Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Blackberry Jam and Buttermilk Biscuits

While this blog was officially launched at the end of 2012, it is technically in its' tenth year of existence. In my world, that's a long time to remain committed to an endeavor. I wouldn't be honest if I didn't tell you there have been times over the years when I have thought of putting it on a long hiatus. For a myriad of reasons I end up convincing myself to keep going, keep creating, keep sharing what I have learned and continue to learn about food over the years, to spark food joy. I am again at one of those points where I am considering putting on the pause button. I haven't yet made a final decision on whether or not will continue to be a place where new recipes regularly appear. Although I will share the post for this Blackberry Jam and Buttermilk Biscuits will be the last one for the month of July. It's my hope that the next couple of weeks will provide me with the space necessary to gain some clarity, some inspiration, and some sense of direction. So stay tuned for a decision at the beginning of August. Until then, I hope you are inspired to make this seriously stellar jam. 

What could be better than a tall, buttery, golden, flaky, tender biscuit? Well, maybe one slathered with butter and some homemade Blackberry Jam? But topping a biscuit with some luscious jam isn't the only reason why you need make some. Just imagine what a small bowl of yogurt or oatmeal might taste like with a generous dollop of blackberry jam. Or imagine how next level your peanut butter and jam sandwich would be if it were made with homemade blackberry jam? But don't let your imagination stop there as blackberry jam can be paired with scones, waffles, french toast, pancakes, English Muffins, bagels, cheeses, cheesecake, cake, and ice cream to name a few! 

Blackberry Jam might be the unicorn of jams as it's not one you can easily find on grocery store shelves. And finding a really, really good blackberry jam will send you out on an even longer quest. So rather than spend all that time searching for something that might leave you a tad disappointed, why not just make your own? Especially when you now have an easy, almost foolproof recipe!

With large, beautiful blackberries now in season, there is even more incentive to make some sweet, slightly tart Blackberry Jam. It is the ultimate way to preserve the flavor of summer. All you need are some fresh blackberries, sugar, and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Just three ingredients! With blackberries having relatively higher levels of natural pectin there is no need to use 'artificial' pectin. Which makes this jam infinitely better than anything store bought!

If you have never made homemade jam before, this Blackberry Jam recipe will transform you from a novice to a pro in just one jam making session. To make a blue ribbon winning jam (yes it's that good), I want to give you a few helpful hints. First, choose ripe, but not overly ripe, mushy blackberries. Overripe berries have less pectin which will adversely affect how your jam sets up. Second, use a large, heavy bottomed saucepan. Not only to ensure the pan heats evenly, but because your jam will expand during the cooking process and you don't want it to overflow on your stove top. Third, you will need a reliable candy thermometer. If you have made my caramels before, you already have what you need! Fourth, you will need a potato masher (like this one), to smash down the berries during the cooking process. And last, but not least, you want some good 'canning jars'. Ones with tight sealing screw top lids are best, but jars with rubber rims, glass tops, and metal clips will work too.

The yield on the jam is about 18 ounces, slightly more than a pint. So when looking for jars for your jam, I would encourage you to look for half-pint, 6 ounce or 4 ounce jars. This way you will end up with at least one jar to share. Imagine how delighted a friend would be getting a homemade jar of blackberry jam!

Since sharing the buttermilk biscuit recipe with you last year, I have updated the recipe giving you an alternate to the brushed butter before baking. A mixture egg yolk and one tablespoon of heavy cream brushed on the biscuit will give your biscuits a more golden finish. And honestly, I like the finished look of the egg wash biscuit more. Finding White Lily flour here in the midwest isn't as easy as it is in the South. Unbleached Gold Medal All-Purpose flour is a good alternative. However, I would give a slight edge to White Lily flour as it resulted in a lighter, flakier biscuit.

I paired the recipe for the Blackberry Jam with the Buttermilk Biscuits for a slightly selfish reason. Eating jam on a warm biscuit brought me back to the fun, memorable trip Nashville we took with friends this past fall. Where almost every morning started with a fresh biscuit. But if you are simply looking to preserve the flavor of one of your favorite berries, you absolutely must make this heavenly, luscious, mouthwatering Blackberry Jam. It just might be the best blackberry jam you have ever tasted. Did I happen to mention how intoxicating the aroma will be in your kitchen when you make it? Have fun jamming!

