Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Avocado Toast with Poached Eggs

Schmearing or putting thin slices of a rich, buttery avocado on toast hardly seems worthy of a blog post. Although in my defense, I am not the first one to do so and probably will not be the last. Because when something is healthy, slightly indulgent, simple to make, a significant departure from a traditional breakfast, and beautiful on a plate, it seems justifiable to talk about. There are hundreds of 'recipes' (using the term loosely) out there for avocado toast. In reality they are merely multiple ways of showcasing the current obsession we have with the avocado. One that doesn't seem to have an expiration date.

Some claim we have the Australians to thank for this essentially open faced sandwich. But others aren't so quick to give them full credit for a culinary 'invention' believed to have been around for awhile. Regardless of where the concept of putting avocado on bread came from or where it first appeared on a menu, there is one thing we might all be able to agree on. It's insanely delicious. Making it worthy of all of the hype this no clear end in sight 'food' trend has been receiving.

Given the choice of slathering your toast with butter or "nature's butter", which would you choose? I suppose the answer depends in part on deciding whether your choices are influenced by their nutritional value. Would knowing an avocado has 'twice the potassium of a banana, are packed with fiber, help lower levels of bad cholesterol and have powerful anti-aging properties' sway you one way or other? Until any new nutritional researcher debunks all of these claims,  choosing"nature's butter" seems like one of the easiest choices to make.

Topping the avocado with a poached egg (or over easy egg if that's what you like) makes it feel more like a complete meal, and less like you are eating avocado bruschetta for breakfast.

If you haven't yet jumped on the avocado toast bandwagon, one with a significant social media presence, there is still time. 

Avocado Toast with Poached Eggs 

1 ripe avocado, halved, seed removed, thinly sliced
1 lemon, halved
Everything Bagel Seasoning Blend (from Trader Joe's or make your own)
2 pieces of  rye, pumpernickel, whole grain or sourdough bread, toasted
1 or 2 poached eggs (or over easy eggs)

1. Before removing the sliced avocados from their skin, squeeze half of a lemon over each one. Place on toasted bread.
2. Sprinkle with Everything Bagel Seasoning Blend and top with a poached egg (or over easy eggs).
3. Serve immediately.

Notes: (1) You could also mash up the avocado and spread on the toast. Squeeze the lemon juice into the mashed avocado. Sprinkling with the Everything Bagel Seasoning Blend after the mashed avocado is spread on the toast. (2) If you can't find or don't have a Trader Joe's near you, make your own everything topping. A recipe for one can be found on this Everything Chicken Puffs link.