Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Herb Roasted Pork Tenderloin, Fingerling Potatoes and Red Grapes

On the last day of the recent trip back east, we tried to pack in as much as possible yet not feel hurried or rushed. A leisurely early morning walk in the lush woods helped to set the pace for the hours we had left. With the sounds of birds and rushing water providing a kind of background music, it was impossible not to take in the unspoiled landscapes lying beneath the canopies of the trees. For a brief moment, with the light casting shadows on the trail and on the abundant greenery, it felt magical. Almost as if we had traveled back to another time in history. One much simpler and with limited distractions. Working up a bit of an appetite, we headed out to breakfast before driving to the beach for a last walk along the ocean. After having the woods all to ourselves, we were thrilled to discover, with the exception of a few seagulls, there wasn't anyone else there. For more than an hour we foraged for shells and lucky rocks as we walked along the shoreline. The public beach was our very own private beach. It could not have been a more perfect morning, more perfect end to the trip. Even getting temporarily locked out of house couldn't spoil the day. And yes, that would have been the fault of the most key obsessed person in the group. Me.

Sometimes when I return back from an ocean or mountain view trip, I wonder why I still live in the midwest. A place where neither of these zen-inducing landscapes exist. Unless you squint your eyes and pretend the clouds in the horizon look like a mountain range or drive to a lake having a sandy beach. Although there is a world of difference between a lake and an ocean. Maybe someday I can bring myself to get over the complacency hurdle I have my found myself in. Until then, I will have to figure out how to increase the number of days per year I spend in 'the happy places'.

A few weeks back, a good friend shared and gave rave reviews to the Food and Wine Roast Pork with Fingerling Potatoes and Red Grapes recipe. She made us all laugh when she said only she would consider turning on her oven to a temperature of more than 400 degrees (F) on a sweltering day. Little did she know, several of us would have done the same thing. Having made Lemon Thyme Roasted Grapes as an appetizer before, the combination of roasted pork, fingerling potatoes, and red grapes served in a single dish sounded like the perfect combination of sweet and savory. 

Using the Food and Wine recipe for inspiration, I decided to change it up a bit. Because why not turn a simple sheet pan dinner into a slightly less simple one?

To add even more flavor to the pork tenderloin, I made a marinade using dijon mustard, olive olive oil, chopped rosemary and chopped thyme. From my experience making pork, marinades infuse great flavor into the meat. And this one lived up to all of my marinade flavoring expectations.

After spreading the marinade evenly over the pork tenderloin, it's wrapped and refrigerated for at least 4 hours or up to overnight. If you are making the Herb Roasted Pork Tenderloin, Fingerling Potatoes and Red Grapes for dinner, you can prepare the pork early in the morning or the night before and let the flavor magic happen in the refrigerator.

The overall baking time for this dish ranges from 30-35 minutes, with the most baking time given to the fingerling potatoes and garlic.

Before you begin mixing the potatoes, garlic, freshly chopped herbs, and olive oil together, place the large baking sheet in the preheating 425 degree (F) oven. A hot baking sheet will help to sear the (cut lengthwise) fingerling potatoes. With the potatoes roasting in the oven for 10 minutes, you have more than enough time to sear the pork tenderloin.

Using a cast iron pan, heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Scrape the marinade off the pork tenderloin before placing the pork in the heated pan. Sear the tenderloin on all sides until just lightly browned. The entire browning process takes about 6-8 minutes. Not only does searing add color to the pork tenderloin, it seals in flavor and adds texture.

After giving a quick toss to the roasting potatoes, the seared, salt/pepper seasoned pork tenderloin and thyme/olive oil/red grape mixture are added to the sheet pan. Everything roasts for 20-25 minutes or until the internal temperature of the pork reaches 135-140 degrees (F) when a thermometer is inserted in the thickest part of the pork. 

For the juiciest pork tenderloin, allow it rest 8-10 minutes before slicing into thick 1/2 inch slices. While the pork is resting, keep the potatoes and grapes warm in the oven (immediately reduce the oven temperature to 200 degrees after removing the pork from the tray) as they cool rather quickly.

