Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Triple Chocolate Loaf Cake

Every time I see some incredulously captivating, droolworthy landscape photos I have a strong urge to pack up my car, channel the inner Ansel Adams lying somewhere within, and go on a solo photography adventure journey. A backroad road trip with a plan subject to detours, preferably one heading west. However, I usually manage to repress those impulsive thoughts, convincing myself without some sort of plan this might not be such a good idea. In a perfect world this would happen if I had driver who could stop on a dime, figure out how to park on the narrowest of roads, had the patience of Job along with the endurance of an ultra-marathoner, enjoyed drinking red wine, and was an engaging dinner companion. Clearly I am not expecting too much. So until such time I get the courage or good fortune to live out this fantasy, I need to keep finding other ways, ones relatively closer to home, to feed my insatiable need to capture landscapes and nature with my camera. What about you? Do you have some yet to be realized dreams? 

As you ponder that question, maybe you should sit back and enjoy something deeply chocolatey. Like maybe a slice of this Triple Chocolate Loaf Cake. Whether paired with a tall glass of milk or cup of coffee, eating cake made with not one, but three kinds of chocolate, is bound to bring irrepressible glee to your day. Could you pass up the chance to experience chocolate bliss?

If you are someone who gives yourself permission to indulge in chocolate, either in moderation or with reckless abandon, you absolutely need to have this Triple Chocolate Loaf Cake in your life. And guess what? The recipe makes not one, but two loaves! Which means you have one to save for later, share, or gift!

Triple Chocolate Loaf Cake is made with unsweetened cocoa and bittersweet cocoa and studded with semisweet chocolate chips. If that wasn't enough chocolate ecstasy, the addition of instant espresso (or instant coffee) and dark brown sugar in the cake batter further deepens the flavor of chocolate.

Assembling all of the ingredients before you begin baking anything, especially this Triple Chocolate Loaf Cake, makes such a difference. Taking out the eggs end butter the night before makes an even bigger difference.

I made only a few changes to Ina Garten's Triple Chocolate Loaf Cake recipe. I used instant espresso instead of instant coffee; used Ghiradelli unsweetened cocoa instead of Pernigotti cocoa; used bittersweet chocolate chips instead of chopping up a bar of bittersweet chocolate; toasted the walnuts before baking; and, topped the loaves with a small handful of chocolate chips before they went into the oven. 

The only thing I didn't do, but should have, was waiting for the cake to cool to room temperature before slicing it. But I didn't want to wait. So instead of beautiful smooth slices of cake, I ended up with both slices and crumbs. Note: The slices from the completely cooled to room temperature Triple Chocolate Loaf Cake were perfect.

The cake loaves bake in a preheated 350 degree (F) oven for 45-55 minutes. My baking time was closer to 50 minutes.

For as much chocolate as there is in this cake, it's not overly sweet, not overly rich. Yet it is deeply satisfying and more than enough to satisfy any craving you may have for chocolate.

I wouldn't be surprised if you go to bed dreaming about this Triple Chocolate Loaf Cake and wake up wanting a slice. 

Triple Chocolate Loaf (inspired by Ina Garten's recipe for Triple Chocolate Loaf Cakes in her cookbook "Cook Like a Pro: Recipes and Tips for Home Cooks")
Makes 2 loaves

1 cup (16 Tablespoons) unsalted butter, room temperature
2 cups plus 2 Tablespoons all-purpose flour, divided
1 cup boiling water
5 ounces (142g) bittersweet chocolate chips or roughly chopped chocolate
2 Tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1 teaspoon instant espresso or instant coffee
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt
1 cup walnuts, toasted and coarsely chopped
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips, plus a small handful, divided
1 cup (200g) granulated sugar
1 cup dark brown sugar, firmly packed
3 extra-large eggs, room temperature
2 teaspoons vanilla

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees (F). Line two 4" x 9" or 4 1/2 x 8 1/2" loaf pans with parchment paper. Spray pans with vegetable oil. Set aside.
2. Sift two cups of flour, baking powder, and salt in a medium sized bowl. Set aside.
3. Boil one cup of water. Pour into a 2 cup measuring cup. Add in bittersweet chocolate, instant expresso and cocoa powder. Stir until chocolate has melted. Allow to cool for 15-20 minutes.
4. In a medium sized bowl, combine the semisweet chocolate chips, chopped walnuts and 2 Tablespoons of flour. Stir and set aside.
5. In the bowl of standing mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat together the butter, granulated sugar and dark brown sugar until fluffy (approximately 3 minutes).
6. Add in the eggs one at a time, beating until each is incorporated. Scrape down the sides of the bowl between each egg addition.
7. Add the flour and chocolate mixture in thirds, beginning with the flour. 
8. Fold in the chocolate chip/nut mixture with a spatula.
9. Divide the batter equally between the two loaf pans. Smooth the tops with an offset spatula. Sprinkle the small handful of chocolate chips over the top.
10. Bake for 45-55 minutes or until a tester inserted into the loaves comes out clean. Turn the pans midway through the baking process. Note: Baking time was closer to the 50 minute mark, but began checking for doneness at 45 minutes.
11. Remove from oven, set on a cooling rack for 30 minutes before removing the loaves from the pans. Cool to room temperature before slicing.
12. Cut and enjoy! Store the chocolate loaves covered either at room temperature or in the refrigerator. 

Notes: (1) If you are keeping the second loaf for yourself, wrap with plastic wrap and store in the refrigerator. (2) I used Ghiradelli's unsweetened cocoa powder, bittersweet chocolate chips and semisweet chocolate chips. 

Eagle Bluff Lighthouse (1868), Peninsula State Park, Fish Creek, Wisconsin (2018)