bundles with Honey Thyme Butter Drizzle are wickedly delicious and a feast for the eyes. Buttery puff pastry, creamy brie, and roasted asparagus bundled together make for a seriously tantalizing bite. 

But when drizzled with Honey Thyme Butter, these bundles are downright sinful. 

The return of asparagus to the market is almost as exciting as the return of rhubarb. The long, thinner spears found in the early part of asparagus season are the tastiest and most coveted. For these Asparagus Brie Bundles with Honey Thyme Butter Drizzle, you want to use the longer, thin versus shorter, thick asparagus spears.

To assemble the bundles, you will cut each of your puff pastry sheets into four squares. When slicing your brie cheese, I would suggest you cut thick versus thin slices so softens rather than melts during the baking process. An egg wash helps to both seal the bundle as well as give it's golden finish. Baked in a preheated 375 degree (F) oven, the Asparagus Brie Bundles are ready somewhere between 22 and 26 minutes.

Let me just dwell on this Honey Thyme Butter for a moment. If there was ever a drizzle to create dazzle, it would be this one. You absolutely cannot even think about making the Asparagus Brie Bundles without finishing them with the savory, sweet Honey Thyme Butter Drizzle. 

After a light sprinkling of some flaky sea salt and thyme leaves, your Asparagus Brie Bundles are ready to be served. 

The recipe makes eight (8) Asparagus Brie Bundles. When serving appetizers at a cocktail party or informal gathering, small bites are sometimes better. Cutting these bundles in half, transforms them into perfect, little bites. I should warn you though, most everyone will want a second half bite. These are that good. Both the bundles and the drizzle can be made several hours ahead of serving. Directions are in the notes below.

As long as I can find fresh rhubarb and asparagus in the grocery store over the course of the next couple of months, I can handle whatever wild weather may be in store of us. On a side note, when the 'real' strawberry season gets here, I may attempt to make the Strawberry Meringue Cake again. Never underestimate what the discovery of a swoonworthy appetizer and great bottle of wine can do to one's spirit.

These Asparagus Brie Bundles with Honey Thyme Butter Drizzle have two kinds of wow factors. They are wickedly delicious and insanely beautiful. I was screaming when I took my first bite. But not for the same reasons I was screaming when having a baking blunder moment. 

Whether or not your culinary ego needs a boost or whatever the weather is outside, you need to make these. I promise they are destined to make multiple appearances on your talble for as long as you can find fresh asparagus at the markets.

Asparagus Brie Bundles with Honey Thyme Butter Drizzle (inspired by a recipe from halfbakedharvest)
Serves 8 as a main course and possibly up to 10-12 as an appetizer (most everyone will want to have a second half)

Honey Thyme Butter Drizzle
3 ounces honey
3 Tablespoons unsalted butter
1 Tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon  freshly minced thyme leaves, plus more for finishing
Pinch of sea salt

Asparagus Brie Bundles 
1 1/4 pounds of fresh asparagus, ends trimmed (choose thin spears)
1 Tablespoon olive oil
Kosher salt and black pepper
2 sheets Puff Pastry, thawed
8-12 ounces brie, cut into 8 thick slices (slices should have a thickness of approximately 1/3")
1 large egg, lightly beaten
Pinch of Aleppo Pepper
Flaky Sea Salt for finishing

Honey Thyme Butter Drizzle
1. In a small saucepan, melt the butter over low heat.
2. Add in the honey and fresh thyme. Stir until well blended and slightly thickened. Remove from the heat. Set aside.

