Friday, October 27, 2017

Roasted Rosemary and Garlic Potato Wedges

For as long as I can remember I have had a fascination with farms, old barns, and rural landscapes. So when I had the opportunity to go out to the farm of a friend of a friend, I jumped at the chance. Taking along my camera I had hoped to capture some up close photos of their chickens, roosters, and horses. For some reason, I had forgotten just how quickly chickens and roosters move. Maybe if, along with a hawk flying over the coop, there had not been four children, four adults, and a new puppy surrounding them, taking their photos would have been a tad easier. While I was fairly comfortable (for a city girl who had only once lived next to a farm) around these creatures, I was awestruck by the gentleness and ease two young sisters had in handling them. Certainly having taken care of these chickens and roosters since they were barely days old may have had something to do with it, but not enough to account for their much admired fearlessness. 

While I could have probably taken dozens more photos of the chickens and roosters, I couldn't wait to get into the pasture with the horses. You only have to be in the presence of horses or to look into their beautiful eyes to understand why so many are so fond of these majestic creatures. Or why just being around them is akin to having a Zen-like moment.  An overwhelming feeling of calmness came over me as I brushed the mane of one of the horses. I could have stayed in the pasture for hours. But I didn't want to wear out my welcome on my first visit.

If there is one food I have learned to love over time, it would definitely be potatoes. Had it not been for the occasional potato pancakes or french fries we had growing up, mashed potatoes would have permanently ruined them for me. Ironically today, I find it hard to pass up mashed potatoes. However, it's even harder to walk away from perfectly roasted rosemary and garlic potato wedges. Served with or without the obligatory side of ketchup. 

Hot out of the oven or room temperature, Roasted Rosemary and Garlic Potato Wedges are nothing short of being one of my favorite comfort foods. Many use baking or russet potatoes when making oven roasted potatoes, but Yukon Golds are my roasted wedge potato of choice as I think they are most flavorful and have the best texture. 

The size of your potato matters less than the size of your wedges. So whether you buy large or baby Yukon Gold potatoes, you only need to cut your wedges to as close as possible uniform size (i.e., thickness). 

The potato wedges are tossed in a mixture of olive oil, kosher salt, black pepper, freshly chopped rosemary and garlic (either finely minced fresh or garlic powder). The listed amounts of rosemary and garlic are more guidelines than rules. If you like heavily seasoned, herbed potatoes, increase the amounts to your liking.

With one side of the cut potato wedge facing down, the potatoes roast/bake in a 400 degree (F) oven for 35-40 minutes. Or until they are lightly golden, crispy on the outside, and creamy on the side. Note: Turn potatoes over after 20 minutes of baking so both sides have the chance to bake flat against the pan.

Be careful not to squeeze too many potato wedges onto the pan (my baking pan was probably a little too full, but I got lucky and they baked up beautifully).

These Roasted Rosemary and Garlic Potato Wedges are incredibly delicious all on other own. In addition to the obligatory side of ketchup, they would pair well with either a bowl garlic aoili or sour cream. Don't forget to sprinkle the potatoes with a little more kosher salt when they come out of the oven! 

For a more rustic presentation, serve these Roasted Rosemary and Garlic Potato Wedges on the sheet pan they baked on. Or if you want to be a little less informal, serve them on one of your favorite platters. 

These crispy, creamy, well-seasoned Roasted Rosemary and Garlic Potato Wedges would be an impressive and substantial appetizer or the perfect side dish for a roasted chicken or grilled red meat (e.g., steaks, burgers). Your potato loving family and friends will be over-the-moon happy when they see these wedges brought to the table.