Blackberry Jam and Buttermilk Biscuits
Makes slightly more than 1 pint of jam and 12 biscuits

Blackberry Jam
15 ounces (426g) fresh blackberries
2 Tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 cups (400g) granulated sugar

Buttermilk Biscuits
Ingredients and Directions can be found here

Blackberry Jam
1. In a large heavy bottomed stainless or copper pan, add in the berries. Give the berries a quick mash using a potato masher before bringing to a full boil over medium-high heat. Continue mashing the berries as they come to a boil.
2. Add in the lemon juice. Continue cooking at medium-high for 1 minute. Stirring slowly while the mixture continues to cook.
3. Add in the sugar, increase heat to high and cook for approximately 5 1/2-6 minutes or until the mixture reaches 225 degrees (F) on a candy thermometer. The mixture should be slightly thick and syrupy. To ensure doneness temporarily remove from the heat, place a stainless tablespoon in the jam. Run your finger down the center of the back of the spoon. If the jam does not run off or close the gap, the jam is done. If the jam is not done, return to the heat and cook for additional minute.
4. When done, permanently remove the jam from the heat and let sit in pan for about 5 minutes before pouring into a sterilized jar or jars. Do not let it remain in the pan for more than 5 minutes.
5. Allow the jam filled jar(s) to come to room temperature before covering with a tight fitting lid. Once sealed, immediately place the jars in the refrigerator. Jam will keep for up to 2 weeks.

Cades Cove, Great Smokey Mountain National Park (October 2021)

Friday, July 15, 2022

Grilled Peaches w/ Honey & Sweetened Mascarpone

Raise your hand if you willingly admit to having a sweet tooth. One you get great joy out of satisfying. Raise your hand if you love making and serving easy, effortless recipes having a significant 'wow' factor. You know, the ones everyone believes you expended a great deal of energy making. And, last but not least, raise your hand if you love most things peach, but especially sweet summer peaches. If it were possible for me to see all of you virtually I have a very strong suspicion I would see everyone's hands raised at least once! What is not to love about having more than a handful of delicious, impressive, made in less than twenty minutes, equally perfect for casual outdoor gatherings or intimate dinner party 'homemade' dessert recipes in our back pockets? It's your lucky day because the recipe for these Grilled Peaches w/ Honey & Sweetened Mascarpone just happens to be one of those recipes. 

The key to this simple, super delicious, on the healthier side dessert is to choose ripe but not too soft yellow peaches. They shouldn't be rock hard and they shouldn't be squishy. They should give just a little when you press on them. When grilled, the sweetness of peaches deepens and intensifies. The flavor of slightly caramelized grilled peaches paired with a dollop of cinnamon infused mascarpone cheese, warm honey, and fresh thyme is heavenly.

The peach halves can be grilled on either an outdoor grill or on a grill pan (like this one). It's important that the grill or grill pan be hot. To test your heat level, place your hand about an inch over the grates or grill. If you can feel the heat, you are ready to grill. Before placing the peach halves on the hot grill brush it lightly with canola or vegetable oil. Beginning with placing the cut side down, the butter brushed peach halves are grilled for approximately three minutes per side.

Transfer the grilled peaches to a serving platter, drizzle with some warm melted honey serve with the slightly sweetened whipped mascarpone and fresh thyme sprigs. Note: Make the whipped mascarpone right before you begin grilling the peaches.

If there was ever an herb that paired well with peaches it would fresh thyme leaves. As fresh thyme leaves adds a subtle earthy, herbal flavor to this dessert. Sprinkle thyme leaves over the grilled peaches or serve sprigs on the side, letting everyone add as many or as few as they would like. But definitely encourage everyone to try at least one bite with them!

This may be one of the loveliest summer desserts I have ever made. Warm grilled peaches paired with cool creamy luscious mascarpone, melted honey, and fresh thyme have all of the feels of a sophisticated dessert. And yet, very little time and effort goes into making it. With peaches now in season, raise your hand if you think this is the perfect time to make this exquisite dessert for your family and friends. 