Asparagus Brie Bundles 
1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees (F).
2. Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper. Set aside.
3. Toss the asparagus with the olive oil. Lightly season with salt, pepper, and the Aleppo pepper. Set aside.
4. Roll out the thawed puff pastry on a lightly floured surface. Cut each puff pastry sheet into 4 squares, for a total of 8 squares. Rotate each square so it's points are on the top and bottom (it will look more like a diamond versus a square).
5. Place a piece of brie (approximately 4" in length) down the center of each puff pastry square.
6. Lay a bundle (approximately 7-9) asparagus spears on top of the brie. Note: The asparagus should extend over the top and bottom of the puff pastry square.
7. Take corners of the puff pastry and wrap over the asparagus. Brush some of the egg wash under one of the folded over points to seal the puff pastry. Continue until you have 8 finished bundles.
8. Transfer the bundles to the prepared baking sheets.
9. Brush the puff pastry with the egg wash. Sprinkle lightly with sea salt and black pepper.
10. Place baking pans in the preheated oven. Bake for 22-26 minutes or until the puff pastry is golden brown.
11. Minutes before the bundles are ready to come out of the oven, reheat the Honey Thyme sauce.
12. Transfer the baked Asparagus Brie Bundles to a large platter or to individual serving plates. Drizzle with the Honey Thyme sauce and lightly sprinkle with some additional sea salt and chopped thyme leaves. 
13. Serve immediately. The Asparagus Brie Bundles are best when warm.

Important Notes: (1) Each slice of brie should be approximately 4 inches long, 1 inch wide and approximately 1/3" thick. Rinds do not need to be removed. (2) You can thaw your puff pastry in the refrigerator overnight rather than thawing according the package directions. You can use the more expensive frozen puff pastry, but I used the Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry Sheets with great success. The 1.1 pound box contained two sheets of puff pastry. (3) I used some Savannah Bee Honey for the Honey Thyme Drizzle. (4) If serving as an appetizer on a buffet, cut each of the bundles in half diagonally. (5) The bundles can be assembled up to the point of the egg wash several hours before serving. When ready to serve, preheat oven, brush with the egg wash, season, and bake.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Jarlsberg Cheese Spread

Almost five years ago I shared the recipe for my favorite Pimento Cheese Dip (I am shuddering looking at those photos posted, yikes). Quintessentially Southern, Pimento Cheese is one of the foods traditionally served at Kentucky Derby parties. Often spread on white bread (crusts removed of course) and cut into small sandwiches, every family has their favorite generations old, sometimes secret homemade recipe. Once you have tasted a homemade Pimento Cheese you will never again buy anything store bought or in a jar. Perhaps if you live in the South there are local food stores who make and sell some pretty good fresh Pimento Cheese. But if you live up here in the North, you are more likely to find a needle in a haystack.

While on my daily trek to the grocery store this week, my attention was drawn to some tiny samples of a cheese spread served on crackers. Normally I don't eat any store samples, but some inner voice was compelling me to try it (maybe it was my starving voice). And so I did. I wanted to eat all of the samples of what I learned was a store-made Jarlsberg Cheese Spread. Partly because I was hangry, and partly because it was pretty good. Unbeknownst to me, this spread has been around for awhile. Apparently I have been living under a rock or maybe a boulder. As not only have I never had this spread before, I don't think I remember ever eating Jarlsberg Cheese.

So what exactly is Jarlsberg Cheese? It's a mild, semi-sort cow's milk cheese of Norwegian origin. Resembling a Swiss Emmental with it's distinctive, open, and irregular 'eyes', it tends to be sweeter and stronger in flavor than Emmentaler. The semi-firm yellow cheese, generally coated in a waxy rind, is buttery, rich in texture, mild, and slightly nutty in flavor.

More importantly, what adult beverages should Jarlsberg cheese be paired with. A good Merlot or Cabernet is generally recommended. Although, pairing it with some sparkling wine (Prosecco, Moscato D'Asti, Champagne, and/or Sparkling Rose) might be the most fascinating combination. Bottles of iced cold beer would be an equally good pairing option. 

I looked at a few recipes online but didn't think any of them would be as creamy as the one I tasted in the store. So I set off to create my own Jarlsberg Cheese Spread recipe. As bold as this is going to sound, I think this recipe is a winner! It's seriously, addictively, lip-smacking delicious, and amazing! Honestly, I needed a moment after I tasted it.

