Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Black Mission Fig Jam

Most of us have a long list of favorite foods, a short list foods of least favorite foods, and an even shorter list of foods we just won't eat. There are a number of factors affecting our taste perceptions, including but not limited to, early exposure, cultural background, texture, preparation, and mental memories. The good news is that for many of us our taste perceptions change over time. Our list of favorites and non-favorites is somewhat fluid. The not so good news is our mental memories can make it almost impossible for some of us to turn a will not eat food into a will eat one. But then there are those foods we love but refuse to eat depending o it's preparation. Texture and flavor in a raw versus prepared form is sometimes so different we can't bring ourselves to eat them in one form or the other. For me I love bananas, but I am not a big fan of banana pudding (although that could change). I love coleslaw made with raw cabbage, but would take a hard pass on cooked cabbage (it goes back to a dish I was forced to eat in my childhood). Fresh figs are one of those foods many (me included) have a love-hate relationship with. Up until a few years ago I would have refused to eat a fresh honey flavored fig even if I was on the brink of starvation. However, roasted figs served over a bed of homemade ricotta and drizzled with honey or fig jam slathered on a cracker with cheese have me singing a completely different tune. I could easily hoard jars of fig jam. Especially if they tasted anything like the jar of this Black Mission Fig Jam. 

So whether you are or aren't on team fresh figs, this sweet with a slightly chunky consistency Black Mission Fig Jam will either send you to fig heaven or make you a fig convert! You really do need to try it at least once!

Placing a bowl of Black Mission Fig Jam on a charcuterie platter elevates it to a game-changing level. Serving it with grilled bread with freshly whipped ricotta and honeycomb makes for an impressive appetizer. Spreading it on a toasted English Muffin or piece of toast turns an ordinary breakfast into an extraordinary one. Who knew fig jam could be used so many different ways?

Fig season happens twice a year. In early summer and in early fall. The fall figs have a slightly thicker skin and more concentrated sweetness. Black Mission Figs have a deep purple, almost black color to them. Not only are they incredibly moist and full of flavor, they are the ones most commonly dried. Because fresh figs have a relatively short shelf life, turning them into a jam enables you to enjoy them for weeks. Or even up to a year if you use a hot water bath canning process and store it in a cool dark place.

Using honey in addition to granulated sugar gives the finished jam a much deeper flavor. Lemon juice and strips of lemon zest bring the right amount of acidity and tartness to the jam. While the vanilla adds another dimension of flavor. But the real star of the jam are the Black Mission figs themselves.

Cooking time for the jam is approximately 50-55 minutes or until the mixture has a jam like quality (or until it reaches a temperature ranging between 210-215 degrees F). After the mixture first comes to a boil over medium high heat, the heat level is reduced to medium low. Stirring the jam frequently during the cooking process helps to ensure it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan.

While I am calling this a Black Mission Fig Jam, it has more of a preserve kind of consistency. Processing the cooked fig mixture in a food processor gives it that perfect textured, slightly chunky consistency. 

Some of my favorite cheeses to serve with this Black Mission Fig Jam are a triple creme Brie, an unexpected cheddar (from Trader Joe's), goat cheese, Blue Cheese, and/or a homemade whipped ricotta.

With figs now in season, it's the perfect time to make a batch of this Black Mission Fig Jam. If you were looking for reasons to put together a charcuterie board, this jam would be one of them. With Thanksgiving soon approaching, this sweet fig jam would be a perfect start to the holiday meal. For those of you who like to can jams in jars, this would make for great hostess or Christmas gifts. I promise this Black Mission Fig Jam is so much better than almost anything you can buy at the store. And who knows, one taste of this jam could turn you into a fig lover. Or at least a fig jam lover.

Black Mission Fig Jam

1 pound (454g) fresh Black Mission Figs, stems removed and quartered
3/4 cup (150g) granulated sugar
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup water
1 large lemon, zested strips of the rind removed with a peeler (be careful not to include the white pith of the lemon when zesting)
2 Tablespoons fresh lemon juice (a half of a lemon should provide you with this amount)
1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt
1 teaspoon vanilla

Serve with an assortment of cheeses, crackers, nuts, and fruits. 