Grilled Peaches w/ Honey & Sweetened Mascarpone
Serves 4-8

8 ounces (226g) mascarpone
3-4 Tablespoons heavy whipping cream
2 Tablespoons confectionary sugar
1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon, plus more for dusting

Vegetable oil, for preparing grill
4 ripe, but not too soft, yellow peaches, cut in half, pits removed 
2-3 Tablespoons butter, melted
2 Tablespoons of honey, melted
Sprigs of thyme
Pieces of honeycomb, optional

1. In a medium sized bowl, add in the mascarpone, 3 Tablespoons heavy whipping cream, confectionary sugar and cinnamon. Beat on medium speed just until the mixture is thick and creamy. Do not over beat. If the mixture is too thick, add in the additional Tablespoon of whipping cream. Set aside.
2. Halve the peaches, cutting down the seam of the peach. Twist the halves in opposite directions. Remove the peach pit.
3. Brush the top and bottom of the peach halves with melted butter. On a heated grill or grill pan lightly brushed with canola or vegetable oil, place the peach, cut side down. Cook the peaches until grill marks have formed and they have slightly softened, about three minutes per side.
4. Place the grilled peaches on a large platter. Drizzle with the melted honey. 
5. Top the grilled peaches with a scoop of the sweetened mascarpone. Lightly dust with cinnamon. Serve with fresh thyme sprigs.
6. Serve immediately.

Notes: (1) You can find another recipe for Grilled Peaches on the blog here. (2) You could easily make this a dessert for 1, 2 or 3. Just reduce the number of peaches, reduce the melted accordingly, and halve the recipe for sweetened mascarpone or not. The leftovers will store well if covered and placed in the refrigerator. (3) I like BelGioisio's mascarpone but Trader Joe's also has a pretty good one. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Watermelon and Feta Salad

For years I have been intrigued by the images of Watermelon and Feta Salads appearing with some regularity around this time. But I have struggled with wrapping my head, or rather I should say my palate, around the seemingly far-fetched sweet and savory combination of sweet, crunchy watermelon, salty feta cheese, marinated red onions, and sweet, refreshing mint. In spite of all of the appealing photos and mouthwatering descriptions of this salad, I have remained hesitant. Could it really be the delicious, refreshing, most perfect summer salad everyone who has ever made or tasted it said it was? Whether I was out to prove you can't believe everything you read, satisfy a curiosity, have an opinion about something I had never actually tasted, or succumb to the fact I was yet again going to be late to the 'party', I cannot say.  More than likely it was a combination of all of them. Curiosity and FOMO finally got the best of the me.

So let me just cut to the chase. The Watermelon and Feta Salad was more mind-blowing delicious and refreshing than I could have ever imagined. 

It's been awhile since I went down the recipe rabbit hole, but I felt it was necessary to do some due diligence before making the salad I had so many reservations about. While there were an endless number of watermelon and feta salad recipes to choose from, I quickly narrowed my choices down to Ottolenghi's Watermelon and Feta Salad and the Watermelon, Feta, and Black Olive Salad Nigella Lawson shared more than twenty years ago. Both salads were made with watermelon, feta, and red onions. However, Ottolenghi's used basil as the herb and lemon as the citrus, while Nigella's used (spear)mint and limes. The flavor combination of watermelon, feta, red onions, mint and limes appealed to my curious palate's interest more. But the tipping point had everything to do with the salad's presentation. Triangles won out over chunks.

To temper the 'bite' of the red onion, they are very thinly sliced and then marinated in freshly squeezed lime juice. This 'quick' pickling creates a more tender, slightly sweet onion. Using a mandoline makes thinly slicing the onions easier, but a very sharp knife will work too. 

Important note: The lime juice combined with extra-virgin olive oil will be used as a 'dressing' for the salad. So do not throw the lime juice away after you add the marinated onions to the salad.

Look for a ripe, sweet, seedless watermelon at the grocery store or Farmer's Market. This recipe calls for a piece of watermelon about 3 1/2 pounds. But since most watermelons generally weigh more, you will have enough leftover to eat as a snack after you make the salad. The best way to cut the watermelon when making this salad is to first cut it in half. Then cut 3/4" slices from one of the halves (or both if you have a very small watermelon). Cut each slice in half, and then cut each piece into 4-5 triangles. After cutting off the rind, slice each 'triangular' piece of watermelon lengthwise to create 'thinner' pieces.