Roasted Rosemary and Garlic Potato Wedges

2 1/2 pounds Yukon Gold potatoes (could also use Russet potatoes)
1/4 cup olive oil
1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt, plus more for finishing
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
2 generous teaspoons finely chopped fresh rosemary
1 generous teaspoon garlic powder or 2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh garlic
Ketchup, garlic aoili, and/or sour cream for serving

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees (F).
2. Cut each potato in half lengthwise. Cut each half in half lengthwise again. Then cut each quarter lengthwise again, for a total of 8 wedges per potato. Each cut wedge should be of similar thickness. Place potatoes in a bowl.
3. Mix together the olive oil, salt, pepper, chopped fresh parsley and garlic powder. Pour mixture over potatoes, tossing to ensure they are evenly coated.
4. Arrange potato wedges on a single layer, cut side down, on a large rimmed baking sheet. Note: Be careful to not overcrowd the potatoes.
5. Bake for 20 minutes, then turn the potatoes over so the other cut side faces down on the baking sheet. Continue baking for an additional 15-20 minutes or until they are lightly browned, crisp on the outside and tender on the inside.
6. Sprinkle with some additional kosher salt.
7. Serve immediately with Ketchup, garlic aoili, and/or sour cream.

Chickens, sisters and freshly laid eggs on the family farm in Wilmington, IL (October 2017)

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Shortbread Cookies

The anticipation of seeing the predominately green landscape change to a richly vibrant tapestry of yellows, reds, and oranges is one of the many reasons why autumn remains my favorite season. Not unlike the enthusiasm expressed by children en route to some magical place ("Are we there yet?, Are we there yet?"), I have awaken each morning wondering"Have the leaves changed yet?, Have the leaves changed yet?".  Last week the trees here in my part of the Midwest showed barely a wisp of autumnal color. But this week, Mother Nature finally began to further reveal another layer of her much anticipated splendor. Against a contrasting gray sky, the colors of the leaves in the trees lining the streets in my neighborhood and in the park near the center of town seemed even more vibrant. While it felt as if it took forever, the changes to the fall landscape have thus far been well worth the wait.

With the visual arrival of autumn comes an even greater desire to bake. A posting of some almost too beautiful to eat shortbread cookies on Instagram was enough to inspire me to take another trip down the shortbread (aka shortcake) recipe road. While not looking to replace or abandon my cherished Irish Shortbread recipe, I wanted to find another one. But it had to be a shortbread having an equally delicious flavor, yet more amenable to being rolled out and cut into an infinite number of shapes. Additionally, I wanted this next shortbread recipe to be as 'authentic' as possible. In other words, one trying to stay true as possible to the somewhat traditional 3 parts flour, 2 parts (unsalted) butter and 1 part sugar ratios. 

After spending some time going down the shortbread cookie rabbit hole, I settled on the exact ingredient amounts for the butter, flour(s) and sugar. Additionally I made the decision to use the metric weight versus the measuring cup method. Mostly because every recipe I considered listed the ingredients in grams and partly because I am finding it easier and more precise to weigh versus measure ingredients. For those of you who don't own a scale, there are multiple, easy to use grams to cups conversion links available on the internet. 

When a cookie is made with very few ingredients, quality matters even more. In her book 'The Scots Kitchen", F. Marian McNeill (1974) wrote 'Only the best ingredients should be used. The flour should be dried and sieved. The butter, which is the only moistening and shortening agent, should be squeezed free of all water. The sugar should be fine castor. Two other things are essential for success-the careful blending of the ingredients and careful firing.' Because European style butters have less 'water' in them, they seemed to the best butter shortbread making option. Granulated sugar is more common than castor sugar here in the states, although castor sugar is becoming more readily available. Considering most Irish and Scottish shortbread is more than likely made with castor sugar, it seemed there wasn't any other option than to use it. So I did. With at least four different shortbread making flour options to choose from (all-purpose, rice, semolina and cornflour aka cornstarch), the decision making process became a little more complicated. After looking at a significant number of shortbread recipe variations, it appeared using at least two of these flours would be key to making a slightly richer cookie. Which flours I used or which flour I combined with all-purpose flour would significantly affect the texture of the shortbread. Rice and semolina flours would give an added crunch and cornflour/cornstarch would give it a more 'melt in your mouth' texture. Although any of those flour options would work, I decided to use an all-purpose/rice flour combination. Based on the cookie's taste and texture, it may take me awhile to consider any other option. 