1. Place all of the ingredients, except the vanilla, in a medium-sized heavy bottomed saucepan (a cast iron one if you have one). Stir to combine.
2. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, stirring frequently.
3. Reduce the heat to medium-low and continue cooking the jam (stirring frequently to prevent sticking) for approximately 50 minutes or until the mixture reaches 210 to 215 degrees (F). Note: The mixture should have a thick, jam-like consistency.
4. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the vanilla.
5. Remove the strips of lemon rind.
6. Transfer the jam mixture to a small food processor. Pulse until the skins of the figs have broken down. 
7. Transfer the jam to a clean, sterilized 10 ounce jar (or divide between two smaller jars). Let cool before topping with the lid and transferring to the refrigerator.
8. The fig jam will be good for up to 45-90 days stored in the refrigerator. Alternately the fig jam can be canned in glass jars using a water bath method.

Notes: (1) If you plan on canning the Black Mission Fig Jam in glass jars, I would suggest you at least double or quadruple the recipe. Processing time for the jam in a water bath after the sterilization process is 10 minutes. (2) Highly, highly recommend serving the jam with this Whipped Honey Ricotta. 

Mills Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes Park, Colorado (September 2020)

Monday, September 28, 2020

Autumnal Harvest Salad w/ Honey Cider Vinaigrette

There are many who believe and some who have actually proved we are more likely to remember the first and last things we see, hear, and taste. While everything in the middle gets a little blurred or quite possibly a little lost in our memories. In other words, the position of presentation matters. Research on primacy (things presented first) and recency (things presented last) effects goes back almost a century. Yet in spite of this, we all don't often or even consistently apply any of this scientific knowledge when planning a dinner menu. We are more likely to begin by planning the main course and building the rest the meal around it. But maybe the main course isn't as important to the satisfaction, enjoyment, and memory of a meal isn't as important as we might want to believe (or at least have convinced ourselves to believe). Apart from Thanksgiving or Christmas meals where the main course is usually a known given (unless someone decides to drastically change things up one year), the beginning and end of a meal probably deserves to be getting more of our attention. When you think about it, determining the salad (first course) and dessert (last course) really does makes great sense. Especially when we want the experience of eating at our tables to be memorable. Because really, who doesn't want that? 

This Autumnal Harvest Salad w/ Honey Cider Vinaigrette, one having an explosion of flavors and a stunning visual presentation, is one of those salads destined to be remembered long after your guests leave the table and return home. Designed to showcase some of the best of the fall's fruit and vegetables, I will go out on a (short) proverbial limb and say it might just be one of the best seasonal, most impressive salads to ever grace your table. From the roasted butternut squash to the thinly sliced Honey Crisp apples to the fresh figs to the red onion, this salad has a depth of savoriness designed to send your palate into a state of salad ecstasy. When dressed with the slightly bold and zesty Honey Cider Vinaigrette, the overall flavor profile of the salad is nothing short of extraordinary. 

Candied pecans, roasted and salted pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries, and goat cheese add texture, crunch, and a little tartness to this savory salad. Not only do each of the components in the salad compliment one another, they make each bite of the salad unforgettable. 

As much as I love each element of the salad itself, I could gush over the flavor of this Honey Cider Vinaigrette for days. Slightly sweet and little bit tangy it dresses a salad made with fall fruits and vegetables beautifully. The vinaigrette is one that doesn't overwhelm the salad or detract from all of it's elements. Instead it manages to further elevate each of them. This would be THE vinaigrette to use on all of your autumnal salads, especially ones made with apples! Note: The recipe below makes more than you need to make the salad. 

With hints of maple syrup and olive oil, the flavor of butternut squash becomes further enhanced during the the roasting process. Baking the squash at 400 degrees (F) for 24-26 minutes (or until tender), brings out its' nuttiness and sweetness, while also changing its' texture from firm to crispy/creamy. These delectable morsels are almost addictive in of themselves. While the roasted butternut squash might get lost in our memories if served in the middle (as a side course), it is unforgettable as a first course.

