Monday, February 20, 2023

Chocolate Covered Peanutty Stuffed Dates aka Candy Bar Dupes

"If you snooze, you lose." We all know this timeless adage. "If you skip going out to breakfast or coffee with your friends after a Saturday morning run, you miss out." This recently invented adage is my new motto. I had skipped out on going to a post-run breakfast a few ago, only to subsequently learn at the next one that I missed out on more than the group camaraderie. My friend Rose had shared how her sister Imelda told her she really needed to make chocolate covered peanut butter and pecan stuffed dates. So being a really good sister, Rose listened. And after she made them, Rose again shared the story. Thankfully I was there to hear the story being told a second time. And luckily the second telling came with a resounding endorsement! The chocolate covered peanut butter and pecan stuffed dates, ones akin to tasting like a Snickers bar but a bit 'healthier', were indeed everything Imelda said they were. Being a good friend I listened to this story. Which meant after immediately going home to learn a little more about these delicious sounding 'better than a candy bar' confections, I made them less than twenty-four hours later. And what did I think? I will simply say these absolutely, unbelievably scrumptious, five ingredient, five star wonder bars would not have been possible without my friends Imelda and Rose. 

If I didn't tell you these Chocolate Covered Peanutty Stuffed Dates aka Candy Bar Dupes were made with dates, you would never ever know. Which means when you make them for your friends and family, withhold that bit of information until they taste them. I am betting they won't believe you.

And your friends who have a sweet tooth, will love you more than they already do for these 'all of the pleasure without almost all of the guilt' bars.

Medjool dates, dark chocolate, creamy peanut butter, flaky sea salt and toasted pecans (or chopped honey roasted peanuts or a praline pecan) create a confection likely to become your newest obsession. They definitely qualify as having additive properties.

Medjools are best dates to use as they are sweet, chewy, dense, and the perfect size for stuffing! The first step in making the Chocolate Covered Peanutty Stuffed Dates aka Candy Bar Dupes is removing the pit using a sharp knife. Once the pit is removed, slightly open the date. When cutting the date, be careful not to cut all the way through the date when removing the pit.

Use an offset spatula to stuff about 1/2 teaspoon of creamy peanut butter into the opening. Then add either a toasted pecan half, a pecan praline half, or about a 1/2 teaspoon of chopped honey roasted peanuts.

Close up the stuffed date and dip them into the melted chocolate.

If you want to gussy them up a bit, use a fork or a pastry bag to drizzle or pipe a little more chocolate on top before lightly sprinkling with flaky sea salt. If you want a simpler presentation, just lightly sprinkle on the flaky sea salt before the chocolate sets. 

The set up time for the chocolate dipped stuffed dates should be less than 15 minutes, especially if you are using a good quality melting chocolate. They will set up at room temperature, however, if you are making them on a humid day or in the summer, you can let them set up in the refrigerator. On a side note, I think they taste even better when slightly chilled.

Some will describe these Chocolate Covered Peanutty Stuffed Dates aka Candy Bar Dupes as tasting like a Snickers Bar, some might say they have a Buckeye quality to them, some will say they detect a slight caramel flavor (that would come from the dates), and others will just be completely flabbergasted that something seemingly so decadent is made with dates. But regardless of everyone's first impression, they will devour them!! 

The inspiration for these Chocolate Covered Peanutty Stuffed Dates aka Candy Bar Dupes came from two friends. And the name (Candy Bar Dupes) for these insanely good bites came from another. After sharing my first batch with running friends, my friend Suzie asked what I was going to call them. Other than the very wordy Chocolate Covered Peanutty Stuffed Dates, I said I didn't know. It was then she suggested the word 'dupe'. While it's a word that could be interpreted in multiple ways, I liked it. And just like that the Chocolate Covered Peanutty Stuffed Dates had a second, more fun, easier to remember name. Candy Bar Dupes! But whatever you call them, you should make these dangerously delicious, more wholesome alternative to a real candy bar. They are really sinfully good!

Chocolate Covered Peanutty Stuffed Dates aka Candy Bar Dupes
Makes 20

12 ounces (340g) package of Organic Whole Fresh Medjool Dates (there are about 20 dates in the container)
Creamy Peanut Butter (about a 1/4 cup)
20 toasted pecan halves or praline pecan halves OR 1/3 cup chopped honey roasted peanuts
12 ounces (342g) dark chocolate melting wafers, melted
Flaky Sea Salt

1. Cut a slit in each date with a sharp knife. With the tip of knife remove the pit.
2. Using an offset spatula, place about 1/2 teaspoon of the creamy butter into one side of the date.
3. Insert the pecan half and/or about 1/2 teaspoon of crushed honey roasted peanuts into the date opening.
4. Carefully close up the date. 
5. Dip the stuffed dates into the melted dark chocolate. Place the chocolate dipped date onto a sheet of parchment paper. Lightly drizzle or pipe on some additional chocolate (to gussy them up) and then lightly  sprinkle with flaky sea salt. Let the chocolate set. Note: If using a good melting chocolate, set up time will be less than 15 minutes (especially if placed in a cooler location in your house). 
6. Enjoy immediately or put in a covered container and place in the refrigerator to chill. Note: They are even more delicious when chilled.
7. The Chocolate Covered Peanutty Stuffed Dates aka Candy Bar Dupes will remain fresh for up to 2 weeks if stored in the refrigerator.

Notes: (1) I used Jif Creamy Butter. (2) To toast the pecan halves, place on a heavy bottomed baking sheet. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Bake for 7-9 minutes or until lightly darkened and fragrant. (3) There are hundreds of recipes for similarly made confections. Many suggest you either chill the stuffed date before you dip them in chocolate or put them in either the freezer or refrigerator after you dip them. I didn't find that necessary. Although when I make these on a hot, humid day in the summer, more than likely I will place the dipped dates in the refrigerator to set up.