Ordinarily I don't do more than one test of a recipe (gasp!). But that's true. If a recipe turns out I share it with you. If it doesn't, it's determined not to be immediately blog worthy. So this blog posting is a bit of a departure for me. Even though the first batch of cookies actually turned out to be as buttery, crunchy, and crisp as I hoped it would be. However, I struggled a bit to get the dough to roll out smoothly using the fork and hand method to assemble the dough. Note: The leaf shaped cookies reflect the results of the first run through of the recipe. Because I had a bit of difficulty forming the dough using the more traditional fork/hand shortbread assembly process, I didn't feel as if I could in good conscious post the recipe without possibly directly or indirectly discouraging you from making them. Cookies should be relatively easy to make, they shouldn't be complicated. 

So in a somewhat non-traditional and potentially texture risking move, I decided I would attempt assembling the shortbread dough in the food processor. It turned out all of my worries were for naught, as the dough in the food processor was not only much easier to roll out, the baked shortbread was as good as, maybe even slightly better,  even more visually perfect, than the more traditionally assembled fork/hand/bowl method. Yes, I know I may have just alienated everyone having even a trace of Irish and/or Scottish ancestry by even suggesting a great shortbread could be made in a food processor. Trust me when I say this is certainly not my intent. 

Because the butter softens up a bit in the assembling process (regardless of which method used), allowing the dough to rest in refrigerator a bit ensures the dough won't be overworked in the rolling/cutting/rerolling/cutting process. Fifteen minutes of rest/chill time is all this dough needs. Note: If you keep your dough in the refrigerator longer, you will have to let it set out a bit or it will crack when rolling.

Recommend baking temperatures for shortbread ranged from 300 degrees (F) to 350 degrees (F) or 140 degrees (C) to 180 degrees (C). Both batches of these shortbread cookies were baked at 350 degrees (F) for 15-20 minutes (cookies were rolled out to 1/4" thickness).  Baking time will vary slightly primarily due to the size and thickness of the cookies. If you want a thicker shortbread cookie, your baking time will increase. Your shortbread is done when the edges are lightly golden in color.

After allowing the baked cookies to rest on the baking pan for 5 minutes, transfer to a cooling rack. Once cooled to room temperature, they can be packaged in cellophane bags or placed in a tightly sealed tin. I am fairly certain these cookies get better with a bit of age. But honestly the ones I didn't give away didn't last more than two days here. And it's not simply because we love shortbread or cookies or sweets. They were just flaky, crispy, buttery, not overly sugary, addictively amazing. They were GREAT! Definitely a shortbread cookie I would put in the throw down worthy category.

Shortbread Cookies (inspired from multiple sources)

7.05 ounces (200 g) unsalted butter, cool but not chilled firm (Kerrygold is one of my favorites)
3 1/2 ounces (100 g) caster sugar
7 ounces (200 g) all-purpose flour
3 1/2 ounces (100 g) rice flour

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees (F) or 180 degrees (C). Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
2. Sift the all-purpose flour and rice flour. Set aside.
3. In the bowl of a food processor, combine the butter and caster sugar until combined.
4. Add the sifted flours until large clusters of dough forms. Be careful not to over process.
5. Scrape dough onto a piece of plastic wrap. Shape into a disc or rectangle.  Refrigerate for 15 minutes to allow it to rest.
6. On a lightly floured surface, cut dough in half. Rewrap one half and return to the refrigerator. Roll out remaining dough half to 1/4" thickness. Cut into desired shapes.
7. Bake 15-20 minutes or until edges of the shortbread are lightly browned. Allow cookies to set on pan for 5 minutes. Remove and transfer to a cooling rack. Note: Baking time may vary based on the size of the shortbread cookies.
8. While cookies are baking, roll out other half of the dough. Cut into desired shapes. Bake accordingly.
9. When cool, serve immediately or store in a tightly sealed container. 

Notes: (1) If making this shortbread using the fork/hand/bowl method, begin by cutting the butter into small cubes. In a medium sized bowl, blend the butter and sifted flours together until them mixture is crumb-like. Stir the sugar into the mixture, then using your hands squeeze it all together to form a ball (it will seem a bit crumbly). Flatten the ball of dough to about 1 inch thickness, wrap in plastic wrap, allow to chill in the refrigerator for 15 minutes before rolling out on a lightly floured surface. Cut into desired shapes. Bake 15-20 minutes at 350 degrees (F) or until the edges are lightly golden. (2) I didn't make the decorative fork indentations on the leaf cookies, but did when I made them into squares. (3) In the states, India Tree's Caster Sugar is my go-to.