There are candied pecans in this salad. The good news is that you don't have to make them yourself. The ones I used were from Trader Joe's (and they are really, really good). And if you can't find roasted and salted pumpkin seeds use pepitas. But you definitely want both the pecans and pumpkin seeds in your salad. Not everyone is a fan of goat cheese (so hard to believe, but it's true), so feel free to use feta or gorgonzola cheese instead. Honey Crisp apples have the perfect tart-sweet balance and are so perfect in this salad I can't bring myself to recommending an alternative.

For purposes of the most impressive, permanently etched in your memory presentation, wait until you bring the Autumnal Harvest Salad w/ Honey Cider Vinaigrette to the table before tossing it. There is something to be said for seeing each of the components of the salad first, before discovering them in the tossed heap on your plate.

If you plan on serving this salad to at least six people, I suggest ever so lightly tossing the spring greens in some of the dressing before placing all of the salad's other elements on top. Right before tossing it all together, I would drizzle a little more of the dressing over the salad. Because everyone likes their salad dressed with a vinaigrette differently, serve the remaining vinaigrette on the side.

Feel free to increase or decrease the amounts of the salad ingredients based on the number of people you are serving. If you don't dress the salad with any dressing at all before plating and tossing, any leftovers will last a little longer in the refrigerator. As the dressing will wilt the delicate spring greens when it's refrigerated.

The Autumnal Harvest Salad w/ Honey Cider Vinaigrette showcases autumn's bounty in the most spectacular way. From the first sight to the first bite, everything about this salad is noteworthy. Quite possibly it may overshadow your main course. But not to worry because everyone is then likely to remember the last course. Especially if it's something equally beautiful and delicious. 

So head out to the Farmer's Market, grocery store or orchards this week and pick up some butternut squash, honey crisp apples, and figs. Honestly, one bite of this seasonal salad and I am certain it will be the one you will be making regularly in the months ahead. It may even become your signature fall salad. Because if we really do believe in the power of first impressions or sequencing, don't we all want to serve our family/friends a first course having the power to leave a long lasting impression of deliciousness?

Autumnal Harvest Salad w/ Honey Cider Vinaigrette
Serves 6 

Honey Cider Vinaigrette
1/3 cup honey
1/3 cup apple cider 
3 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar
3/8 to 1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt
1/8 teaspoon black pepper
3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

Autumnal Harvest Salad
1 1/4 to 1 1/2 pounds butternut squash, peeled, seeded, and cut into 1/2 inch dice
2 Tablespoons olive oil
1 Tablespoon pure maple syrup
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
5 to 6 ounces (142g-170g) Mixed Spring Greens
1 large Honey Crisp Apple, cut into thin slices
1 small red onion, cut into very thin slices
1/2 cup (2 1/3 ounces/60g) roasted and salted pumpkin seeds
3/4 cup (3 ounces/86g) candied pecans
1/2 cup (2 1/4 ounces/64g) dried cranberries
4 ounces (113g) goat cheese, crumbled 
7-8 fresh figs, cut in half
Kosher salt and black pepper for finishing

Honey Cider Vinaigrette
1. Whisk together the honey, apple cider, apple cider vinegar, Kosher salt and pepper.
2. Slowly add in the olive until the mixture is emulsified. Alternately pour entire mixture into a small food processor and process until the vinaigrette has a creamy, light in color consistency.

Autumnal Harvest Salad
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees (F). 
2. Place diced butternut squash on the baking sheet. Pour the 2 Tablespoons of olive oil and 1 Tablespoon of maple syrup over the squash. Toss to mix so the squash is completely coated. Sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of Kosher salt and 1/2 teaspoon black pepper.
3. Roast squash for 24-26 minutes, turning once midway through the baking process, until tender. Remove from oven and let cool slightly. Or cool to room temperature. Roasted Butternut squash can be made several hours in advance of assembling and serving the salad.
4. Spread spring greens out on a large platter. Lightly salt and very lightly drizzle with some of the Honey Cider Vinaigrette.
5. Top with the remaining ingredients (except figs). Very lightly drizzle with some of the Honey Cider Vinaigrette.
6. Toss together. Arrange fig halves on the platter. Serve with remaining vinaigrette. Alternately toss the salad without drizzling some of the Honey Cider Vinaigrette and serve the vinaigrette on the side.

