Friday, October 21, 2022

Rotel Queso


There is something magical about experiencing the fall season out east when colors are at their peak. Especially when you get the chance to share one of your 'happy places' with really good friends. The four mile bridge run in Newport, Rhode Island was what prompted a glorious, memorable, fun, story-filled five day adventure. But the race was just an excuse for a getaway to visit some places three of my friends had never been before. Having lived on the east coast for several years, I served as the unofficial 'tour guide' (the perfect role for my Type A personality) while Mother Nature provided us with five days of the most exquisite fall weather. Our travels took us to the southern part of Maine, Nantucket, and Newport. All places having their own unique charm, beauty, and history. Our last meal before heading back home was at a classic Italian restaurant on Federal Hill in Providence. The food, the ambiance, and the impeccable service could not have been a more flawless finish to our epic adventure. I am almost certain we would all go back in heartbeat. 

As much as I loved being away, I am super excited to share the recipe for this Rotel Queso. The first time I learned about Rotel was when I lived in Jackson, Mississippi during the mid 80s. Someone brought in to the office (that was a place and thing back then) something they called a Rotel Dip. Served warm, it was made with a can of Rotel Tomatoes and melted Velveeta Cheese. I had wondered how it was that I had lived 'Rotel Dip' clueless for decades. This version takes the 'back of can recipe' for Rotel Dip to the next level. It's the chunkiest, cheesiest, heartiest, spiciest, most irresistible version. In other words, it's wickedly delicious.

On a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of the time, effort and skill needed to make this Rotel Queso it's definitely a 1. But it's a 9, quite possibly a 10 on the cheesy dip scale!

Ground sirloin is browned and left slightly chunky before the ground Chipotle Chile, garlic powder and onion powder are mixed in. Allowing the spices to cook with the browned meat for about a minute makes this Rotel Queso even more flavorful. 

The entire can of Rotel (do not drain) and the cubed Velveeta go in last. Over medium-low heat, the queso cooks until the cheese has melted. The mixture will be luxuriously thick and creamy.

As soon as the queso comes together, transfer it to a serving dish or dishes. Garnish with some chopped cherry tomatoes and cilantro. Then surround with your favorite tortilla chips (thicker chips work better than thin ones). Serve the Rotel Queso immediately as it's intended to be served warm.

This Rotel Queso is destined to be a huge hit with your family and friends! It's the perfect excuse for having a gathering.

I find it hard to resist an almost effortless to make, uber delicious queso. But this Rotel Queso may rank up there as one of the most irresistible! The ratios of spices to meat to cheese is nothing short of queso perfection. So invent a reason to invite over your friends and serve them a bowl of warm Rotel Queso and large handfuls of tortilla chips. It will be definitely be a memorable gathering.

Rotel Queso
Serves 6-8 as a hearty appetizer or 8-10 as a light appetizer

1 pound (457g) ground sirloin (90/10 mixture)
1 1/2 teaspoons ground chipotle chile
1 teaspoon onion powder
2 teaspoons garlic powder
18 ounces (510g) Velveeta Cheese, cubed
1 can (10oz) Rotel (original)
Tortilla Chips

1. In a heavy bottomed skillet, cook the ground sirloin until browned, breaking it up while cooking (but still leaving some chunks). Time: About 8-10 minutes.
2. Add in the ground chipotle chile, garlic powder, and onion powder. Stir to combine. Cook for about 1 minute.
3. Add in the cubed Velveeta and Rotel. Reduce heat to medium-low and cook until the cheese completely melts. Time: About 5-6 minutes.
4. Immediately transfer the Rotel Queso to a serving dish.
5. Top with chopped tomatoes and cilantro.
6. Serve with your favorite tortilla chips. Enjoy immediately.

Notes: (1) Store any leftover Rotel Queso covered in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. It can be reheated in the microwave or over low heat on the stove. (2) Highly recommend using a ground sirloin as it has a lower fat content, yielding less fat when cooked. If using a higher protein to fat ratio beef (e.g., 85/15 you may need to drain the fat before adding the spices). (3) You can reheat any leftovers in the microwave or over low heat in a pan. (4) If you serve the Rotel Queso with a big bowl of homemade guacamole you have the makings of light supper!

Warren's Beach, Little Compton, RI (October 2022)