Almost all of the Jarlsberg Cheese Spread recipes I looked at called for the use of minced red onion. Given the flavor profile of the cheese, I thought minced shallots, with their soft undercurrent of onion and pop of garlic flavors, might make for an even more delicious spread.

Having tasted the store-bought Jarlsberg Cheese Spread made with red onion and this one made with shallots, I would lean more toward making a shallot based spread. But I wouldn't refuse to eat one made with minced red onions.

Paired with an assortment of crackers and/or baguettes, this Jarlsberg Cheese Spread might become your favorite summer entertaining and/or signature Kentucky Derby party appetizer. Trust me when I say this homemade version will be better than anything you can buy at the grocery store. 

From start to finish, the cheese spread takes less than 30 minutes to make. While you could serve it immediately, I recommend giving it some chilling time in the refrigerator. Initially I mixed in one cup of mayonnaise with the one pound of grated Jarlsberg. However, one cup of mayo wasn't providing the consistency I was looking for. In the end, I used somewhere between 1 1/3 and 1 1/2 cups of mayonnaise. The use of heavy cream helped to further give this spread an even creamier texture.

Who knew that eating a sample in the grocery store could be so enlightening and life-changing. I suppose I should partake in food samples more often. Because you just never know where one bite will lead you.

And now you have two cheese spread options for your Kentucky Derby party. Although I would recommend you make them both.

Jarlsberg Cheese Spread

1 pound plus block of Jarlsberg Cheese, shredded on the largest hole side of the grater
3 rounded tablespoons shallots (or red onion), finely minced
3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1 1/3 to 1 1/2 cups mayonnaise
3 Tablespoons heavy whipping cream
Assortment of crackers, sliced baguette, and/or grilled baguette

1. Add all of ingredients in the large bowl, beginning with adding in only 1 1/2 cups of mayonnaise. Mix with a spatula. 
2. If mixture does not have a creamy consistency, add the additional mayonnaise.
3. Transfer cheese spread to a serving dish. Chill for at least one hour before serving.
4. Serve with an assortment of crackers, sliced baguette, grilled baguette and/or any combination of the three.

Notes: (1) I used Duke's Mayonnaise, however, Hellman's would be an equally good choice. (2) I used an assortment of crackers (one with a savory onion flavor profile ad one plain wafer) and a baguette. A lightly toasted or grilled baguette would be a great accompaniment to this Jarlsberg Cheese Spread. (3) Spread can be made a day in advance and will last several days in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed container. (4) This spread would also be good on a grilled Reuben. Instead of using Swiss cheese, use the Jarlsberg Cheese Spread. Your reuben sandwiches will be amazing! (5) Recommend buying a piece of Jarlsberg Cheese slightly larger than one pound, to account for the weight reduction when the rind is removed prior to grating.

Wilder Park (Elmhurst, Illinois) on an April morning (2019)

Monday, April 22, 2019

Gigantic Chocolate Chip Cookies

I have been faithfully married to Tara's Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe for awhile now. While I am not forsaking my commitment to this beloved cookie recipe, I have made the decision to be a chocolate chip cookie polygamist. What is happening to me? This Gigantic Chocolate Chip Cookie, aka, the famous New York City Levain Bakery cookie, this is what is happening to me. It is one of those cookies I guarantee will cause you to lose your mind and break your chocolate chip cookie vows.

Thanks to the diligent efforts of baker extraordinaire and cookbook author Stella Parks, who worked tirelessly to recreate the self-proclaimed"world's greatest" $4.00 bakery cookie, we all can make and swoon over these Gigantic Chocolate Chip Cookies at home. We no longer have to drool over photos of Levain's cookies and/or take a cookie buying trip to New York City.