Notes: (1) To serve 8-10 increase the amount of the ingredients except the butternut squash (you will have enough) and the vinaigrette (you will have enough of this too). Alternately to serve 2-4, decrease the ingredients as well but try keeping the proportions when making reductions. (2) You can make your own candied pecans or you can buy them pre-made at Trader Joe's. (3) In lieu of goat cheese, you could alway use a good quality fresh feta cheese or even gorgonzola. (4) If you are looking another butternut squash salad, try the Roasted Butternut Squash Salad with Warm Cider Vinaigrette. But consider using the Honey Cider Vinaigrette instead.

Grazing Elk, Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes Park, Colorado (September 2020)

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Chocolate Espresso Revel Bars

After more than six months of being "homebound" (relatively speaking), I thought a change in scenery would energize my spirit as well as bring some much needed euphoric joy to my heart. A trip away to one of my happy places was something I wanted, needed to do.  And what better way to celebrate a milestone birthday than to spend almost a week hiking in the mountains of Colorado. Like my first trip there twenty years ago, this one too would be solo as time spent alone is restorative on so many different levels for me. One of the many lessons learned all those years ago was that being alone in nature was my favorite, best form of therapy. Being able to test my resilience, to push myself to take on physical challenges, to confront (and overcome) my fears on difficult trails, to reflect on all that matters, and to take in the wondrous beauty of the outdoors are just some of the benefits I get from my solo adventures. And everyone else in my life gets a much happier, definitely better, more energized version of me when I return. A kind of win-win you might say. No longer do I explain or defend to others why I love, why I need these solitary adventures as I have learned over the years it's relatively simple to explain but can be hard for some to understand. Especially in the year of a pandemic when many of us (including me) have experienced so much social isolation.  Going out west to see both new and familiar landscapes during my birthday week this year had to be the best gift I have ever given myself. I can say with a fair amount of confidence this trip will turn out to be exactly what my spirit needs to help me get through the next six months of living in a pandemic. 

For almost a week I lived in a small house at the base of the Flatirons in Boulder. In spite of having a full kitchen and making a trip to the grocery store on the day I arrived, I never cooked. Peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwiches, bananas, amazing local peaches, homemade nutty granola with dried cherries and cranberries, some microwave popcorn, and Zone Bars pretty much summed up my diet for the first three days of the trip. If it weren't for the takeout cheeseburger I devoured after five hours of hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park, the lobster roll savored outdoors at a favorite restaurant on Pearl Street in Boulder, the most sumptuous homemade meal made by dear friends, a slice of Salted Caramel Chocolate Cake (my birthday cake) from an incredible chocolate store in Boulder, or the turkey/bacon/brie sandwich relished at the Denver Botanic Garden, it would have been a very uneventful week of eating for someone who considers themselves a bit of a foodie. As much as I loved the short respite from cooking and baking, I never stopped thinking about the things I wanted to make when I returned home. First up would be these Chocolate Espresso Revel Bars. 

For those of you who have never had a Chocolate Revel Bar before you might be wondering what they are. These Chocolate Espresso Revel Bars are chocolate ganache filled nutty oatmeal cookie bars. Or as I like to refer to them as the Oatmeal Bar version of the Sluttiest Brownies. In other words they are richly decadent. There are two theories regarding their origin. One claims a woman by the name of Tracy Revel who lived in the Sacramento (CA) area made them for her co-workers in the late 90s. The other possibly more plausible origin credit goes to a recipe printed in the 1968 edition of the Better Homes and Garden magazine. Regardless who or where they were first created, 2020 should be the year the Revel Bars make a resurgence. 

