Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Ice Box Kahlua Tiramisu

With the Saturday morning run cancelled due to extremely cold weather, one of my friends suggested we all go to our new favorite local fitness center to take a tabata class. Having never taken one before, I had absolutely no clue as to what my body was in store for. Midway through the class I was convinced tabata was a derivative of or word for torture in some language. Subsequently I learned this high-intensity interval workout was named after its' inventor, Japanese physician Dr. Izumi Tabata. Purely speculative on my part, but he also must have been a masochist. Surviving the thirty minute class ranked right up there with finishing a doctoral dissertation, running a marathon on a hilly course without properly training for it, and yes, even hiking the steep, multiple switchback 1 1/2 mile round trip Mount Sentinel "M" Trail on a hot sunny day in Missoula (MT). Okay, maybe I am slightly exaggerating just how grueling my first tabata class was. However, after experiencing the rush that comes from enduring a takes your breath away, seeing stars workout, the 'in your head' insanity switch flips on. Which, for me, translates into knowingly putting my body through another torturous tabata class again this week. It's too early to tell whether or not this workout rush will become addictive.

If you thinking taking a tabata sounds a bit crazy, you just might consider the making of this Ice Box Kahlua Tiramisu even crazier. Who would have thought Chips Ahoy cookies soaked in a milk-Kahlua mixture, espresso flavored Cool Whip, some mini-chocolate chips and/or crushed chocolate covered espresso beans, along with some freshly whipped cream could come together to create an insanely delicious tiramisu knock-off. But it does and it is.

Every now and then I come across a recipe taking me outside of my comfort zone. Not in the too difficult sense, but in the 'too good to be true' sense. But Tasting Table's version of this Ice Box Kahlua Tiramisu had me at chocolate chip cookies dipped in a milk and Kahlua mixture. Particularly because I am someone who loves how the texture of cookies, especially chocolate chip cookies, transform when dipped in milk. There are some six year old habits that stay with us.

The evolution of Ice Box Cakes goes all the way back to Renaissance-era trifles. The ice box or refrigerator cakes as we know them today originated in the 1920s/30s when store-bought and packaged cookies began to become readily available. Cookies layered between custard, freshly whipped cream, and/or tub whipped cream create such rich delicious desserts, it is sometimes hard to fathom something so rich and decadent is so easy to make. Often made in the summer, when a cool dessert gives some welcome relief to the heat of the day, ice box or refrigerator cakes satisfy any time of the year.

To further enhance the coffee flavor in this Ice Box Kahlua Tiramisu, I mixed one teaspoon of espresso powder into the Cool Whip. The resulting next day flavor was detectable, but subtle. Next time, and there will be a next time, I will increase the amount of espresso powder to 1 1/2 teaspoons.

Between layers of the expresso infused Cool Whip are the milk-Kahlua dipped Chips Ahoy Cookies. Quickly dipping the cookies is key as if left in the liquid mixture for too long they will fall apart. Two packages of Chips Ahoy cookies create six or seven cookie layers in this Ice Box Kahlua Tiramisu. For added crunch and a bit more chocolate, lightly sprinkle some mini-chocolate chips between three of the layers. Instead of mini-chocolate chips, you could also layer crushed chocolate covered espresso beans. Or you could use both the chips and beans in alternate layers!

When covering the cookie layer with the espresso flavored Cool Whip, add just enough to cover the cookies. A one pound tub of Cool Whip will be enough to create even layers of cream between the cookies. The final layer of the Ice Box Kahlua Tiramisu should be the expresso flavored Cool Whip. Cover and place in the refrigerator overnight.

The final finishing touch is a layer of freshly whipped cream lightly dusted with cocoa. After adding the whipped cream before it was refrigerated overnight, I would recommend you wait to add it until ready to serve (or at least several hours before).

Serving the Ice Box Kahlua Tiramisu in a trifle bowl makes for a beautiful presentation (there really is something to be said for that old adage 'we eat with our eyes'.)  In the event you don't have one of these bowls, you can always make it in a 9"x12" glass dish.

The milk-Kahlua dipped Chip Ahoy cookies take on a cake-like quality in this incredibly scrumptious, rich Ice Box Kahlua Tiramisu. This ever so slightly boozy, creamy with a little bit of crunch dessert is pure insanity. A perfect dessert to make for a large gathering and especially one when you are short on time (or are deliriously exhausted after a strenuous workout).

If you have never made an ice box or refrigerator cake before, this is the one you want to make this one first. In the best of ways, you will be delirious in the first bite.
Ice Box Kahlua Tiramisu (inspired by a Tasting Table no bake Chips Ahoy, Kahlua and Cool Whip Cake recipe post)

1/2 cup whole milk
1/2 cup Kahlua
2 packages (13 ounce size) Original Chips Ahoy Cookies (Not soft baked)
16 ounce container of Cool Whip, allowed to soften in the refrigerator
1 teaspoon espresso powder (for a deeper mocha flavor, increase to 1 1/2 teaspoons)
1/2 cup mini-chocolate chips or 1/2 cup chopped chocolate covered espresso beans, or 1/4 cup of each
Freshly Whipped Cream
Sifted Cocoa for finishing (recommend Dutch Process Cocoa)
Whole Espresso beans for finishing, optional

1. Combine milk and Kahlua. Set aside.
2. Mix expresso powder into softened Cool Whip. 
3. On the bottom of a trifle dish, spread a thin layer of expresso flavored Cool Whip.
4. Quickly dip each cookie into the Kahlua-milk mixture (do not let them soak or they will fall apart). Place enough of the dipped cookies on Cool Whip layer to fully cover. Spread a layer of espresso flavored Cool Whip over cookie layer. Note: Lightly sprinkle mini-chocolate chips or chopped espresso beans between 2-3 of the layers. Or use both the chips and beans in alternate layers.
5. Repeat alternating layers of Kahlua dipped cookies and espresso flavored Cool Whip, until you run out of cookies. Note: End with a thin layer of the espresso flavored Cool Whip. 
6. Cover and place in the refrigerator overnight.
7. Before serving, pipe freshly whipped cream on top of ice box Kahlua Tiramisu. Lightly sift cocoa powder over top of whipped cream. Optional: Decorate top with whole espresso beans.