Saturday, September 3, 2022

Whipped Ricotta, Basil Pesto & Tomato Jam Crostini

For the past few weeks I have been deliberating on whether or not there should be a post for this Whipped Ricotta, Basil Pesto & Tomato Jam Crostini. Not because I think it's seriously one of the best, easiest, most impressive, beyond delicious, slightly addictive, gorgeous appetizers ever to come out of my kitchen, but because I fear the lack of specificity in the 'recipe' will have you wondering if I was day drinking when I composed this post. For the record, I wasn't. And as far as calling this a 'recipe', well I may be using a rather broad sweep definition of the concept. While there is some degree of specificity here, there are also some suggested 'guidelines'. It may be first time I tell you to use 'approximately two to three tablespoons', or it may be the start of a trend. Sometimes recipes are more 'art' than 'science'. And this would be one of them.

If you are still with me (fingers crossed you are), I could go on endlessly singing the praises of this Whipped Ricotta, Basil Pesto & Tomato Jam Crostini. In all honesty, it's one of those appetizers likely to have your friends and family calling you (or at least thinking) the real hostess with the mostest. It's an appetizer that checks off all right boxes. Not only is it intensively flavorful, it's food at it's most beautiful.

This is one of those appetizers best served in 'individual' portions rather than a dish where everyone dives in. Small wine glasses (like the ones shown here) or small canning jars (ones with a wide mouth) make for the perfect vessel as you want everyone to see the layers of the whipped ricotta, basil pesto and tomato jam. When assembling the appetizer you are going to go slightly heavier on the whipped ricotta, easier on the basil pesto (so as not to overpower a bite with basil pesto), and moderately heavy on the tomato jam. Think 'the three bears' when you are putting it all together.

In full disclosure I used one of my favorite jarred Italian imported basil pestos here. Find one that you love and use it. You do not need to make your own pesto. Nor do you need to make a homemade ricotta (although you can if you want). A good quality whole-milk ricotta whipped with some extra-virgin olive oil and a pinch of Kosher salt will make an incredibly luscious creamy whipped ricotta. Pick up a baguette from the Farmer's Market or the grocery to make the crostini. However, you need to make the tomato jam. It's easy, it really is. And we are in the midst of cherry tomato season so you should find them in abundance at the grocery store, at Farmer's Markets, or in the tomato gardens of your friends willing to share their bounty with you.

If you are looking for the perfect, restaurant worthy, impressive, big flavored appetizer to serve, this Whipped Ricotta, Basil Pesto & Tomato Jam Crostini is the one!

Whipped Ricotta, Basil Pesto & Tomato Jam Crostini
Serves 2-8

16 ounce baguette, cut into 1/4"slices on the diagonal
Extra-virgin oil for brushing the baguette slices

Cherry Tomato Jam (my favorite recipe)
6.35 oz (180g) jar of imported Italian Basil Pesto, like this one, (or homemade basil pesto)
16 ounces (453g) whole milk ricotta
2 Tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
Pinch of Kosher salt

1. Make the Cherry Tomato Jam the night before to give the flavors a chance to further deepen.
2. To make the crostini, preheat the oven to 400 degrees (F). Place the 1/4" cut slices of the baguette on a heavy bottomed rimmed baking pan. Brush both of the slices with olive oil. Bake for 9-11 minutes, turning the slices over at the halfway point. The crostini is done when the edges of the bread are golden in color. Remove the pan from the oven and transfer the crostini to a cooling rack.
3. In a medium sized bowl (or in a food processor) add in the whole milk ricotta, 2 Tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil, and pinch of Kosher salt. Whip (or process) until smooth and creamy.
4. In your stemless wine glasses (or canning jars), dollop about 3 tablespoons of the whipped ricotta on the bottom and smooth slightly with a spoon. Then spread a generous tablespoon of the basil pesto over the top of the whipped ricotta. Finish with 2-3 rounded tablespoons of the tomato jam.
5. Place the glasses on small appetizer plates, surround with 3-4 pieces of the crostini and serve. Note: You can assemble the glasses containing the whipped ricotta, basil pesto and tomato jam early in the day or several hours ahead. Cover each tightly with plastic wrap and keep chilled in the refrigerator.

Important Notes: (1) Well covered and chilled, the whipped ricotta will be good for 4-5 days (you may need to give it a good whisk if it's been in the refrigerator for more than two days). Which means you can make as many of these appetizers as you need for a gathering. If you need just two, make two. If you need four, make four. You should have enough of the individual ingredients to make up to 8 appetizers. (2) I generally buy my imported basil pesto from my local Italian grocery store, but there are many good options at food speciality and grocery stores. 

Sprague Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park (August 2022)