Traditionally Revel Bars have a fudgy, truffle like chocolate center. One made with sweetened condensed milk and chocolate chips. But these bars are made with an ambrosial, be still my heart espresso infused ganache center. The chocolate ganache and the deeply flavored dark brown sugar, nutty oatmeal cookie layers combine to make the most luscious confection. 

Once the dough is made it is divided into 2/3 and 1/3 portions. The toasted coarsely chopped walnuts and chocolate chips are added to the larger portion. The chocolate chip/nut oatmeal dough is then pressed into the bottom of a parchment paper lined 9" x 13" pan. 

The espresso infused ganache is then poured and spread evenly over the base cookie layer. After being lightly sprinkled with flaky sea salt, the remaining dough is used to create to the top layer.

Instead of dropping tablespoonfuls of the dough on top of the ganache, I placed slightly flattened pieces of the dough randomly (but not overlappingly) on top of the ganache. One more light sprinkling of flaky sea salt and they were ready to go into a preheated 350 degrees (F) oven. 

Baking time ranges between 35 and 40 minutes or until the bars are golden and slightly pull away from the sides of the pan. After removing the baked bars from the oven, leave them to cool to room temperature in the pan. Waiting for them to cool is the biggest challenge to making them. Resisting having more than one is the second biggest challenge!

As soon as the pan has cooled to room temperature, they are cut into bars. However, if you let them chill in the refrigerator for several hours your cuts will be much cleaner. Note: The photos here show unchilled cuts bars. 

This may now be my new favorite way to satisfy my craving for an oatmeal cookie. The Chocolate Espresso Revel Bars are insanely, drop the mic delicious. With a chewy, crunchy, and hearty texture these bars have something for everyone. And that middle ganache layer, well it will send chocolate lovers over the edge. If only I had these bars with me on my trip who knows how many more miles I could have hiked. Who knows how much longer I would have stayed.


Chocolate Espresso Revel Bars (inspired by Shauna Server's Chocolate Espresso Revel Bars in her cookbook "Midwest Made: Big, Bold Baking from the Heartland")

Makes 20 generous sized bars or 32 more balanced sized bars



1/2 cup whipping cream

1/4 cup (50g) caster (or confectionary sugar)

3/4 teaspoon instant espresso or espresso powder

1/8 teaspoon Kosher salt

1 cup (170g) semisweet or dark chocolate (53% cocao) chocolate chips

Revel Bars

3 cups (300g) old-fashioned oatmeal (not quick oats)

1 3/4 cups (225g) all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon Kosher salt

1 cup (226g) unsalted butter, room temperature

2 cups (400g) dark brown sugar

1 Tablespoon vanilla

2 large eggs

1/2 cup (85g) semisweet or dark chocolate (53% cocao) chocolate chips or. an equal amount of chopped chocolate

1/2 cup (65g) walnut halves, toasted and coarsely chopped

Flaky sea salt for sprinkling on ganache layer and top layer



1. In a small saucepan, add in the whipping cream, caster sugar, instant espresso and Kosher salt. Over medium heat, cook until the mixture has reached a simmer and is bubbling along the edges. 

2. Remove from the heat and add in the chocolate chips. Let sit for 1 minutes.

3. Whisk until smooth and glossy. Set aside to cool. 

Chocolate Espresso Revel Bars

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees (F). Line a 9" x 13" baking pan with parchment paper. Set aside.

2. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, oatmeal, baking soda and kosher salt. Set aside.

3. In the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat the butter at medium-high speed for approximately one minute or until light and creamy.

4. Add in the brown sugar and beat at medium-high speed for about one minute or until the mixture is slightly lightened in color.

5. Add in eggs one at a time, mixing at medium speed until fully combined.

6. Add in vanilla and mix until incorporated.

7. Reduce the speed to low and add in the dry ingredients. Mix until combined.

8. Transfer the mixture to a large bowl. Transfer approximately 1/3 of the dough to another bowl and set aside. Note: Weighing the mixture enables you to more evenly divide the dough.