For a casual presentation of the Herb Roasted Pork Tenderloin, Fingerling Potatoes and Red Grapes, return the sliced pork to the sheet pan and serve. For a slightly more dressed up version of this sheet pan dinner, arrange the pork slices, potatoes and red grapes on a large platter.  Note: If you go the sheet pan presentation route, have a basket of some great, hearty fresh bread available as some might want to sop of some of the highly flavorful pan juices or to schmear on the roasted garlic. 

If you ever needed a reason to turn the oven on to 425 degrees (F) on a hot, humid day, this Herb Roasted Pork Tenderloin, Fingerling Potatoes and Red Grapes would be one of them.  In addition, to having great flavors, this simple, yet elegant dinner can be either a weekday and celebratory meal. 

If you have never had roasted grapes before, you are in for a treat as roasting intensifies their flavor to an incredible level of deliciousness. When picking out red seedless grapes at the farmer's market or grocery store, choose medium to large sized ones as you want the grape clusters to remain slightly intact during the roasting process.

Sheet pan dinners have been trending for awhile now and roasted grapes should never go out of style. The added tweaks of marinating and searing the pork tenderloin are ones you shouldn't skip. And consider the freshly chopped herbs non-negotiable ingredients. Fingerling potatoes roast up beautifully. Their crispy edges and creamy centers will cause everyone to fight over any remaining few. The pork tenderloin is tender, juicy, and rich in flavor. In other words, every element in this savory, sweet Herb Roasted Pork Tenderloin, Fingerling Potatoes and Red Grapes works beautifully. Don't let a hot, humid day deter you from turning on the oven to 425 degrees (F) in order to make it. Because this dish is as blissfully perfect as being able to have the woods and beach all to yourself or shared with a few of your friends.

Herb Roasted Pork Tenderloin, Fingerling Potatoes and Red Grapes
Serves 4 to 6

2 Tablespoons dijon mustard 
1 Tablespoon finely chopped fresh rosemary
1 Tablespoon finely chopped fresh thyme
2 Tablespoons olive oil

Roasted Pork Tenderloin, Fingerling Potatoes and Red Grapes
1 1/4- 1 1/2 pounds fingerling potatoes, cut lengthwise
1 1/4 - 1 1/2 pounds pork tenderloin
1 to 1 1/4 pounds red seedless grapes, medium to large sized, cut into clusters of 4-5 grapes
8 cloves of garlic, peeled
5 Tablespoons olive oil, divided
1 Tablespoon finely chopped fresh rosemary
1 Tablespoon  finely chopped fresh thyme
5-6 fresh sprigs of thyme
Rosemary sprigs and thyme sprigs for garnish
Kosher salt and black pepper

'1. Combine marinade ingredients in small bowl. Stir to combine. 
2. Brush marinade evenly over the pork tenderloin. Place tenderloin on dish. Cover and refrigerate for 4 hours or as long as overnight.

Roasted Pork Tenderloin, Fingerling Potatoes and Red Grapes
1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees (F). Place baking sheet in the oven (at least 10 minutes).
2. Toss the grapes with 1 Tablespoon of olive oil and 1 Tablespoon of finely chopped fresh thyme. Set aside.
3. Toss the fingerling potatoes and garlic cloves with 2 Tablespoons olive oil and 1 Tablespoon finely chopped fresh rosemary. Transfer potatoes (cut side down) to heated baking sheet. Roast for 10 minutes.
4. While potatoes are beginning to roast, scrape the marinade off the pork tenderloin. Using a cast iron pan sear the pork tenderloin in 2 Tablespoons of olive oil until lightly browned on all sides. Remove pork from pan, season with salt and pepper, and place on the baking sheet with potatoes. Add grape mixture along with several sprigs of thyme to the pan. Return sheet pan to oven and bake for 20-25 minutes or until an instant read thermometer inserted in the thickest part of the pork reads 135-140 degrees (F). Note: Turn potatoes over before returning the baking sheet back in the oven.
5. Reduce oven temperature to 200 degrees (F).
6. Transfer the roasted pork to a cutting board. Allow to rest for 8-10 minutes. Keep the potatoes and grapes in the reduced temperature oven while the pork is resting.
7. Slice pork into thick (half-inch slices). Arrange pork slices on large platter.
8. Remove potatoes and grapes from the oven. Arrange on platter with the pork. Season potatoes with salt and pepper. Garnish with thyme and rosemary sprigs. 
9. Serve immediately.

Wilbur Woods, Little Compton, Rhode Island (June 2018)