Arrange the pieces of watermelon on a large platter. There is no one 'right' way to do this. Just create beautifully.

Next to the ripe, sweet, seedless watermelon, the feta cheese is an equally critical ingredient. Choose the wrong feta and your opinion of this fabulous salad will be skewed. So is there a best feta cheese to use? The short answer is 'yes'. According to Serious Eats you want either an imported or domestic sheep's milk-feta as it has "a much creamier texture and a flavor that balances the saltiness with the characteristic funk of sheep's milk". The creaminess of the cheese when contrasted with the crunchiness of the watermelon gives way to the most highly flavorful, refreshing salad. I used a Bulgarian Feta (and loved it), but any good quality sheep's milk Feta cheese can be used. Note: Do not use a cow's milk feta in this salad as it has a dry, crumbly, and saltiness without tang texture.

After layering on the triangular slices of feta, marinated red onions, and chopped fresh mint, the Watermelon and Feta Salad is finished with the lime juice/olive oil dressing and some freshly cracked black pepper. Unlike Nigella's recipe, the dressing is drizzled over the salad instead of having it mixed in with all of the salad ingredients. You could toss the salad together at the table after everyone has seen it, but you don't have to.

The Watermelon and Feta Salad is the most refreshing summer salad I have eaten. I was beyond surprised at the incredibly delectable flavor explosion on my palate. The hype around this salad was, is real. 

There are just two downsides to the Watermelon and Feta Salad. To start, it's one best enjoyed immediately after it's made. In other words, it can't be prepared the night before or even hours before. But because this salad comes together easily, that downside is hardly a deterrent. The second and maybe the most important drawback is that it's a summer seasonal salad. Once the summer watermelon season is over, the Watermelon and Feta Salad must go on hiatus until the next year. So don't wait too long before you make it. Because once you taste it, I promise once won't be enough.

Watermelon and Feta Salad
Serves 8

1 medium sized red onion
2 limes, squeezed
4 Tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
3 1/2 pounds (slightly more than 1.5 kilograms) seedless, ripe watermelon, chilled
7-8 ounces (193-220g) good quality feta (sheep's milk) 
5-6 sprigs of fresh spearmint mint, leaves removed, coarsely chopped, plus more for garnish
Black pepper

1. Using a mandoline or very sharp knife, thinly slice the red onions.
2. In a small bowl add in the sliced red onions and lime juice. Set aside.
3. Cut the watermelon into 3/4 inch slices. Cut each slice in half. Then cut it into triangular pieces. Remove the rind.  Cut each triangular piece in half lengthwise to create thinner triangular pieces. Arrange the watermelon on a large platter.
4. Cut the feta into smaller sized triangular shapes. Arrange on top of the watermelon slices.
5. Arrange the marinated red onions evenly on the platter. Add the extra-virgin olive oil to the lime juice. Stir and pour over the watermelon and feta salad.
6. Sprinkle the coarsely chopped mint over the top. Finish with some freshly cracked black pepper. Garnish with some fresh mint sprigs, if using.
7. Serve immediately.

Notes: (1) This recipe was inspired by multiple sources, but most by Nigella Lawson's. (2) I used a piece of Bulgarian Feta from the deli of one of the grocery stores I frequent. If you can't find it, look for another sheep's milk Greek cheese. Because there are so few ingredients in this salad, quality matters.

Door County Wisconsin (2022)

Friday, July 8, 2022

Blueberry Pie Baked French Toast Casserole

While it already feels like time moves way too fast what if, hypothetically speaking, we could just fast forward to September? And skip these energy zapping, dreadfully hot, humid, triple digit heat index days. (Yes, I know some of you thrive in the heat and are now collectively thinking this may be one of the worst ideas you have ever heard.) Why would I even suggest such a ludicrous idea? I could give you a litany of reasons, but will instead give you only one. I do not want anyone to think twice or have any guilt about heating up the house to bake up a batch of cookies or more importantly, be deterred from making this Blueberry Pie Baked French Toast. Because, if anything is worth turning the oven on for during the oppressive July and August heat, it would be this luscious Blueberry Pie Baked French Toast. In other words, if we have no choice but to endure the sweltering summer weather, there is no reason why we shouldn't make the best of it.