9. To the bowl with 2/3 of the dough mix in the chocolate chips and walnuts using a spatula or wooden spoon.

10. Press the chocolate chip/walnut dough into the prepared pan. Press the mixture into an even flat layer but press mixture up slightly along the sides so there is a bit of an elevated edge.

11. Pour the ganache over the dough. Spread with an offset spatula to smooth out evenly. Lightly sprinkle with flaky sea salt.

12. Using your hands, take tablespoons of the remaining dough, lightly press down then place randomly (but not overlapping) on top of the ganache. Lightly sprinkle with flaky sea salt.

13. Place baking pan on a large baking sheet and bake for 35-40 minutes or until the top of bars are golden and begin to pull away slightly from the sides of the pan. Note: My baking time was 37 minutes.

14. Remove from oven and place pan on a cooling rack. Allow bars to remain to remain in the pan until they have cooled completely.

15. Remove the cooled bars from the pan. Cut into 20 squares. Note: Can refrigerate the bars for several hours. in order to have cleaner cuts. 

16. Serve and enjoy.

17. Stored in a tightly covered container the Chocolate Espresso Revel Bars will be good for at least 3 days, if they last that long.

Notes: (1) To toast walnuts, preheat oven to 350 degrees (F). Spread walnut halves out on a baking sheet. Bake for 9-10 minutes. Remove from pan, let cool, then coarsely chop. (2) I used these Dark Chocolate Morsels from Nestle. But if I were to do one thing differently next time, I would chop up chocolate instead of using chips.

Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes Park, Colorado (September 2020)

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Pumpkin Spice Muffins

Depending on who you listen to the Pumpkin Spice Craze is either still a thing we get excited about or it's become so normalized we no longer wait with bated breath for the arrival of our favorite Pumpkin Spice coffee beverages. Either way, Pumpkin Spice has now become synonymous with the fall.  Considering how much has changed in the last six months, it's a blessing of sorts that it wasn't one of the things cancelled or impossible to find this year. Although some have said canned pumpkin puree is going to be the new toilet paper in the weeks ahead. But I am getting ahead of myself. Canned pumpkin puree and Pumpkin Spice are two very different things. One of them is made with pumpkin and one isn't. 

Pumpkin Spice isn't a 21st century creation. Depending on which source you believe pumpkin (pie) spice was referenced in recipes either as far back as the late 1700s or in late 1800s. While there are variations in and proportions of the spices used in Pumpkin Spice, the most common combination includes cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, and allspice. Nowadays you can buy it in a jar, but it's probably more economical to make your own (see Notes below). 

The onset of cooler temperatures is usually my trigger to starting making some of my favorite baked pumpkin (spiced) confections. Like Pumpkin Spice Bars with Cream Cheese Icing, Pumpkin Bread with Maple Drizzle, Brown Butter Pumpkin Spice Cake, or Maple Glazed Mini-Pumpkin Doughnuts. For as many pumpkin spice recipes as there are posted to the blog (eleven, soon to be twelve), surprisingly there hasn't been one for pumpkin spice muffins or pumpkin spice whoopie pies! Considering the last muffin recipe posted called for the use of a standing mixer with a paddle attachment, I thought a muffin recipe requiring only a couple of bowls, some whisks, and a spatula would be a nice change of pace. In other words, these muffins are uncomplicated, almost effortless, easy, and trouble-free. Exactly the kind of muffins we all need right now. And unless you can't find any pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling) at the grocery store, there isn't anything stopping you from making them.

What makes a good Pumpkin Spice Muffin? To start, it should be one having just the right amount of sweetness. The combination of granulated sugar and dark brown sugar give this muffin that 'you know it when you taste it' level of sweetness. Second, it should be tender and moist but have a crunchy muffin top. The canola oil, the additional egg yolk, and a little bit of whole milk help deliver the perfect muffin texture. And lastly, it should be one where the aroma of the spices hit your sense of smell before you actually taste them. A generous amount of Pumpkin Spice and cinnamon will bring joy to your pumpkin spice loving palate. But what about the muffin top crunch factor? I'm getting there.