Considering there were several aspects to this recipe managing me to question everything I believed about making really great chocolate chip cookies, I realized I am not as chocolate chip cookie savvy as I thought I was.  Instead of mixing room temperature eggs into the batter, eggs are taken right out of the refrigerator. Rather than chop up a block of dark chocolate to create those luscious pools of chocolate, an assortment of chocolate chips are used in these cookies. Raw, instead of slightly toasted walnuts, are used (the exception to the slightly toasting rule applies only if pecans are used). Then there was the recommended butter: room temperature (not melted) unsalted American instead of unsalted European butter. Even the sequence of mixing the ingredients differed. Needless to say my head was spinning as I read through the recipe. And that was even before I took a bite of a warm, freshly baked, right out of the oven cookie.

My assortment of chocolate chips included Guittard Extra Dark Chocolate Chips (63% cocoa), Ghiradelli Bittersweet Chocolate Chips (60% cocoa), and Ghiradelli Semi-Sweet Chips. Whether you use two or three different kinds of chocolate chips may not matter as much as the quality of chocolate chip chosen. You can't go wrong with any combination of Guittard and Ghiradelli chocolate chips.

In the bowl of a standing mixer with a paddle attachment the butter, both sugars, the vanilla, the baking powder, the baking soda, the kosher salt, and the pinch of freshly grated nutmeg are added in all at once. Yes, some of the dry ingredients are mixed in with the butter and sugar. The entire mixture is beaten at medium speed for almost eight minutes. The reward for this longer than usual beating time is the softest, fluffiest, most pale cookie dough batter. The out of refrigerator eggs are added one at a time, beaten only each is incorporated. And just like the flour gets mixed in all at once, so do the chocolate chips and nuts. Is your head spinning yet? If not, it will be shortly.

This recipe makes eight, yes eight, cookies. Each weighing approximately six ounces or two ounces short of a half pound. We are talking huge, ginormous, slightly more than 4 inches in diameter chocolate chip cookies here. Almost too big for one person to eat by themselves. I said almost.

So were these Gigantic Chocolate Chip Cookies worth any angst I may have felt dividing my loyalty and love between two different chocolate chip cookie recipes? The answer is an emphatic, completely guilt-free YES! Who am I? Obviously someone who should be wearing a chocolate chip cookie scarlet letter.

When compared to my other favorite chocolate chip cookie, I must tell you, in defense of my behavior, these are a completely different kind of chocolate chip cookie. They are chocolate chip cookie insanity. And here is why this recipe works. A lower proportion of sugar to flour helps to reduce the cookie's spread and keeps them thick. Less sugar than flour and more chocolate chips than sugar both contribute to keeping the cookies thick without making them taste cakey. The 12 hour (overnight) refrigeration period hydrates the flour, again contributing to the cookie's thickness. Blending different kinds of chocolate chips creates an incredible texture.

It's bigger, richer, more chocolatey. A cookie definitely not for the faint of heart and one probably best shared with a big glass of ice cold milk.

Stella Parks recommending eating these cookies while they are still warm. It seemed pointless not to listen to her advice. (You can reheat them in the low oven if they get to room temperature or if you kept them in a tightly sealed container for up to two days.) Although I wouldn't walk away from a room temperature Gigantic Chocolate Chip Cookie.

There is room as well as a time and place in our lives for both Tara's Chocolate Chip Cookies and these Gigantic Chocolate Chip Cookies. And honestly if I were selling them, my first thought is they are priceless. My second thought is a price tag of $5.00 almost wouldn't reflect their worth.

In the next couple of weeks I am having some friends over for dinner. My plan was to make the Buttermilk Panna Cotta with Ginger Cardamom Rhubarb Compote for dessert. What is it they say about the best laid plans?