With blueberry season getting into full swing, this sinfully good Blueberry Pie Baked French Toast Casserole is one way to get your fill of those delicious sweet berries. Between the blueberries in the casserole and a blueberry sauce drizzled over the it, you are bound to be in blueberry heaven.

Almost everyone has a recipe for a blueberry french toast casserole. Some are made with cream cheese, some use challah or brioche, some are studded with dollops of mascarpone, some are made with various kinds of custards, and some use as many as a dozen eggs. 

This one is made with a day old baguette cut into thick one inch slices, a custard comprised of milk, half-and-half, and whipping cream, seven eggs, fresh blueberries, lots of cinnamon, and butter-brown-sugar-cinnamon crust. Freshly whipped cream and a homemade blueberry sauce add to french toast casserole's decadence. 

Two cups of fresh blueberries in the french toast and two cups of fresh blueberries in the lovely blueberry sauce help to create one heck of a berry-licious breakfast dish. 

Like most baked french toast casserole recipes, this one too is made the night before to allow time for the 'custard' mixture to be absorbed in the bread to create a bread pudding-ish texture. For the best results, first dip each piece of bread in the custard mixture before placing them in the buttered casserole dish. Then pour all of the remaining custard over the top. What differentiates this french toast recipe from all of the others is the crunchy, buttery, cinnamony topping that adds both incredible flavor and texture.

Baking time ranges somewhere between 45-50 minutes in a preheated 375 degree (F) oven. For the first half of the baking time, the french toast is lightly covered with aluminum foil. Removing the foil for the second half helps ensure the 'crust' turns a beautiful golden brown. 

The recipe is simple and straightforward. With the french toast casserole assembled the night before, breakfast and brunch will feel relatively stress-free. A bonus for anyone who isn't a morning person. The only thing left to do on the morning of serving it is to make the blueberry sauce (although that too could be made the night before) and whipping up the cream. Whatever you do, don't skip serving it with some freshly whipped cream!

Comfort food satisfying, impressive, scrumptious, and slightly decadent, this Blueberry Pie Baked French Toast Casserole will make a weekend breakfast or brunch feel like a special occasion. Even on a scorching hot summer day, it's definitely worth turning on the oven for. 

Blueberry Pie Baked French Toast Casserole
Serves 6-8

Blueberry Sauce
2 cups (270g) fresh blueberries
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup (100g) granulated sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lemon juice

French Toast Casserole
2 Tablespoons unsalted butter, room temperature
16 ounce baguette, day old, cut into 1" slices
7 large eggs
1 cup half and half
1 cup heavy whipping cream (see notes)
1 cup whole milk
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 Tablespoons granulated sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt
2 cups (270g) fresh blueberries

1/2 cup (113g) unsalted butter, room temperature
3/4 cup (150g) light brown sugar
4 Tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 Tablespoons maple syrup or corn syrup
1 1/4 teaspoons cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon Kosher salt

Whipped Cream
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1 heaping Tablespoon confectionary sugar

French Toast Casserole
1. Generously butter an 11" round or 9"x12" (or equivalent) casserole dish with the 2 Tablespoons of room temperature unsalted butter. Set aside.
2. Slice bread into 1 inch thick slices. Set aside.
3. In a large bowl, combine the eggs, half-and-half, heavy, whipping cream, milk, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, and kosher salt. Mix until well combined (no yellow egg streaks).
4. Dip each slice of bread into egg mixture and begin to line the prepared casserole dish by either standing up the slices or overlapping them. Drop in the two cups of blueberries, pressing some of the berries down between the bread slices. Pour remaining egg mixture evenly over the bread slices. Cover dish tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.
5. To make brown sugar topping mix the butter, brown sugar, maple (or corn) syrup, cinnamon and Kosher salt in a medium bowl until well blended. 
6. Remove the french toast casserole from the refrigerator. Drop spoonfuls of the brown sugar topping evenly over the top.
7. Preheat oven to 375 degrees (F).
8. Place casserole on large baking sheet. Cover loosely with aluminum foil. Bake for 20-25 minutes covered. Remove the aluminum foil and continue baking for another 25-30 minutes or until the french toast casserole is done. To check for doneness, press down lightly in the center of the casserole to check to make certain the custard has set.
9. Let the french toast casserole rest for 10-15 minutes before serving. Drizzle some of the blueberry sauce on top of the casserole. Serve the remaining sauce and the whipped cream on the side. Note: Any leftovers can be stored covered in the refrigerator. They reheat up perfectly in the microwave.