Grazing dairy cows (October 2017)

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Versunkener Apfelkuchen (Sunken Apple Cake)

After visiting an apple orchard last week I realized I need to learn how to make apple butter and/or apple sauce if I want to put a bushel of apples to good use. Because there are only so many apple confections I can make without sending the household into apple overload. Or if I am still bound and determined to experience the unexplainable joy that comes from wandering through the rows of apple trees and picking apples, I am going to need to take a friend or two with me so we can share in the orchards bounty. But finding an orchard giving me the flexibility of letting me decide how many apples I want to pick would be perfect for when I need to restock the apple eating and baking inventory.

The apple orchard I frequented near my farmhouse out east spoiled me. Even when it was 'closed', I could still walk up the steep hill to the orchard and meander through the trees until I found those perfect apples. Sometimes I picked only enough to eat for the week, other times I picked enough to give to friends. Whether it's a figment of my imagination or not, the taste of apples picked fresh from the trees don't seem compare to the ones store-bought. Not even the ones labeled as 'organic'. 

Some weeks back while browsing through the cookbook 'Classic German Baking: The Very Best Recipes for Traditional Favorites from, Pfeffernusse to Stresuselkuchen' by Luisa Weiss I was immediately drawn to the recipe for Versunkener Apfelkuchen aka Sunken Apple Cake. A simple, yet delicious sounding cake, this German version of an apfelkucken reminded me a little of the Italian Torta di Mele. Although there was enough of a difference between them that I knew I needed the German version in my life.

While most kuchens are considered to be simple cakes, ones intended to be shared and enjoyed with friends over a cup of coffee, they are moist, buttery, slightly custardy, apple-y bites of deliciousness. The Versunkener Apfelkuchen is a cake where thinly sliced apples are carefully placed atop a thick luscious batter. When baked, the cake batter rises around the apples creating the effect of apples peeking through a golden brown crust. A dusting of confectionary sugar on top not only hides any of the cakes imperfections, it adds a beautiful aesthetic finish. Turning a seemingly ordinary every day cake into one worthy of being enjoyed at a celebration.

More than likely you have all of the ingredients for an Versunkener Apfelkuchen in your refrigerator or pantry. And no, it doesn't require a trip to the apple orchard! I used Granny Smith apples as I like them for their tartness and ability to hold their shape while baking, although there are a number of other apples you can use in this cake (see recipe below).

To further ensure the meticulously cut apples remained fresh and unblemished, I began this cake by making the batter first. There is no need to pull out a standing mixer as a hand mixer will actually work better. A lesson learned in the making of this cake. The zest from half a (medium sized) lemon, butter and sugar are beaten together until light and fluffy. At this point you can then either add the eggs whole or having divided your eggs, add only the egg yolks along with the vanilla. I opted for the divide the eggs (whipping the egg whites until stable peaks form and add later) approach for making this cake. A suggestion taken from Deb Perelman at Smitten Kitchen. Once the eggs or yolks and vanilla are fully blended, the sifted flour is added in two additions along with the kosher salt. The juice from half of a lemon is mixed in before the whipped egg whites are folded in (in three additions) until no streaks remain. Scrape the lush, thick batter into prepared 9" springform pan. Smooth the top with an offset spatula and set aside. Note: I used self-rising flour for this cake, but you 1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour and 2 teaspoons of baking powder can be used instead.

Some recipes for the Versunkener Apfelkuchen cut the apples only in half, not in quarters. Additionally, some will suggest cutting the apples only halfway through so the apples stay intact. If your apples are small, the cutting in half method may be your best option. If they are medium sized or larger, and you would like your cake covered in apples, then I would definitely recommend going in the cutting into quarters route. While my thin slices (approximately 1/8") weren't exactly up to German engineering standards, they baked up beautifully. 