Gigantic Chocolate Chip Cookies (inspired by Stella Parks Super-Thick Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe)
Makes 8 ginormous cookies

1/2 cup (8 Tablespoons, 113 g) unsalted butter, room temperature
1/2 cup (113 g) light brown sugar, firmly packed
1/2 cup (100 g) granulated sugar
1 Tablespoon vanilla
2 teaspoons kosher salt
1 3/4 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
Pinch of freshly grated nutmeg
2 large eggs, straight from the refrigerator
2 1/4 cups (283 g) all-purpose flour
2 1/2 cups (15 ounces, 425 g), assorted semi-sweet and bittersweet chocolate chips
8 ounces (240 g) raw walnut pieces (or 8 ounces lightly toasted pecan pieces)
Optional: Flaky sea salt for finishing

1. In the bowl of standing mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, add the butter, brown sugar, granulated sugar, vanilla, salt, baking powder, baking soda, and nutmeg. 
2. Mix on low to moisten the ingredients, then increase speed to medium. Continue to beat until soft, fluffy and pale (approximately 8 minutes). Halfway through pause to scrape bowl and beater with a spatula.
3. With mixer running, add in eggs one at a time, letting each fully incorporate before adding the next one.
4. Reduce the mixer speed to low. Add in the flour all at once. When flour is incorporated add the chocolate chips and nuts, mixing the dough until it is homogenous.
5. Divide the dough into 8 equal portions (6 ounces/170g each). Round each mound into a smooth ball. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 12 hours before baking. Note: If well protected the dough will be good in the refrigerator for several days.
6. Adjust oven rack to middle position and preheat oven to 350 degrees (F). Line two sheet pans with parchment paper. 
7. Place only 4 cookies on the pan, leaving ample space between them to account for the spread. Note: If adding, top with coarse sea salt. Note: Bake only tray of cookies at a time.
8. Bake until cookies are puffed and light brown, approximately 22-24 minutes. Rotate baking pan midway through and lightly tamp down the baking pan. Note: I also lightly tamped the baking pan with about 4 minutes left of baking time.
9. Cool cookies on baking sheet for 10 minutes. Serve warm or within 12 hours of baking. Note: These cookies taste best when freshly baked. However, they can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 days. Rewarm briefly in a 350 degree (F) oven before serving.

Notes: (1) Stella Parks is a big fan of Gold Medal all-purpose flour. For these cookies, I used Gold Medal Flour. Because, like, duh? (2) I would never walk away from a room temperature gigantic chocolate chip cookie and neither should you. (3) Stella Parks using an American versus European-style unsalted butter for these cookies. I have used both kinds and love them equally. 

Friday, April 19, 2019

Buttermilk Panna Cotta with Ginger Cardamom Rhubarb Compote

This has been a week of extremes. Starting with the blizzard on Sunday. Having wimptress-like tendencies, I decided to opt out of running a hilly 10k race in wet, heavy snow. Two days later temperatures were in the 70s. If I lived in Colorado, this would be considered normal April weather. But I live in Illinois and this winter to summer swing in a 48 hour period would be considered slightly atypical. After a two week hiatus from yoga (for tattoo healing purposes), I went to yoga five times in six days. I also happen to have selective glutton for punishment tendencies. For weeks I have denied myself the pleasure of any candy, but especially chocolate candy. But I have happily inhaled two Easter vanilla cream eggs this week and predict there will be at least two more consumed in the next forty-eight hours. It just wouldn't be Easter without the vanilla cream eggs from Fannie May.  Having come from humble beginnings, we didn't have many extravagant foods or candies when I was growing up. But our Easter baskets were always filled with candy from Fannie May. My father even sent me Fannie May cream eggs all during college. Liitle did he know, nor did I dare share, I had been making the four mile walking round trip to the Fannie May store in Champaign in the week prior to Easter. There is so much nostalgia wrapped up in this beloved candy, I could hardly deprive myself. I can go back to living a candy free existence next week. 

When it comes to desserts, I vacillate between wanting to make cake like confections and those having a custardy or creamy texture to them. My self-imposed polarized dessert preferences have always made life difficult for me. While I have come along way from making not one, but three desserts to end a dinner party or holiday meal, I still go through a labored dessert decision making process. Only just recently have my choices been influenced by the availability of seasonal ingredients. I can always make a chocolate cake, but I can't always make a strawberry galette, peach cobbler, cranberry pie, or a ginger cardamom rhubarb compote using the of freshest fruits. Why it took me so long to think seasonally is anyone's guess. But now that I have embraced this cooking wisdom, I am like a kid in a candy store when the season's fruits begin appearing at Farmer's Markets and grocery stores.

