Monday, March 30, 2020

Oven Roasted Tuscan Frites

"In a dark time, the eye begins to see." (Theodore Roethke) As each day goes by, my perspective on what really matters to me is slowly beginning to shift. Kindness is one of those things that has always mattered to me. The genuine, unselfish kind. Doing something for someone else just because it makes you feel good or brings your heart pure joy. Small or large, the size of the kindness doesn't matter. Knowing you may have brought a smile to a friend's or stranger's face does. Lately, everyday around here my heart feels an even greater need to do some random act of kindness. Having moments of experiencing pure joy help to make it a little easier to cope with all of the uncertainty before us. Although I will admit there have been days when I have felt so overwhelmed with the gravity of this new normal, the thought of doing even the smallest of kindnesses seems to be mentally and physically challenging. On those days it makes my heart happy just to hear of others showing genuine kindness. Like the guy who offered to pay for the gas of my nephew's girlfriend just because he wanted to thank her for being a health care worker (she happened to be wearing her hospital clothing at the gas station). Or like the woman who brought her friend all of the ingredients to make Irish Soda Bread so she could continue her tradition of making it for St. Patrick's Day. Just hearing those stories of random acts of kindness not only reaffirmed my hope for humanity, they almost made me weep. In all of this reflection, I realized my concept of kindness has shifted even further. For example, when a kindness comes with strings attached, with an agenda, or the expectation of a favor in return, well, let's just say (or maybe we agree to disagree) in this 'new normal' world, those aren't kindnesses at all. They are something completely different. Not a bad different, just different, but not to be confused with kindness or a generous heart. I can't really explain why all of this matters to me, but staying mindful of all of this just feels really important to me, especially now. However, what really matters even more to me is the need for us to keep looking for, finding, doing, and acknowledging kindnesses so we can create an even better culture, better world. One overflowing with genuine kindnesses.

And how about living in a world where french fries are not only addictively scrumptious, but healthy too? Are you thinking that healthy and french fries don't belong in the same sentence? You might be right. But what if you put oven roasted fries or frites and healthy together in the same sentence? Maybe we could all agree these words really can belong together!

What if I told you these Oven Roasted Tuscan Frites have so much flavor, you may never want to eat another 'fried' french fry again? Well I am going to tell you they do! Between the olive oil, herbs, garlic, and a little bit of Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, they are mouthwatering, deeply flavorful delicious. 

All you need to make these Oven Roasted Tuscan Frites are some Idaho russet potatoes, olive oil, fresh rosemary, fresh sage, garlic, paprika, a small amount of butter, some Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, kosher salt, and flaky sea salt. And to serve them all you need is some ketchup, garlic aoili, and/or mayonnaise. 

The keys to making crispy oven roasted frites are (1) cutting the potatoes into 1/4" matchsticks and (2) roasting them at a high (425 degrees F) temperature. 

Tossing the potatoes in olive oil adds flavors, gives color, and prevents sticking. Once tossed in olive oil, the potatoes are then tossed with the paprika and kosher salt. The fresh rosemary, fresh sage, and smashed garlic cloves get tossed in just before the pan goes into the preheated 425 degree (F) oven. After roasting the potatoes for 15-20 minutes, the potatoes are flipped and roasted for another 20 minutes. But they aren't done yet.

The roasted potatoes are tossed with softened room temperature butter along with some finely grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese and returned back to the oven for only 5 more minutes. Sprinkle with some flaky sea salt and get ready to be dipping your Oven Roasted Tuscan Frites into your favorite condiment! Or just eat them plain!

These frites are herby, salty, crispy, and tender! Everything a frite is supposed to be! 

This is a two condiment household. After discovering how delicious a warm frite dipped in a garlic aioli was, I permanently and without regret gave up dipping them in ketchup. However, someone else here is a ketchup monster and would think it sacrilegious if frites (or fries) weren't served with it.

I could literally gush over these Oven Roasted Tuscan Frites endlessly. But I will try to show some restraint and not describe them with every possible adjective. You are just going to have to make them! Serve them on a brown paper bag or parchment paper lined platter (or room temperature baking sheet) and watch them be disappear! Serving these Oven Roasted Tuscan Frites to your family (and someday your friends when we are no longer social distancing) will bring them a whole new level of pure, simple joy!

Oven Roasted Tuscan Frites (inspired by the Oven Roasted Tuscan Fries recipe from Half Baked Harvest)
Serves 2-4

2 large Idaho russet potatoes, unpeeled, cut into 1/4" thick matchsticks
3-4 Tablespoons olive oil
3-4 sprigs of fresh rosemary
12-14 fresh sage leaves
5-6 garlic cloves, peeled and smashed
1/2 teaspoon Hungarian Paprika
Kosher salt
2 Tablespoons unsalted butter, very room temperature
3 generous Tablespoons grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
Flaky sea salt
Ketchup and/or Garlic Aoili for dipping

1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees (F).
2. Place the potatoes on a large rimmed baking sheet. First toss with the olive oil, paprika, and generous pinch of kosher salt. Then toss with the rosemary, sage leaves and smashed garlic cloves. Spread the potatoes evenly on the pan, being careful to not overcrowd them.
3. Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes.
4. Flip the potatoes and bake for another 20 minutes.
5. Toss the potatoes with the butter and grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese. Return to the oven and bake for additional 5 minutes. Potatoes should be golden, tender, and crispy.
6. Remove from the oven and sprinkle with flaky sea salt.
7. Serve immediately with ketchup, garlic aioli or mayonnaise, and some additional flaky sea salt.

Notes: (1) You can easily double this recipe. If you do, use two baking rimmed baking pans. (2) I like serving the Oven Roasted Tuscan Frites on a large piece of crumbled parchment paper. You could also serve them on a brown paper bag! (3) I removed the skins from the smashed garlic cloves, but you could leave them on.