Blueberry Sauce
1. In a small saucepan, combine the blueberries, water, sugar, and lemon juice.
2. Bring mixture to a boil. Allow to boil for several minutes.
3. Reduce the heat to low and continue to cook until the sauce has thickened (approximately 10-15 minutes). Remove from the heat. Pour into a heat proof container or jar.
4. Transfer to a sauce boat or small bowl when ready to serve.

Whipped Cream
1. In a medium sized bowl add in the whipping cream and confectionary sugar. Beat with a hand mixer until sturdy soft peaks form. Use immediately or cover and chill in the refrigerator until ready to use.

Notes: (1) You could also use 2 cups of half and half and 1 cup whole milk, instead of 1 cup each of half and half, whipping cream, and whole milk. (2) The recipe calls for the use of a day old baguette. You could use a 16 ounce loaf of brioche cut into 1" slices instead for a more decadent french toast casserole. But it's really, really good using a baguette.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Beef and Caramelized Onion Quesadillas

In a little over a month we are headed back out West. Along with a million of our closest friends we will be hiking in the Badlands and Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP). The trip to the Badlands will a first for all of us, however, I will be the only one having the most familiarity with RMNP. While I wouldn't exactly consider myself on expert on Colorado's most famous national park, I have probably been there at least a dozen times in the last two decades. Although I have never been there in the summer (I'm not a big fan of crowds). Being the 'planner' for one leg of the trip is a kind of double-edged sword. On one hand, my Type A personality couldn't be happier being the one planning the itinerary and making the hiking/sightseeing recommendations in one of my happy places. Yet, on the other hand, the pressure to make the experience the 'best-ever' for everyone will weigh heavily on me. Because at the end of day, I just want them to be as taken in by and smitten with the sheer beauty of RMNP as much as I am. Wish me luck on accomplishing that goal!

Speaking of recommendations. I have one for you. Make these to-die-for Beef and Caramelized Onion Quesadillas. Because as far as quesadillas go, these are divine. 

Century old humble food, quesadillas are one of those foods almost everyone loves. Whether served as an appetizer or as the main course, they can be incredibly satisfying. Yet, no matter how many times you have eaten them, they can still have some element of surprise. 

Ground beef mixed with a homemade smoky, sweet BBQ spice mixture, sweet, golden caramelized onions, and lots of thickly grated cheese layered between two flour tortillas are what elevates these quesadillas to a sinfully delicious level. If your were looking to make and serve a slightly decadent quesadilla, your search is over. As these craveworthy Beef and Caramelized Onion Quesadillas bring new meaning to the concept of simple food.

These savory Beef and Caramelized Onion Quesadillas can be served as either a hearty appetizer, for lunch, or for dinner. Jazz them up by serving them with some chunky salsa, sliced avocado or guacamole, sliced green onions, sour cream or crema, sliced jalapeños, and/or hot sauce. 

You can make the BBQ spice mixture in advance. The recipe below gives you enough to make these quesadillas twice. While I prefer to make my caramelized onions on the day I am using them, you can make them a day ahead. Just store them covered in the refrigerator and reheat them slightly (to get them to room temperature-ish) in the microwave before you begin assembling the quesadillas. Note: It takes about 4-5 minutes to make each quesadilla. Keep the quesadillas warm in oven on a baking sheet until you finish making all of them.

I am going to make one more recommendation (because that's what I love to do). If you are looking for a somewhat effortless, easy, and impressive Tex-Mex dish to make for your summer meals and gatherings, put these Beef and Caramelized Onion Quesadillas on the top of your list. I won't at all be surprised if you are still making them when the fall comes around. 