Ethereal may be how to best describe the flavor and texture of this Buttermilk Panna Cotta with Ginger Cardamom Rhubarb Compote. Luscious, light, lemony, and having a hint of tanginess, the panna cotta alone is exquisite. Topped with a Rhubarb compote having hints of ginger and cardamom, it is transformed into a show stopping, mouthwatering, drop-the-mic dessert. Simultaneously both rustic and elegant in presentation, the Buttermilk Panna Cotta with Ginger Cardamom Rhubarb Compote is everything a last course should be.

The relatively short rhubarb season runs from April through June. Although if you happen to be lucky enough to live in the Pacific Northwest rhubarb has a second season extending well into July. My first sighting of rhubarb came this week. The produce manager at one of the grocery stores I frequent must have thought I had lost my mind, when after asking if he had any rhubarb, I let out an audible squeal. I should probably start going to grocery stores far from my home, just in case someone I know is witness to any of my perceptible enthusiastic moments. As I made my way to the rhubarb I suddenly couldn't remember if I should buy the long thin or the thick stalks free of their poisonous leaves or if I should buy the deep red, light pink or pale green stalks. So I bought a combination of thin and thick stalks and all the color variations. Here is everything about rhubarb I had forgotten during my temporary delirium. Deep red stalks will generally have a more concentrated tartness while the flavor in green stalks is generally more balanced and mellower. Shiny and crisp stalks are a good sign the rhubarb is fresh. If possible, avoid buying rubbery or dry looking rhubarb. 

If you happen to be someone wishing for year-round accessibility to rhubarb, you can freeze it. Not the same as fresh, but it's better to have frozen rhubarb than no rhubarb at all. While there are several schools of thought on the best way to freeze rhubarb, the quick blanche and ice water bath method may help to best preserve it's texture, color, and flavor. You can find rhubarb freezing directions here.

If you are on the love side of the love-hate relationship many have with rhubarb, you are going to be smitten with this rhubarb compote. It's a little sweet, a little tart, and a little spiced. Freshly grated ginger and cardamom give this compote an amazing depth of flavor. 

The compote comes together in less than thirty minutes. As soon as your rhubarb begins to fall apart and is tender (which could happen after 20 minutes of cooking time), remove from the heat and let cool to room temperature before transferring to the refrigerator. I wanted my compote to have some discernible chunks to it, to I did not cook it the full 30 minutes. 

If there was one thing I would have done differently, it would have been to make a double batch. The Buttermilk Panna Cotta isn't the only thing this compote would be great on. Spoon it chilled or slightly warmed over vanilla ice cream, pound cake, french toast, or oatmeal. Or maybe you prefer to eat it by the spoonful. I promise I won't judge.

This isn't the first panna cotta recipe posted on the blog. There's the Coconut Panna Cotta wih Blueberry Sauce, the Honey and Pistachio Panna Cotta, the Panna Cotta with Balsamic Strawberries. However, this is the first panna cotta recipe using buttermilk. Choosing one favorite panna cotta would be like choosing only one favorite book. I am tempted to tell you this Buttermilk Panna Cotta with Ginger Cardamom Rhubarb Compote is my favorite although I am unable to choose only one favorite book. Whether or not I find another panna cotta recipe and that one becomes my new favorite (one of the prerogatives of being a food blogger), doesn't change how I feel about this one. I am seriously considering making it my new signature dessert. 

Instead of using a vanilla extract I used a vanilla bean paste as I love seeing specks of vanilla in a custard like dessert. Either kind of vanilla works, just choose a high quality vanilla. Call me a vanilla snob, but there is no place in this world for imitation vanilla. 