I ended up cutting my apples all the way rather than halfway through. This may in part have contributed to their sinking down a little further than I would have wanted, although I think pushing down on them into the batter too hard was the real reason. However you cut them, keep them intact even as you squeeze fresh lemon juice over them and sprinkle them with sugar.

If you do a search for Versunkener Apfelkuchen, you will find a myriad of designs for placing the apples on top of the cake. Be as playful and artistic as you want as I honestly don't think there is one right way to arrange them. Sprinkle the top of the cake with a tablespoon or two of demerara sugar before putting into the oven.

In a preheated 350 degree (F) oven the cake bakes for 35-45 minutes. Or until golden brown on top and a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean (be careful not to test the doneness of the cake by inserting the toothpick into the apples). Place the baked cake on a cooling rack and allow to rest for 5-10 minutes before removing the springform pan ring. 

As much as you will be tempted to cut into this cake, allow it come to room temperature before serving. 

While the dusting of confectionary sugar was my attempt at a cosmetic fix to a cake lovingly made, it added the perfect amount of sweetness. So whether or not my sunken apples display perfectly on top of the cake the next time it's made, I will still opt for the 'dusting of snow' confectionary sugar finish. 

Regardless of our cultural backgrounds and ethnicity, we all need this Versunkener Apfelkuchen in our lives. Having an almost perfect apple to cake ratio, you could probably justify eating this cake for breakfast. I know I could.

Versunkener Apfelkuchen  (Sunken Apple Cake) - (Several adaptations to the Versunkener Apfelkuchen recipe from Luisa Weiss's Classic German Baking cookbook along with some influence from Smitten Kitchen's Honey Apple Cake recipe)

3 medium-large apples (I used Granny Smith, but could also use Honey Crisp, Pink Lady, Cortland, or Fuji Apples)
Zest from 1/2 of a medium sized lemon
Juice from a medium sized lemon, divided
9 1/2 Tablespoons (130 g) unsalted butter, room temperature
1/2 cup plus 2 Tablespoons (125 g) caster or granulated sugar
3 large eggs, room temperature, separated (See notes)
1 1/2 cups (190 g) self-rising flour (or use 1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour and add 2 teaspoon baking powder)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1-2 Tablespoons demerara sugar
Optional: Confectionary sugar for dusting top of the cake and/or lightly sweetened whipped cream

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees (F) or 180 degrees (C). Line a 9 inch springform pan with parchment paper. Butter sides of pan and the parchment paper. Set aside.
2. Sift flour and set aside. (Note: If using all-purpose flour, sift the flour with the baking powder and set aside.)
3. In a medium to large bowl, combine lemon zest, butter, and sugar. Beat until mixture is light and fluffy (approximately 2-3 minutes).
4. Add in egg yolks and vanilla. Beat until yolks are fully incorporated.
5. Add kosher salt and half of the flour. Mix until the flour is incorporated. Add the remaining flour and mix until incorporated. Note: Batter will be thick at this point.
6. Mix in juice from half of the lemon.
7. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until semi-stiff (peaks will form, but the mixture will not appear dry).
8. Fold in the whipped egg whites in 3 additions until no white streaks remain, but be careful to not over mix the batter at this point.
9. Scrape the silky cake batter into the prepared cake pan. Smooth top with an offset spatula.
10. Peel and core 3 apples. Cut apples into quarters. Thinly slice apple quarters (trying not to cut all the way through, but it's okay if you do, just keep the cut quarters intact). Place sections of the apples in a large bowl. Squeeze juice from the other half of the lemon over the sliced apple quarters (but do not stir). Sprinkle with 1 Tablespoon of caster (or granulated sugar).
11. Very gently arrange the sliced apple quarters (core side down) on top of the batter, leaving only a little space between the apples. Do not press down firmly or shift apples once they have been placed on top of the batter. Sprinkle top with 1-2 Tablespoons demerara sugar.
11. Bake in the center of the oven for 35-45 minutes or until golden brown and a cake tester inserted into the cake (not apples) comes out clean.
13. Place cake pan on a cooling rack for at least 5-10 minutes before removing springform pan ring from cake.
14. Allow cake to cool to room temperature. Transfer to a cake stand or platter and serve. 
15. Optional: Sprinkle top of the cake with sifted confectionary sugar.