Beef and Caramelized Onion Quesadillas
Serves 5-7 for dinner, serves 8-10 for hearty appetizers

BBQ Spice Mix
2 Tablespoons dark brown sugar
1 1/2 Tablespoons Kosher salt
1 Tablespoon paprika
1 Tablespoon Chipotle chili powder or chili powder
1 Tablespoon onion powder
1 Tablespoon garlic powder
2 teaspoons black pepper

Caramelized Onions
2 pounds (920g) sweet yellow onions (about 4 large), peeled and cut into 1/4 slices
2 Tablespoons unsalted butter
2 Tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
Kosher salt

Beef Quesadillas
1 (455g) to 1/4 pounds (570g) 85/15 ground beef
1/4 cup BBQ Spice Mix
2-3 Tablespoons water
10-12 (10 inch) soft flour tortillas (from a 16 ounce bag)
4 cups thickly shredded Mexican Cheese Blend or a Cheddar/Monterey Jack Blend  OR 2 cups shredded mozzarella and 2 cups of a shredded Mexican Cheese Blend (see notes)
Extra-virgin olive oil

Topping Options
Jar of your favorite salsa (I like this one)
Sour cream or Crema
2 Avocados sliced or guacamole
2-3 Sliced green onions
2-3 Thinly sliced jalapeños 

BBQ Spice Mix
1. In a medium sized bowl, mix together all of the spice ingredients.
2. Store in an airtight jar. Note: Spice Mixture will be good for up to a year.

Caramelized Onions
1. In a large (14") nonstick skillet, heat the butter and olive oil over medium heat.
2. When butter has melted, add the onions and lightly sprinkle with Kosher salt. Cook for approximately 10 minutes, stirring frequently, until the onions have softened and are beginning to become translucent.
3. Reduce the heat to medium-low and continue cooking for another 35-55 minutes, stirring every 10-15 minutes, until the onions are golden and have caramelized. 
4. Remove from the heat. Transfer to a bowl. Let come to room temperature.
5. Onions can be made in advance. Cover and store in the refrigerator. Bring to room temperature before using. Note: Caramelized onions will be good for at least a week stored in the refrigerator.

Beef Quesadillas
1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees (F)
2. Place the beef in a large nonstick skillet. Cook over medium-high heat, breaking up the pieces with a metal spatula or wooden spoon, until browned.
3. Add the quarter cup of the BBQ spice rub and 2-3 Tablespoons of water. Stir to combine. Cook until the water has been absorbed and all of the beef is well coated (approximately 2 minutes).
4. Remove from the heat. For easy assembly divide the beef into 8 (or up to 10) mounds. 
5. Heat 1 teaspoon of olive oil in a medium sized cast iron pan or skillet. When the oil has warmed, place a tortilla in the pan. Immediately top with about a 1/4 cup of the beef, 1/2 cup of the cheese(s), and about 2 generous Tablespoons of the caramelized onions. Top with another tortilla, press down lightly. Cook until the bottom tortilla is golden brown. Flip the quesadilla and continue cooking another 2 minutes or until the bottom tortilla is golden brown and the cheese(s) has melted. Remove from the pan and place the quesadilla on a baking sheet. Put in the oven to keep warm while you finish making the remaining quesadillas.
6. Repeat with the remaining ingredients adding 1 teaspoon of olive oil each time you make a quesadilla.
7. Cut the quesadillas in quarters (do not cut smaller than quarters). Arrange on a platter and serve with a variety of topping options.
8. If you have any leftovers, reheat in a skillet as reheating in a microwave will cause the tortillas to get soft.

Notes: (1) The inspiration for the Beef and Caramelized Onion Quesadillas came from Holly Erickson and Natalie Mortimer's cookbook "The Modern Proper: Simple Dinners for Every Day". (2) I used Tillamook's Farmstyle Thick Cut Mexican Cheese, thick cut style, as it contains cheddar, monterey jack, queso quesadilla, and asadero cheeses. If you can't find this cheese, look for another high quality Mexican Cheese blend or a sharp cheddar and monterey jack cheese blend. Do not use finely shredded cheeses.

Lake Powell, Page, Arizona (March 2022)