You either like eating an unmolded panna cotta on a plate or from a glass (or ramekin). I am on team eat panna cotta in a glass. I want to slide my spoon into the creamy, silky panna cotta and not have to chase it around the plate. The recipe suggests dividing the panna cotta mixture into six portions, however, I decided to make five slightly more generous servings. We love panna cotta here.

The panna cotta sets up after chilling only four hours in the refrigerator. If you like your panna cotta unmolded, let it sit overnight in the refrigerator. See the notes below on the unmolding technique.

The texture of this Buttermilk Panna Cotta is sublime. While most panna cotta recipes call for using the entire small packet of gelatin, this one calls for using only 1 1/2 teaspoons (or 1/2 Tablespoon) of gelatin. Which means you will not be using all of the gelatin from the small packet. 

It's been awhile since I have put anything on the last meal list. Today this Buttermilk Panna Cotta with Ginger Cardamom Rhubarb Compote goes on. Maybe even near or at the top of the dessert course list (and this is coming from someone with a serious love, borderline addiction for chocolate). 

As giddy as I was upon finding beautiful stalks of fresh rhubarb in the grocery store this week, I am even giddier being able to share this recipe with you. 

Happy Passover and Happy Passover to all of you! May you all be surrounded and embraced by the blessings of this holiday along the foods of the season.

Buttermilk Panna Cotta with Ginger Cardamom Rhubarb Compote (slight adaption to recipes shared at the Marcel's Culinary Experience as well as ones found online)

Rhubarb Compote
4 cups (1 pound) chopped rhubarb, cut into 1/2" pieces
3/4 cup (150 g) granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
2 Tablespoons freshly grated ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom

Panna Cotta
2 Tablespoons cold water
1 1/2 teaspoons unflavored gelatin (I use Knox unflavored gelatin)
1 cup heavy whipping cream (at least 17% fat)
1 teaspoon freshly grated lemon zest (from one small lemon)
1/2 cup (100 g) granulated sugar
2 cups buttermilk
2 teaspoons vanilla bean paste or high quality vanilla

Rhubarb Compote
1. In a heavy bottomed, medium sized saucepan, add the rhubarb, sugar, salt, grated ginger, and cardamom.
2. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally until the rhubarb has fallen apart, but a few chunks remain (approximately 20-30 minutes). Note: After approximately 10 minutes of cooking, reduce heat to low.
3. Remove from heat, transfer to a bowl, cover, and chill until serving.

Panna Cotta
1. Add cold water to a small, shallow bowl. Sprinkle the gelatin over. Let stand until the gelatin softens, approximately 8 to 10 minutes.
2. In a heavy bottomed, medium sized saucepan, heat whipping cream, lemon zest, and sugar. Over medium-high heat and stirring constantly, cook over medium-high heat until sugar dissolves. Increase heat slightly and bring mixture to a low boil. Add gelatin and immediately remove from heat.
3. Stir mixture until the gelatin dissolves. Allow the mixture to cool to lukewarm (approximately 5 minutes).Note: Check for temperature every several minutes as you do not want it start to set.
4. Pour mixture into a large (8 cup) measuring cup. Stir in buttermilk and vanilla. Note: Make sure to shake your buttermilk before measuring out.
5. Divide the panna cotta into 5 or 6 glasses or ramekins. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until set (approximately 4 hours or overnight).
6. When ready to serve, spoon some of the chilled rhubarb compote on top the panna cotta. Get ready to experience panna cotta nirvana.

Notes: (1) Using a large measuring cup to pour the panna cotta into glasses or ramekins makes for an easier and cleaner pour. (2) Using a scale is not necessary but helps to evenly distribute the panna cotta between the serving containers. I made 5 larger sized (5 1/2 to 5 3/4 ounce) panna cottas, however, this recipe will make up to 6 servings. (3) If unmolding the panna cotta onto a plate, insert a sharp knife along the edge of the panna cotta and then invert onto your plate. You do not need to oil your glass prior to pouring your panna cotta mixture in and chilling. It slides out beautifully.