Notes: (1) The suggestion for separating the eggs and blending in the egg whites separately came from Deb Perelman at Smitten Kitchen. The Versunkener Apfelkuchen recipe from Luisa Weiss recommended adding the eggs whole. Either option will work. (2) Carefully lay apples on batter rather than pressing them in firmly if you want your cut apples to be fully exposed on the top of the cake. (3) The cake is best on the first day, but if well wrapped will keep for 2 days. (4) In lieu of a dusting of confectionary sugar to add some sweetness, can also serve the cake with lightly sweetened whipped cream.

Autumn Bounty (October 2017)

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Lemon and Poppy Seed Cake

In spite of it being apple, pumpkin, and everything autumnally nice season, I decided to be an outlier and make this Lemon and Poppy Seed Cake instead. The plainest, most humble, least ambitious, most ordinary, deceivingly ho-hum, borderline old-fashioned dessert in Yotam Ottolenghi's and Helen Goh's newest cookbook "Sweet".  Brilliance, as you will discover in your first bite of this cake, doesn't need to come only from complexity. It can and does come from simplicity. And generally speaking, this Lemon and Poppy Seed Cake, made with simple ingredients could not be any easier to make. If there was ever a cake you will find yourself making again and again for either legitimate or just because reasons, this will be the one. It's the kind of cake you want to serve to overnight guests, to bring on a weekend trip, to bring as a hostess gift, to make as a welcoming gift, to make for someone who makes you happy, to bring to a meeting, to serve at your book club.....okay I think you get the idea of this cake's versatility and impressibility. And as an added bonus, it can be made year round as it doesn't rely on seasonal ingredients. 

Before any of your friends discover the recipe for this Lemon and Poppy Seed Cake, you need to make it. More specifically, when anyone in your circle of strangers and friends hear the words 'Lemon and Poppy Seed Cake", you want them to associate you with it. Of course, you will defer the accolades and all flattering remarks and give credit to Helen Goh because it's the right thing to do. Your graciousness will only further serve to forever link you to this cake. 

As I had shared in a prior blog post, I have the European version of the cookbook "Sweet" (although I am seriously considering getting the American version as converting metric amounts to the familiar American ones can at times be challenging). In the spirit of full disclosure, I made this Lemon and Poppy Seed Cake using the ingredient amounts least familiar to me. But not to worry if you don't have a metric scale or milliliter measuring cup as the recipe below provides you with the cup and tablespoon amounts as well. Not to digress to much here or be more than my unusually redundant self, having a metric scale is worth it's weight in gold. If you don't yet have one, find any excuse to buy one for yourself or find a reason for someone to buy it for you. I promise you (meaning all of my American friends) will find yourself unable to live without it. Okay, done (for the moment).

For those you who haven't yet discovered a Lemon and Poppy Seed Cake having an excessively puckering sweet and sugary lemony flavor, it is your lucky day.

I know I said the ingredients for this cake are readily accessible, but when you look at the ingredient list and see 'caster sugar' listed, you might think I don't understand the meaning of word 'accessible' (but I do, really I do). Caster sugar is becoming one of those ingredients you find regularly sitting on the shelves in some grocery stores and many cooking stores. But if you can't find it, you have a couple of options: (1) Order it online (Amazon is one source); (2) substitute it with superfine sugar; or (3) process your granulated sugar in a food processor until it has a very fine consistency. If you opt for option 3, measure and/or weigh it after it has a superfine consistency. 

Unlike most other loaf cakes where you begin with creaming the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, this cake begins with whisking/beating together the eggs and caster sugar until frothy and pale in color. The whipping cream is added in next. The mixture is whisked/beaten until it becomes even more pale in color and slightly thickened. After a couple of minutes of beating, my mixture became ever so slightly thickened, although I don't think it achieved the consistency implied in the recipe. While it all seemed to work out in the end, I might consider whipping the cream to soft peaks first before adding to the egg/sugar mixture just to see if there is any discernible difference in either the texture or rise of the cake.