Dry ingredients and wet ingredients are first mixed separately with a whisk. Both are combined and blended with a spatula, thus eliminating the risk of over mixing or creating a muffin without that bakery style perfect texture.

The streusel topping helps to give the Pumpkin Spice Muffins some muffin top crunch and even more flavor. This streusel has a bit of a cookie like texture to it which serves to put these muffins over the top in terms of appearance and flavor. 

Be generous when sprinkling on the streusel topping. You should use almost all of the streusel mixture, leaving maybe only two Tablespoons left behind. 

Like all of the other muffin recipes shared recently, this follows the two different oven temperature baking approach. Six minutes at 425 degrees (F) followed by 25-30 minutes at 350 degrees (F). This baking technique helps to give the muffins their beautiful rise without risking either being under baked or drying out.

If there was ever a Pumpkin Spice Muffin to get the fall season off to a great start, it would be this one. 

Just because we may not be entertaining as much as we used to doesn't mean you shouldn't be baking up a batch of these Pumpkin Spice Muffins. Wrap them up and deliver to friends. Although do save a few for yourself. Waking up in the morning to the sight of these muffins will be a most welcome start to the day. Or maybe you want to savor one later in the morning or in the early afternoon with a cup of coffee or tea for a mid-day Pumpkin Spice boost. As long as you have (stockpiled) cans of pumpkin puree in your cabinet, it's possible you will be making them well into the winter months. Because some things need to stay around as long as possible.

Pumpkin Spice Muffins
Makes 12 muffins

1 3/4 cups (228g) all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt
2 teaspoons Pumpkin Spice
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
15 ounce (475g) can of pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling)
1 cup (200g) granulated sugar
1/2 cup (100g) dark brown sugar
2 large eggs, 1 large egg yolk
1/2 cup canola (or vegetable oil)
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 Tablespoon whole milk

Streusel Topping
3/4 cup (98g) all-purpose flour
1/4 cup (50g) dark brown sugar
2 Tablespoon granulated sugar
1/4 cup (25g) old-fashioned oatmeal, plus more for sprinkling on top of muffins
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon Kosher salt
1/4 cup (27g) pecans, coarsely chopped
6 Tablespoons unsalted butter, room temperature

Streusel Topping
1. In a medium sized bowl combine all of the streusel ingredients. Using either a fork or your fingers, blend the mixture together until it is crumbly. Set aside.

1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees (F). Line a muffin tin with cupcake papers. Set aside.
2. In a large bowl, whisk together the all purpose flour, baking powder, baking soda, Kosher salt, Pumpkin Spice and cinnamon. Set aside.
3. In a medium sized bowl, whisk together the pumpkin puree, dark brown sugar, granulated sugar, eggs, oil, vanilla, and milk until completely blended.
4. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients. Fold with a spatula until completely blended.
5. Using a large ice cream scoop fill the cupcake papers almost to the top.
6. Generously sprinkle streusel over each of the muffins. Lightly sprinkle with some additional oatmeal.Press the streusel down ever so lightly into the batter. 
7. Place the muffin pan on a baking pan and bake the muffins for 6 minutes.
8. Reduce the oven temperature to 350 degrees (F) and continue baking muffins for 25-30 minutes or until the muffins are done. To check for doneness: they will either be firm to the touch or a toothpick inserted into the muffin comes out clean.
9. Remove the muffins from the oven. Let sit in muffin pan for 10 minutes before transferring to a cooling rack.
10. Allow the muffins to cool completely before serving.

Notes: (1) To make your own small jar of Pumpkin Spice combine the following ingredients together: 3 Tablespoons cinnamon, 2 teaspoons ground ginger, 2 teaspoons ground nutmeg, 1 teaspoon allspice, and 1 teaspoon of cloves. (2) I like storing my muffins individually wrapped in the refrigerator to keep them fresh. Either let them come to room temperature before eating or pop them in the microwave for 20 or so seconds to warm them up.