Monday, April 18, 2022

Thin Mints Martini

The season for Girl Scout Cookies usually begins sometime in January and ends in late April. Year after year the number one selling cookie is the Thin Mints. At some point most of us learn to stock up on boxes of these cookies and keep them stored in the freezer (they taste even better ice cold). So, that sometime during the remaining eight months of the year, you can still satisfy your cravings for Thin Mints. And then there are others of us who live with cookie monsters and the stash of cookies hidden (but apparently not well enough) in the freezer are gone even before the Girl Scout Cookie season comes to an end. Only if you are lucky enough to know a lifelong, bleeds green Girl Scout might you be able to get your hands on some of the stash they are willing to part with. And I happen to be lucky enough. But those coveted boxes of Thin Mints (now under lock and key) sadly won't last until the return of Girl Scout Cookie season. But now I have this Thin Mints Martini, a luscious liquid version of the famed cookies, to do more than simply satisfy a craving for one!

Making a choice between a Girl Scout Thin Mints Cookie and this Thin Mints Martini might be hard for anyone with a cookie sweet tooth. However, I can honestly say I won't mind (as much) if the boxes of stashed boxes of Thin Mints stored in the freezer now magically disappear. Because my desire to muster enough self-control to make these cookies last for the rest of the year seems to have greatly dissipated. As I have this Thin Mints Martini to thank! It's nothing short of being the liquid gold version of the cookies. 

There are multiple versions of recipe for Thin Mints Martinis out there. Some use Creme de Menthe, Creme de Cacao, chocolate liqueurs, chocolate syrup, heavy cream or half-and-half, and/or vanilla flavored vodka to name a few. This recipe is much simpler as it uses ingredients you are likely to have on hand (maybe with one exception). And shall I say this recipe is even slightly less caloric than some of the other versions out there). Equal parts Vodka, Bailey's Irish Cream, a coffee liqueur (like Kahlua), peppermint schnapps, and some ice are all you need. Together those ingredients create the most intoxicating (in a good way) cocktail. If there was ever a throw down for a Thin Mints Martini, this one should be entered as serious contender! I would even go so far as to say it's highly possible it would be declared the winner! 

Perfect to sip on a warm, even hot day, to serve as an after dinner cocktail, or to simply satisfy a Thin Mints Cookie craving, Thin Mints Martinis are surprising light, refreshing, and go down pretty easy. They are deceptively lethal, so sip slowly.

With Mother's Day, bridal shower season, as well as the warmer weather months returning, there may be no better time than to start making Thin Mints Martinis for your family and friends. But especially for your Girl Scout friends! For those of you who host a Kentucky Derby party, think about going the non-traditional route. As there is now a new even more refreshing, sinfully delicious mint flavored cocktail to sip and savor. Move over Mint Julep and make way for the Thin Mints Martini! But in all seriousness, don't wait for a special celebratory occasion or until your stash of Thin Mint Cookies is gone to make one! Cheers!

Thin Mints Martini
Makes 1 delicious cocktail

1 ounce Peppermint Schnapps
1 ounce good quality Vodka
1 ounce coffee liqueur (like Kahlua)
1 ounce Bailey's Irish Cream
Fresh Mint Sprigs
Optional, but for giggles: Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookies

1. Fill a martini glass with ice.
2. Pour the Peppermint Schnapps, Vodka, coffee liqueur, and Bailey's into a cocktail shaker. Add about 8-10 ice cubes. Shake vigorously for about 12-15 seconds. Pour into the martini glass.
3. Garnish with a fresh sprig of fresh mint. Cheers! Note: These are deceptively lethal, so drink responsibly!

Notes: (1) Feel free to replace the Kahlua with a coffee liqueur from one of your favorite distilleries. (2) You can make a pitcher of the Thin Mint Martinis (no ice added) and keep in the refrigerator until ready to serve. Simply measure out four ounces, pour into a shaker filled with ice, and pour into a martini glass filled with ice.