The dry ingredients are sifted together and folded into the egg/sugar/cream mixture until fully incorporated. But before you sift and/or add the flour/baking powder/salt, melt the butter, remove from the heat and stir in the poppy seeds and grated lemon zest. The poppy seeds should have some time to soften in the butter/lemon zest before they are added to the batter. Once everything is mixed together, the batter is poured into a prepared one pound loaf pan/tin (8 1/2" x 4 1/2") and baked for approximately 50 minutes in a preheated 350 degree (F) oven. Note: Set your loaf pan on a baking sheet before putting in the oven in the even there is any spillage.

While the Lemon and Poppy Seed Cake is baking, make the lemon glaze. To make it whisk together confectionary sugar and freshly squeezed lemon juice until smooth.

Immediately after removing the cake from the oven, spoon over the lemon glaze evenly over the top. Continue spreading the glaze until it becomes transparent and no pools of glaze remain on the top of the cake. Note: Do not poke holes in the cake.

After topping the hot out of the oven cake with the lemon glaze, allow it to remain in the pan for 30-45 minutes. Then transfer to a platter and let it come to room temperature before serving.

This isn't the first poppy seed cake I have shared on the blog (Glazed Poppy Seed Cake), but it's the first lemon and poppy seed cake made in a loaf versus a bundt pan. While both cakes are delicious, they are very different from each other. In other words, you have room in your life for both of them. Particularly if you are fond of confections made with poppy seeds.

This soul and sweet tooth satisfying cake is tender, moist, and just the right amount of lemony. If you are looking to impress your family and friends without spending hours in the kitchen or shelling out a small fortune at the grocery store, make this Lemon and Poppy Seed Cake. Whether it makes an appearance at breakfast, at afternoon tea, for dessert, or as a night time snack, it's the kind of cake destined to be one your friends and family hope you bring or serve. Just make sure to put a piece away for yourself as its' not likely there will be any leftovers.

Lemon and Poppy Seed Cake (inspired by the Lemon and Poppy Seed Cake recipe from the cookbook "Sweet" by Yotam Ottolenghi and Helen Goh)

3 large eggs, room temperature
1 cup and 2 Tablespoons (225 g) caster (or superfine) sugar (I use India Tree's Caster Sugar)
1/2 cup (120 ml) heavy whipping cream
5 1/2 Tablespoons (75 g) unsalted butter
1 generous Tablespoon (10 g) poppy seeds
1 Tablespoon finely grated lemon zest (from 2-3 lemons)
1 1/3 cups (170 g) all-purpose flour
1 1/4 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
7/8 cup (100 g) confectionary or icing sugar
2 Tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees (F) or 180 degrees (C). Line a one pound loaf pan (8 1/2" x 4 1/2") with parchment paper. Lightly butter sides of pan and parchment paper. Set aside.
2. Melt butter in a small saucepan. Remove from heat and stir in poppy seeds and lemon zest. Set aside.
3. Sift together the all-purpose flour, baking powder and salt. Set aside.
4. In a standing mixer fitted with a whisk attachment (or in a medium sized bowl using a hand mixer), beat together the caster sugar and eggs at medium high speed until pale and frothy (approximately 2 minutes).
5. Add heavy cream and beat until the mixture has slightly thickened and mixture becomes even paler in color. Note: Alternately beat cream until soft peaks form, add to the egg/sugar mixture and continue beating until the batter has slightly thickened. 
6. Add the sifted dry ingredients and fold in using a spatula.
7. Fold in the butter/lemon zest/poppy seed mixture.
8. Pour into the prepared pan and bake for 50 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.
9. While the cake is baking, whisk together the confectionary/icing sugar and lemon juice until smooth to make the glaze.
10. When cake is removed from the oven, immediately spoon over the lemon glaze. Use the back of the spoon to spread the glaze evenly over the cake. Keep moving around the glaze until it has all been absorbed and no pools of glare remain.
11. Allow cake to cool for 30-45 minutes before removing from the pan. 
12. Allow cake to come to room temperature before serving. Cut into 1/2" slices when serving. Store cake covered at room temperature.

Harvest season in an Illinois cornfield.